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Arkansas HIstory

  • George Washington Becomes President

    George Washington Becomes President
    He was the first president of the united states he was born in February 22, 1732 he died in December 14, 1799 In Mount Vernon, Virginia
  • Napoleon force Spain to sign the secret treaty

    Napoleon force Spain to sign the secret treaty
    The secret treaty returned the land of Louisiana to the french from Spain
  • Thomas Jeffeson becomes third president

    Thomas Jeffeson becomes third president
    Thomas Jefferson became the third president in 1801 until 1809
    He was the statesman, Thomas Jefferson was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase
  • Lewis and clark explore the northern Louisiana purchase

    Lewis and clark explore the northern Louisiana purchase
    Thomas Jefferson had asked the congress to fund an expedition through the Louisiana territory into the Pacific ocean. in 1803 Thomas Jefferson had discovered the corps of discovery.
  • Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana territory from France

    Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana territory from France
    The Louisiana purchase took like 828,000,000 miles of territory from France territory
  • Freeman and Custis explore the Red River

    Freeman and Custis explore the Red River
    Explored the Red river, headwaters was reached which was making it the last western river to be charted.
  • New Madrid earthquakes

    New Madrid earthquakes
    The Madrid is one of the largest areas of the large settlements on the Mississippi river and St.louis The damage gets around 600,000 square Kl.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 was the Military conflict that had begun in June 1812 and had ended in February 18, 1815 which had been fought in the united kingdom
  • Fort Smith is established

    Fort Smith is established
  • Quapaw Treaty

    Quapaw Treaty
    The Quapaw Nation of indian seceded to the united states of America. Beginning of the point on Arkansas river
  • The french revolution

    The french revolution
    The french revolution began in 1839 and ended in the almost late 1790's the french revolution was influenced by enlightenment ideals. The french also had redesigned there country political landscape
  • Dunbar and Hunter explore the Quachita River and Hot Springs

    Dunbar and Hunter explore the Quachita River and Hot Springs
    The Dunbar Hunter expedition was led well convinced by Thomas Jefferson to explore all the natural recourses and the native american culture. William Dunbar was born 1750 it really dosen't give a date but he died in October 16, 1810
  • Henry Rowe Schoolcraft explores Arkansas

    Henry Rowe Schoolcraft explores Arkansas
    Henry Rowe wrote the first published account of the Missouri and Arkansas ozark, he also introduced the region into the world but his writing helped established enduring negative.