Arizona Becomes a State
Arizona's statehood was granted. -
Immigration Act of 1924
This law was passed and held the provisions that immigrants could not make up more than 2% (from each nationality) of the U.S. population. -
Bracero Program
This allowed for temporary settlement in the United States with the agreement to work. This work was that of manual labor and was looking to help with agriculture. -
Operation Wetback
Border Patrol siezed over 800,000 illegal immigrants and sent them back over the border. This was one of the first time seeing the amount of illegal immigrants who had made it into the United States illegally. -
Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965
This was nicknames the "Hart Cellar Act" and puts a limit on the numer of immigrants allowed into the United States but limiteng the amount of Visas given. -
North American Free Trade Agreeement
Canada, Mexico, and the United States and allowed for trade to commence with the three nations. -
Bill Clinton Helps Mexico
Mexico was hitting an economic low, so President Clinton helped by giving Mexico a 20 billion dollar lown that put Mexico and the United States on good terms to start working out other issues such as drugs -
Bill Clinton Signs Declaration
Bill Clinton signs a declaration with Mexico's president, Ernesto Zedillo, working towards putting a stop to the drug trafficing that is taking place. -
Proposition 200
Voters pass Prop. 200 which does not allow illegal immigrants to have acces to federal benefits. This denies illegal aliens to provide proof of citizenship to vote and limits them to certain government servies. -
State Employer Sanctions Law Passed
This law was passed and states that and people or buisnesses found hiring illegal immigrants, in a knowing state, have the ability to have their buisness license revoked or suspended. -
Immigration and Crime Sweep Begins
Using racial stereotypes, Sheriff Joe Arpaio send approximently 200 volunteers into known polutated Hispani areas to search for illegal immigrants. -
Virtual Fence
A plan is set in action that is called the virtual fence. It was set to be built along the border between the United States and Mexico with a series of cameras and other devices along 53 miles of the border. -
SB 1070 Signed
A law was signed that allowed Police to ask people for their proof of citizenship when a reasonable suspicision arises. This is highly controversial and people say it calls for racial profiling. -
Federal Court Hearings
The SB 1070 was so controversial that it was taken to the federal court. This hearing ended with no final ruling. Many other states enacted their own laws to crack down on immigartion as well. -
SB 1070 Goes Into Affect
After many protests, court hearings, and disagreements, law SB 1070 goes into affect. Many people are outaraged and call it unconstitutional.