Ariana's Life Path

  • Birth

  • Period: to

    Birth to 12 years of Age

  • Meeting family for the first time

    Meeting family for the first time
  • First Birthday

    First Birthday
  • Baptism

  • First time dressing up for Haloween

    First time dressing up for Haloween
  • My First Pet

    My First Pet
  • First Horse

    First Horse
  • First Time at Disney

    First Time at Disney
  • Building Snowmans

    Building Snowmans
  • First time at the beach

    First time at the beach
  • Became a Big Sister!

    Became a Big Sister!
  • Period: to

    Highschool/Teen Years

  • Confirmation

  • Competitively Dancing

    Competitively Dancing
  • Travels to Mexico

    Travels to Mexico
  • First Day of Highschool

    First Day of Highschool
  • Performed on Broadway and Times Square

    Performed on Broadway and Times Square
  • Sophomore Prom

    Sophomore Prom
  • Junior Hoco

    Junior Hoco
  • Graduate

  • Period: to

    After Graduation to Death

  • Attend Nursing School

    Attend Nursing School
  • Get Married

    Get Married
  • Become a CRNA

    Become a CRNA
  • Buy A House

    Buy A House
  • Travel the world

    Travel the world
  • Death
