Primary emotions
Aria has been experessing her primary emotions recently. Primarily fear and surprise (p.164) because she is cautions and shy around new people. She does not let me out of her sight. Therefore, calming her down takes awhile. -
Gross Motor Skills
Aria's gross motor skills at age 3 are below average and underdeveloped. Particularly on climbing, throwing and catching tasks. Toddlers can begin to climb stairs, toddlers can throw a ball farther and more accurately, and they become better at cathcing a ball too.(p.237) Aria will need more guidance and practive in these areas. -
Aggressive Behavior
Aria displayed instrumental aggression when playing with another child and they both wanted the toy and Aria said "Mine!" Instrumental aggression is involved when a child wants something (toys, food, and attention) and uses aggressive behavior or words to get it (p.271). Early childhood is important for the development of aggression and indicates a child is ready for preschool. -
Depressed mood
Aria displayed depressed mood after her boyfriend broke up with her. Depressed mood is a term for temporary period of sadness, without any related symptoms (p.390). Depressed mood is a common emotion in adolescents. -
Preconventional reasoning
Aria is cheating less at games, but recently she has been lying about things that happen at school or blames her sister for wrong doings. Aria is at the preconventional level of moral development. Moral reasoning is based on perceptions of the likelihood of external rewards and punishments (p.368). -
Tertiary Education
Aria demostrates tertiary education by continuing her education at a 4 year college. She decided to work while attending classes, minimizing student loans . She finds a job on campus working in the library and it pays well. Participation in tertiary edcuation requires a great deal of money per year, paid mainly by emerging adults and their parents in the US, and mainly by the government in other devloped countries.(p.421) -
Aria and her boyfriend have been together for awhile,decide they cannot live without one another, they share the same hopes, dreams, plans, and goals for life, and decieded to get married. Marriage is a human universal. It is found in all cultures, and in all cultures it is an economic and sexual union that is expected to be more or less permanent.(p.476) -
Becoming a parent
Shortly after getting married we are pregnant, the baby is full term, and no issues. Just as the majority of young adults get married, the majority of yound adults become parents, in every country.(p.488) -
After 20 years together we begin to grow apart from one another. We can't stand to be around one another, we get angry, and resentful about little things. We eventually decied divorce is the best decision for both of us. About 10% of divorces in the United States and Canada occur after 20 years or more. (p.537) -
Primary Aging
I have been experiencing primary aging. My body is physically changing and not look as youthful, I need dental work(fillings replaced), I cannot enjoy spicy or greasy food any longer, and I seem to get cold more easily. Primary aging is the inevitable biological aging that takes place in all members of the human species, as it takes place in all living organisms.(p.558)