Arasi Timeline

  • Period: to

    Singing School's

    The singing in church's were lacking musicality, so they created schools in order to create a better ensemble.
  • The 1800's

    This was a time for musical depression. They started question if they should even teach children how to read music. Because of this they were starting to loose the joy of music. People weren't into it anymore. However, one good thing about this time is Dewy and Montessori. They thought that having a child centered education would be better for the students.
  • All the Women

    A high school in Northampton, Massachusetts had nearly all their girls in the choir.
  • First Music Class in Boston

    This was the first time in history that music was integrated into a school, and actually taught.
  • The New York Philharmonic was founded

  • The first band was created

  • The symphony Society of New York was founded

  • The first instrumental teacher

    The first teacher was hired in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
  • The St. Louis Symphony was started

  • Violin School

    Benjamin started the first free violin school to help people become more music aware.
  • Seperate but Equal

    During the Civil Rights Movement they came up with the idea of separate but equal. This wasn't good for the children because some of the schools weren't getting the education that they needed.
  • The 1900's

    This was a time for innovation. They started creating method books, and music series books. However, there was a problem because it was westernized. Similarly, music just became entertainment.
  • Placido De Montoliu

    He brought Dalcroz's theory to the united states in this time.
  • Acappella

    This was the year that A cappella became big.
  • Immigration was restricted

  • MNSC

    The Music Supervisors National Conference met, and it was the most significant event in American high school choral music.
  • Carmina Borana

    The Carmina Borana was created, which is a scenic oratorio names after a 13-century manuscript collection of Latin Folk.
  • The Teaching and Administration of High School

    This was a book written by Peter Dykema and Karl Gehrkens, and it was about jazz and swing
  • The Teaching and Administration of Music Education

    This book was wrote by Peter Dykema and Karl Gherkins and it was very influential in the jazz and swing world.
  • The G.I will of rights was signed

    This bill allowed service men to complete their schooling after service, and this led to an increase in jazz and swing ensembles.
  • The 1950's

    This was a time of war. And since they wanted a better military, they started pushing for the stem program. This led to a large drop in all music programs.
  • Contemporary Era

    This was the beginning of the Contemporary era. This brought a tidal wave of education changes.
  • Music for Children

    This is a novel published by Orff.
  • Segregation was Unconstitutional

    This was a turning point for music because even though things were still segregated, they were able to expand on music.
  • The Contemporary Music Project

    Foundation solicited leaders in the arts for ideas enriching cultural life in the U.S.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik created a huge push towards STEM because the U.S felt like there were falling behind and they didn't want to come second to a rival nation.
  • Basic Concepts in Music Education

    This was a book written by Allen Britton.
  • Woods Hole Conference

    This Conference led to a push for music. They realized that we needed to keep a balance of the arts and STEM.
  • Young Composer's Project

    Grant and Joio established the young composers project. This project was created to try and help composers and school's become better at composer development.
  • Foundations and Principles of Music Education

    This was a book written by Charles Leonhard and Robert House. This book argued for the educational centrality of music.
  • Contemporary Music Project

    Grant awarded $1,380,000 to organize the CMP. This program became very large.
  • Yale Seminar

    This was created to help identify problems facing music in American schools. This seminar led to all of education to change.
  • Schools have stage bands

    This was a requirement for school music programs because they thought that they would draw students into those programs and then into the more serious bands.
  • Julliard Repertory Project

    This program was led by Vittorio Giannini.
  • MENC Biennial Conference #2

    During this meeting they published "Music in General Education".
  • MENC Biennial Conference

    This was a turning point for music because new ideas were coming to music. During this meeting William Hartshorn brought up the idea of a more conceptual approach.
  • MMCP was Created

    The Manhattanville Music Curriculum Program was created, and directed by Ronald Thomas. Thomas used expletory studies of 92 innovative music programs in 36 states.
  • William and Charles Schuller

    They argued the idea that dance band should be part of the school instrumental program.
  • Tanglewood Symposium

    The purpose was to define the role of American music education while society was changing.
  • Internation Symposium

    The first international symposium was held in California.
  • Northwest Swing Chior Festival

    This festival brought great jazz voicings and improvisation.
  • The Hawaii music program was created

  • A Philosophy in Music Education

    This book was written by Bennentt Reimer, and it had a profound influence
  • The Internation Kodaly Society was founded

  • American Kodaly Educators

    This was created to facilitate the growth and development of Kodaly education in the US.
  • Period: to

    Addison- Wesley

    Addison and Wesley published a wide range of Comprehensive Musicianship teaching novels.
  • The 1980's

    This was another bad time for music. When they started to see a decline in SAT scores, they started to leave music behind and push for core classes.
  • NAJE

    The International Association for Jazz Education was created.
  • The 1990's

    These were great years for music, because music started to expand. They created national standards and they spent 215.5 billion on music.
  • The National Standards foor Arts Education was founded

  • Shaping Sound Musicians

    This was published by O' Toole.
  • IAJE went bankrupt

  • IAJE disbanded

  • Just Good Teaching: Comprehensive Musicianship throuth Performance in Theory and Practice

    This book published by Sindberg.