Middle East Immigration

  • First Significant Immigration Period Began

    First Significant Immigration Period Began
    While Middle Easterners had been immigrating into the US before we were even a nation the first significant period started in 1870 and lasted until 1924.
  • More than Half of all Immigrants live in New York

    More than Half of all Immigrants live in New York
    More than half of all of the Immigrants lived in New York or California by this time.
  • Period: to

    Great Depression Halts Immigration.

    When word caught on that the U.S. was in a great depression immigrants from the Middle East tended to avoid Immigrating to the U.S.
  • End of First stream of Immigrants

    End of First stream of Immigrants
    The first major immigration from the Middle east to the U.S. ends in 1924 due to the Johnson-Reed Quota Act which nearly ended immigration from the middle east.
  • Great Depression ends War Breaks out

    Great Depression ends War Breaks out
    The end of the Great Depression in 1940 and a war breaking out in the Middle East in 1948 sparks the immigration once again
  • Middle East Immigrants still avoiding US

    Middle East Immigrants still avoiding US
    Only 80,000 of 750,000 total immigrants came to US
  • Period: to

    Middle east immigration halts again.

    Middle east immigrants stop flooding into US.
  • Period: to

    Immigration sparks again

    After 19 years of less than 20 thousand total immigrants arriving in the US immigration is again sparked.
  • 9/11 stops immigration from middle east

    9/11 stops immigration from middle east
    The attacks on the WTC leads to the US government putting a halt on Middle East Immigration.
  • Period: to

    Immigration sparks once again

    4 years after attacks immigration once again sparks bringing over 35000 more immigrants to the US.