Mohamed Bouazizi's suicide
Link Mohamed Bouazizi ,a Tunisian citizen, decides to light himself on fire after he is forced to abandon his fruit cart. This was his only source of income. -
Tunisian president flees
Link-After weeks of mass protest, due to a lack of freedom, rising food prices, and unemployment, the Tunisian president flees. He is later aprehended for his crimes, which were misuse of state funds and embezzlement. -
Egyptian president steps down
Link-After a day of fighting with the Egyptian police, protesters march into the presidential palace. They force the president to step down. This event inspired revolution in many other countries, such as Lybia and Syria. -
Saudi Arabia sends forces into Bahrain
Link-Saudi Arabia sends an intervention force to support the Bahrain government, due to increasing protests. The Bahraini government was fighting against a Muslin group that makes up a majority of their country. -
Tripoli bombed by NATO forces
Link-The United Nations passed Resolution 1973 which allowed troops from Great Britain, France, and the United States to use whatever forces necessary to protect Libyan citizens. Bombing began within days on Colonel Gaddafi's forces. -
Bashar al-Assad gives controversial speech
Link-On March 30th, presedent Bashar al-Assad gives a speech that was supposed to address his 10 years of not delivering on his promise of reform, but intead addresses the protests that had just began, and appeared to be entirely peacful. He then claimed that they were part of a foreign conpircy. -
Gaddafi killed
Link-Rebel fighters killed Gaddafi near his hometown of Sirte. They also killed or exiled his sons and other members of his regime. His rule was based on himself and his relations. Many were satisfied because he was brought to justice. -
President Ali Abdullah Saleh leaves
Link-Yemen president Ali Abdullah Saleh askes to leave his country, and his request is granted by the Gulf Co-operation Council. He was sent to the US without any consequences, but he left a country with many prooblems, with shortages of food and water being only 2 of them. -
Mohammed Morsi elected Egyptian president
Link-Mohammed Morsi was elected president to Egypt, but he was then faced with the challenge of fixing the countrys economic problems. -
Israel-Palistine conflicts resume
Link-Israel decides to launch an offensive twards the country of Palistine. -
Violent clashes on Egyptian revolution anniversary
Link-Anti-Govenment protesters fight with police due to Mohammed Morsi not delivering on his promeses of change in economy. This event also had repocussions in Alexandria, where the HQ of the Muslum Brotherhood went up in flames, due to protesters.