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Arab spring in Egypt

  • The start of the demonstration in Egypt

    The start of the demonstration in Egypt
    An Egyptian man who sets himself on fire..An Egyp­tian man sets him­self on fire out­side Cairo’s par­lia­ment build­ing after a dis­pute with loc­al au­thor­it­ies over re­ceiv­ing his monthly receipt for sub­sid­ized bread. He was ap­par­ently in­spired by the Tunisi­an fruit seller whose self-im­mol­a­tion triggered a pop­u­lar up­ris­ing in Decem­ber 2010. This event shows the start of the revoulation, that's why I chose it..
  • “Day of An­ger.”

    “Day of An­ger.”
    Day of Anger Pro­test­ers take to the streets of Cairo to demon­strate against polit­ic­al re­pres­sion and un­em­ploy­ment un­der the Pres­id­ent Hosni Mubarak. Sev­er­al thou­sand people clash with po­lice on Egypt’s “Day of An­ger.” This day is an imporatnt day for Egypations backthen and now, so that's why I chose it..
  • Mubarak refuses to step down

    Mubarak refuses to step down
    Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak refuses to step downEgyptian President Hosni Mubarak gives a speech that comes after a day of protests who drew thousands to the streets of Cairo. His speech shortly after midnight was an indication that he believed his security forces and military had a tight control on the country. In his speech, he said: "I take responsibility for the security of this country and its citizens”. I choose this event because it shows again their president who ruled for three decades.
  • Another day of demonstrations

    Another day of demonstrations
    Here’s another day of demonstrations against the President Hosni Mubarak's regime. The army is still deployed with tanks throughout different positions in and around the Tahrir Square. This event shows how Egypations didn't give up, and they want freedom..
  • An announcement is made by Omar Suleiman

    An announcement is made by Omar Suleiman
    Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak ResignsAfter thousands people take to the streets across Egypt in angry protests, Hosni Mubarak resigns as a president and he hands over the power to the army... A lot of people waited for this day, and it's happening, so that's why I thought it should be one of the events..
  • Hosni Mubarak to stand trial, prosecutors say

    Hosni Mubarak to stand trial, prosecutors say
    Egypt's Mubarak to stand trial
    Egypt will put Hosni Mubarak, its president for three decades, on trial in that has to do with the deaths of protesters during the uprising that forced him from office, prosecutors said Tuesday, raising the prospect that the region's push for reform would force a modern Arab strongman to face justice before his own people. This is another event that let everyone thinks, is justice happening in Egypt o
  • Military grabs the power

    Military grabs the power
    The day before the presidential runoff election, the military, acting on a ruling by the Supreme Court, shuts down the parliament. It also awards itself wiping out new powers, including the control over the national budget and the power to issue laws, which by this time appears likely to be Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, whom the military opposes. A day later, Morsi wins the elections. This event shows what happened in Egypt after Mubark, so it's important..
  • Morsi sworn in as president

    Morsi sworn in as president
    Egypt's new president Mohammed Morsi sworn inMorsi, the first Islamist to be elected as head of state, is also the first civilian leader in Egypt. He promises to be a president to “all Egyptians” and open his suit jacket to show the Egyptian crowd that he is going to be a great leader, but the military’s power sets up a bitter power struggle between the Muslim Brotherhood and the secular military. This event shows the leader who took up Mubarak's place, would it work??
  • Morsi grants himself more power

    Morsi grants himself more power
    Morsi issues an order allowing him to take any and all actions that he seems necessary to protect the country. The move sparks days of protests. I think this event is imporatnt because it shows how did Morsi gain power in a short period of time..
  • Egypt Extends State of Emergency

    Egypt Extends State of Emergency
    The president’s office says that the security situation in the country needs a two-month extension of the state of emergency, which supports the security forces extra powers. Also, the country had been under a state of emergency for nearly three decades under the rule of Hosni Mubarak, and it was one of the first rules lifted by the military in 2011 to begin the transition to democracy. This event is the last event because I think this is the situation now