
Arab Revolt Timeline

  • 1299

    Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Empire
    In 1299 was when Osman I established a group of people who were going to be the future of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Period: 1299 to

    Arab Revolt Timeline

  • 1453

    Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman Empire was founded by Osman I. As sultan Mehmed II conquered Constantinople in 1453, the Ottoman Empire grew with mighty power, it conquered areas deep into Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East.
  • 1500

    Ottoman Empire

    Within 50 years the Ottoman Empire peaked. They were the largest Empire in the world. During the 16th country's started slowly invading the Ottoman Empire and their own people were turning against them, this continued through to World War one.
  • World War One

    World War one was the end of the Ottoman Empire. They started World War one weakened and by the end of World War one the Empire was collapsed. Alliances between the British and the Arabs...
  • McMahon-Hussein Correspondence

    This agreement was between the Arabs and the British stated that if the uprising Arabs fought for the British and kill off the Ottoman Empire they would get all the land from Syria to Yemen, as long as the British got Baghdad and Besra. The Arabs said yes and fought against the Ottoman Empire in World War One.
  • Sykes- Picot

    Mark Sykes and Francois Georges- Picot were having secret alliances together to allow them to take over the Middle East.During the time of World War One. They would divide the Middle East up between them, France would get Syria and a large part of the surrounding areas, Britain got Baghdad and the Suez Canal. Italy got some part of the Middle East. Essentially the MaMahon- Hussein Correspondence wasn't in play anymore.
  • Balfour Declaration

    The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing support for the establishment of a home for the Jewish people in Palestine. But they were not allowed to do anything to effect the people who were already living there.