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1800's conflict
France had been involved with Algeria, encouraging a large scale European settlement of Algeria since 1830.
Since the early 1800's Zionism had been growing and Jews had been calling for a Jewish state in their ancient homeland. -
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After WW1
After the war England gained control over the mandate of Palestine, Britain had to prepare a Jewish homeland there. -
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After WW2
Jewish leader urged Britain to create a Jewish state.
With the horrors of the Holocaust the UN had sympathy for the Zionist cause. -
Palestine gains Independence
In 1947 Britain announces that it was giving up its control on the Mandate of Palestine and is turning the matter to the UN. The UN splits the nation into a Jewish state and a Arab state, the Jewish leaders accepted but the Arabs did not, but the partition was still accepted. -
First Arab-Israeli war
The day after Israel declares its independence armies from the Arab countries invaded Israel. An impact was that land the UN proposed for a Arab state never happen. -
Israel's first Prime Minister
After the British left, David Ben-Gurion becomes the first Prime Minister he helped declare the birth of Democratic State of Israel
[Link text]https://www.google.com/search?q=david+ben-gurion&safe=strict&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS787US787&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiBhaCOt7DbAhXEtVkKHRGlDbkQ_AUICigB&biw=1242&bih=557#imgrc=5gZ83RpnhfkERM: -
Creation of the PLO
a organization whose mission is to destroy Israel and replace it with a Palestine state.
[Link text]https://www.google.com/search?q=PLO&safe=strict&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS787US787&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjhufmiurDbAhUnrlkKHfdADAEQ_AUICygC&biw=1242&bih=557#imgrc=yRLFYKBNwNdt6M: -
Six Day War
This war was when Israel Launched air strikes against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Israel took Golan Heights, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and East Jerusalem. -
Yom Kippur War
at first The Arabs were made gains in the war but with the help of the U.S. they were able to push back the Arabs, ending in a cease fire. -
Golda Meir
she was able to push back the Arabs with the help of the U.S. and protect Israel. -
Camp David Accords
A treaty that ended 30 years of hostility between Egypt and Israel. -
Israel invades Lebanon
This is due to terrorism the Arabs are commuting and also the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers. -
The First Intifada forms
They fought more like a rebellion as in mostly street fighting. the rebels won control of Palestinian Parliament.
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Oslo Accord attempt
This was a treaty made by the Israelis to try to end the violence -
Rabin is Assassinated
The second intifada forms
These Arabs fought by Terrorism and Suicide bombings. -
Sharon withdraws from Gaza and West bank
Hamas wins control of the Palestinian government