Balfour Declaration
Who: British Government and Jews
What: A statment issued by the British Government supporting the establishment of a homeland for Jews
Where: in Palestine
How: attempting to win the support of European Jews
Why" to give the Jews a home -
Period: to
Arab and Iseali
Who: European Jews and Nazis
What: systematic genocide of about 6 million European Jerws by the Nazis
When: during World War ll
Where: Europe
How: the Nazis working the Jews to death while starving them and killing the in gas chambers or shootings
Why: the Nazis occupied land and because of Hitler's "New Order" -
UN Partition
Who: Arabs and Jews
What: the UN drew up a plan to divide Palestine into Arab and a Jewish State. Arabs rejected it because they thought all of Palestine should belong to them
When: 1947-1948
Where: Palestine
Why: So the Arabs and Jes wouldnt be together -
Six Day War
Yom Kippur War
Who: Israel forces, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt
What: Israel forces took control of Golan Heights, East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gazo Strip and Sinai Peninsula than all of those nations attacked Israel on Yom Kippur
Why: to gain land -
What:Palestinian Arab uprisings against the Israeli occupation
Who:Arabs and Israel
When:Around 1972
Where: Palestine
Why: PLO launched attacks against Israeli at home and abroud, also the killings of athletes at nthe olympic games -
Camp David Peace Accords
Who: Israel, Egypt, Jordan's Kind Hussen, Syria
What: signed peace accords to Israel
When: 1979 and 1994
Why: to Despite the violence -
Invasion of Lebanon
Who: Christian and Muslim, Israel
What: Israel invaded Southern Lebanon to stop cross border attacks and Syria occupied Eastern Lebanon to secure its borders
Where: Lebanon
Why: to stop cross border arracks