APUSH Unit 7 (1890-1945)

By NihatE
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan

    Alfred Thayer Mahan
    American Navy Admiral that pushed the country towards its focus in foreign policy.
  • Purchase of the Alaska Territory

    Purchase of the Alaska Territory
    The United States purchases Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars.
  • Hawaiian Government

    Hawaiian Government
    The United States overthrows the Hawaiian monarchy.
  • Hawaiian Social Displeasure

    Hawaiian Social Displeasure
    Christian missionaries and American corporate businesses begin having a heavy impact on the Hawaiian people.
  • Destruction of the U.S.S. Maine

    Destruction of the U.S.S. Maine
    The "spark" of the Spanish-American War is set.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    Yellow journalism gains popularity especially on topics that focused on the Spanish-American War.
  • Spanish-American War spreads

    Spanish-American War spreads
    The United States fights with Spanish forces on all Spanish colonies. Fight is never taken to the Spanish mainland.
  • Period: to

    Spanish-American War

  • The Teller Amendment

    The Teller Amendment
    Declared that the United States would aid the Cuban independence effort and allow the Cuban people to govern themselves following their independence.
  • Guantanamo Bay is established

    Guantanamo Bay is established
    The United States establishes a permanent military presence in Cuba.
  • Hawaii claimed as a U.S. Territory

    Hawaii claimed as a U.S. Territory
    The United States siezes control of the islands and establishes it as its primary Pacific territory.
  • The Phillipines are bought

    The Phillipines are bought
    As the Spanish-American War is concluded, control of the Phillipines was sold to the United States.
  • The Open Door Policy

    The Open Door Policy
    China becomes the focus of many foreign countries that saw economic potential in the the country's resources.
  • Spheres of Influence

    Spheres of Influence
    Many major powers attempt to dominate the sphere of influence in Eastern Asia. Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Germany, the United States
  • Period: to

    Phillipine-American War

  • Japan

    Japan has intense competition with the United States as they begin to focus on the Pacific Ocean.
  • Big Stick Diplomacy

    Big Stick Diplomacy
    The idea that the United States should begin expanding its foreign policy begins being pushed by President Roosevelt.
  • The Platt Amendment

    The Platt Amendment
    Overruled the promise made in the Teller Amendment that claimed that the United States would not establish permanent control over Cuba.
  • Theodore Roosevelt takes office

    Theodore Roosevelt takes office
    President McKinley is assassinated and Roosevelt becomes the youngest man to assume the title of President of the United States.
  • The Phillipine-American War ends

    The Phillipine-American War ends
    The Phillipine-American War is officially concluded with no legitimate victor.
  • The Dollar Diplomacy

    The Dollar Diplomacy
    The Dollar Diplomacy was a economic guarantee to foreign countries to supply loans within the American continents in order to keep Eastern influence away from the Western world.
  • Panama declares independence

    Panama declares independence
    After its aid from the United States, Panama is able to declare its independence from Colombia.
  • Mexican Revolution begins

    Mexican Revolution begins
    The Mexican people attempt to overthrow the dictatorship in place before the war.
  • Mexican Reconstruction begins

    Mexican Reconstruction begins
    The middle class succeeded at overthowing their government and begins constructing new constitutions and rebuilding a new government.
  • Woodrow Wilson elected for first term

    Woodrow Wilson elected for first term
    President Wilson begins his presidency years prior to the Great War.
  • The Panama Canal opens

    The Panama Canal opens
    The Panama Canal is completed by the United States after a previous failure by France.
  • The Great War begins

    The Great War begins
    The global conflict begins with Austria-Hungary and Serbia.
  • Period: to

    World War I

  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
  • The United States enters the war

    The United States enters the war
    The United States no longer expresses neutrality and joins the Allied Powers.
  • The Great War ends

    The Great War ends
    The Treaty of Versailles is signed and the global conflict is officially declared as a victory to the Allied Powers.
  • Hawaii becomes a State

    Hawaii becomes a State
    Hawaii officially becomes the fiftieth state of the United States of America.