APUSH unit 1

  • 1493

    First Spanish colony

  • 1502

    Encomiendas system

    A system of Slavery/feudalism in South America. Hierarchy of Peninsulares -> Creoles -> mezzos/mulattoes -> Africans/natives
  • Richard Hakluyt

    Argues for England to settle the new world for economic reasons: unproductive in England can contribute to the economy
  • First English colony

    Roanoke was the first attempt for an English colony in North America. It disappeared without a trace.
  • Jamestown created

    AKA Chesapeake society
    “The starving time”
    80% Child mortality rate <5 years old
    Of 104 immigrants, only 38 survived
    failed food shipments
    PROBLEM: Lack of leadership
  • John Smith

    Becomes leader for Jamestown, establishes order and relegates tasks to turn Jamestown into a survivable colony
  • John Rolfe

    Grew tobacco, made Jamestown economically viable and very profitable
  • Virginia House of Burgesses

    First house of elected officials in British N.A.
    Power checked by Royal Governor
    Landowners only can vote
  • Mayflower compact

    Religious and Secular elements
    wanted a fair system for puritans
  • Plymouth colony

    founded by pilgrims
    Initially dependent on natives
  • John Winthrop

    "City on a Hill" speech, Plymouth colony will set a good example for future colonies and society around the world
  • Roger Williams founds Rhode Island

    Better relationship with natives
    Denies civil authority on religion -> threat to puritan
    More political freedom, any man can vote
  • Pequot war

    English puritans burn down pequot village, marks a transition point between natives having power and Englishmen
  • Anne Hutchinson founds Connecticut

    Fought patriarchy
    Antinomianism = direct relationship with God; does not need to obey law because the truly saved do not need to
    not needing to obey law = threat to puritan
  • King Phillips war

    Sparked by English ignoring treaties with the natives, King Phillip rallied many tribes against the English and gave them a fright, but the English eventually won
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Unfair taxes
    0 elections
    Wealth gap
    Unfair elections (poll tax)
    Uneven distribution of wealth
    Rich gentry treat poor landowners more kindly
    Commonality between poor and rich = white
    Slavery = more popular, can’t exploit poor farmers
  • William Penn founds Pennsylvania

    founded Pennsylvania
    Quaker state
    religious tolerance
    good treatment of the natives