APUSH Review: Daisy Coffey

  • 1491

    PERIOD 1 & 2

  • 1492

    Columbus' First Voyage to the Americas

    Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain in 1492 and although he was not the first person to find America on his return the word spread of a new world. He brought diseases to the native Americans and as more people came to the Americas many native Americans were killed and cultures destroyed.
  • 1563

    English Exploration

    The Columbian exchange occurred and traded goods (NEW WORLD: gold, silver, corn, potatoes, tobacco cotton etc. OLD WORLD: wheat sugar rice coffee horse cows pigs disease, etc. AFRICA: enslaved peoples) England follows up with exploration after spain because of after internal conflict.
  • 1565

    Spanish exploration

    St. Augustine was the first Spanish settlement that was built to protect the Caribbeans in present-day Florida. The Spanish continued to explore the central part of the Americas, displacing many pueblo native americans.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first english settlement located in Virginia. The settlement was unsuccessful because of the unskilled workers and harsh unexpected conditions many of the settlers died in the first 6 months. James town was established under a Joint-Stock Company(corporation) where multiple companies/people invested so each would lose less money.
  • Mayflower compact

    The Mayflower Compact was the first organized "constitution" or plan for government in Plymouth Bay Massachusetts. The compact stated that there would be a direct democracy, and that they would have the "Rights Of Englishmen" (right to life liberty and property).
  • City Upon a Hill

    The City Upon A Hill Speech was given by John Winthrop to show the English Curch and example of a Bright shining society. The community was trying to show the rest of the world "rightful Living".
  • Bacons Rebellion

    This rebellion against the Virginian governor was the first one of its kind in American history. It occurred because colonists in the backcountry wanted to move westward. This rebellion led to the increased popularity of slavery.
  • Po' Pays Rebellion

    This was one of the largest most successful Native American Uprisings in history. The Spanish were forcing the Pueblo Indians to convert to Catholicism and the Indians rebelled resulting in the taking back of their territory temporarily.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The overthrowing of James the second replaced the strict monarchy with a constitutional government. This was important for American colonists along with the English citizens because it allowed for more freedom and less strict(non-puritan) laws.
  • The Great Awakening

    The great awakening occurred because of the fear of hell and personal religious conversion. The Great Awakening questioned the authority f the original church, which led to the revolutionary mindset of questioning the government.
  • PERIOD 3

  • 1754-1763, French And Indian War

    The French and Indian war or seven years war was between Great Britain and France over the North American territory. Control of the Ohio River was a major component. In the end, Great Britain won and gained the territory.
  • 1760's-70's, Parliament implements Acts

    After the French and Indian War, the English felt that the colonists did not aid enough with the war effort so they began taxing them a lot and abandoned salutary neglect. This angered the colonists that had gotten used to loose control. The tea act, Sugar act, stamp act, Intolerable acts and many more were put in place to tax and restrict the colonies
  • 1765-1783 American Revolution

    The colonies argued for federalism or divided sovereignty and the British believed that the power should've in the hands of the crown alone. The harsh rules and control of the British crown pushed the colonists to their breaking point and led to the revolution
  • Boston Massacre

    5 men were shot by the British Red coats, which resulted in a trial against the soldiers. John Adams was the defense attorney and wanted to point out the hypocrisy of Britain. This was a turning point towards the revolution.
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, to act as a temporary government during the war. They helped organize armies, direct strategies, and create treaties. George Washington was put in charge of the continental army
  • Shot Heard Round the World

    The initial fighting of the revolutionary war began at Lexington and concord where the first shot of the revolutionary war was fired. This was extremely significant because it leads to the independence of America.
  • Deceleration Of independence

    The declaration of independence was sent to the British parliament to explain the colonist's right to a revolution. It rallied support for the revolution and ultimately stated the America's official independence from Britain.
  • Common Sense

    Thomas Paine wrote this essay arguing for the colonies to become independent states, which was an act of treason. The pamphlet also discussed the idea of "unalienable rights." The ideas in his essay were later developed in the declaration of independence.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The Articles Of Confederation were like a first draft of the constitution. They laid out the country, with very limited federal power, and gave most of the power to individual states. They were not very effective but did accomplish the treaty of Paris in 1783 to end the revolutionary war.
  • The Great Compromise (and 3/5th's compromise)

    Two major adjustments were made to the constitution. The great compromise created bicameral representation (HOR and Senate) so that there could population-based and equal representation. The three-fifths compromise stated that enslaved individuals counted as 60% of the population and established that congress cannot interfere with the slave trade for 50 years.
  • Writing and Ratifying the Constitution

    The constitutional convention was held to improve America's government. The members wanted layers of separation between people and the decisions, and a balance of power(three branches-strong executive branch).
  • Washington's Presidency

    George Washington established separate cabinets for each department. He wanted a strong executive branch and respected the separation of powers. Washington also wanted to have no political parties.
  • Proclamation Of Neutrality

    The proclamation of neutrality was an announcement made by Washington that declared that the nation would stay neutral in the conflict between Great Britain and France. George Washington supported neutrality between all foreign affairs.
  • John Adams Presidency

    John Adams was a federalist and believed in a strong executive branch. During his presidency, the federalists push to war with the french and during the XYZ affairs a group meets with Tallyrand(french) this creates more xenophobia in the US because of the conflicts between foreign countries.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    These are some of the first immigration laws put into place In America. This act stated that a non-citizen could be deported for any reason and people could be fined or jailed for criticizing high government officials. New naturalization laws were also put into place, stating you had to live in America for 14 years to become a US citizen.
  • PERIOD 4 (pt 1)

  • Jefferson's Presidency

    Thomas Jefferson was a democratic-republican and the first president to be aligned with a certain party. His presidency was known as the revolution of 1800 because it led to a long period of the "Virginia Dynasty(longline of DR presidents from Virginia)."
  • 1792-1824, Formation Of the First Party System

    The first Party system had two main parties, the Democratic-Republicans, and Federalists. The democratic-republicans believed that people do not need the government and that they would usually do the right thing, whereas the federalists believed that the people needed the government to guide the people. The federalists favored stability with no rebellion and the DR's thought that rebellion was necessary for society to improve.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson organized the Louisiana Purchase which helped to double America's territory. America also acquired the new Orleans port in the acquisition of the Louisiana territory.
  • Marbury V Madison decisions

    Marbury V Madison was the supreme court case that established the judicial system for America. The marshal court decided that the federal courts have power over state laws and can declare legislative and executive decisions unconstitutional.
  • The War of 1812

    The war of 1812 allowed America to expand and gain control of the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico. The US also pushed many native Americans out of their territory during the war. And by defeating Britain America was seen as a more powerful country. The federalists were seen as traitors because they opposed the war and supported Britain, their party never recovered.
  • Monroe Presidency

    James Monroe is best known for establishing the foreign policy known as the Monore doctrine. It established that there should be no new European colonization in the western hemisphere and it encouraged the growth of democracy. This doctrine allowed America to be seen as a powerhouse with increased control.
  • Era Of Good Feelings

    The era of good feelings created a sense of national purpose and unity after the war of 1812. Because the federalist party had been defeated the democratic-republicans gained power and the people in the US felt more united under one party.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Maine was admitted as a free state and Missouri was admitted as a slave state. This helped to maintain the balance of power between the north and the south.
  • Westward Migration

    Because of internal infrastructure improvements and the building of roads westward migration was made possible. The population increase and the cheap land made westward exploration desirable for many people.
  • Sectionalism

    This was the major split and cause for conflict in America during this time period. The country was split between the north, south, and west because of debate over slavery, and which states should be slave or free states.
  • PERIOD 4 (pt 2)

  • John Quincy Adams Presidency

    John Quincy Adams built many roads and canals. His political opponents prevented him from accomplishing a lot.
  • Jackson's Presidency

    Jackson was a Democrat, he used the executive power excessively by vetoing 12 times during his one term alone. He believed in his own interpretation of the constitution and tried to appeal to the common man.
  • Reform Movements

    Abolitionists, equal rights advocates, and many other activists for the improvement of the American social and justice system developed during this era. Steps towards equality, public education, and prison system reform were begun and fought for.
  • Indian Removal Act

    As the white Americans moved westward Native Americans were pushed off their territory. Under Andrew Jackson, the Indian removal act was passed which led to the trail of tears and forced movement of Native Americans to reservations in the west.
  • Nullification

    During the Jacksons presidency, Calhoun(VP) suggested that South Carolina should be able to bypass the tariff and buy from Britain instead of the north. This was known as nullification where a state can reject federal laws.
  • Bank War

    Jackson Vetoed The federal Bank (BUS) during his presidency arguing that the federal bank would have too much power and that the money should be redistributed to state banks(PET banks) this increased inflation and created wildcat banks. A lot of money was lost due to corrupt unregulated banks.
  • 1800-1840's, Market Revolution

    The 1840s
    The major improvement in technology and industrialization techniques allowed for mass production and mass profit because more products could be created in shorter amounts of time with less intensive labor. The factory system led to worse work conditions because the personal connection in small business was lost.
  • 1840s-1860s, Manifest Destiny

    Americans believed it was their god-given right to conquer and explore the entire continent. They had very little regard for the Native Americans and pushed pretty much anything out of the way to reach their destination.
  • Annexing Texas

    This added to the territory that America had and led to the Mexican American war because people who had originally lived in texas were Mexican citizens and Americans tried to push them out.
  • Mexican American War

    Because the US believed they could conquer the people already living on any land and claim it for the US. conflicts were created between the Mexican natives and Americans and more slavery disputes were created within America. The war resulted in the treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo and the US had to pay Mexico 15 million dollars for taking their land.
  • PERIOD 5

  • California gold rush

    When gold was found in California hundreds of thousands of people migrated to California. Many people from china migrated as well which led to xenophobia. And an economic depression also occurred because of the extreme influx of people and lack of infrastructure and business.
  • Know Nothing Party

    The know-nothing party was a far-right nativist group that was against immigration and who were extremely xenophobic. They were also anti-catholic arguing that Catholics were loyal to the pope who was foreign.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The compromise of 1850 was a part of this act that ended the slave trade in Washington DC and led admitted California as a free state and the Utah land area as a government territory. The fugitive slave laws made it easier for slave owners to take back runaway slaves.
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    This bill wanted to use popular sovereignty to decide slavery for each state. This created problems because the Missouri compromise already decided where slavery would be accepted. Kansas would be a slave state and Nebraska was a free state. The south would gain land and the north would gain the railroad.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    As people moved westward the debate over slavery increased. In Kansas after one year of settlement, they voted and it resulted in a pro-slavery state. The voting process was questioned and it broke out into war, nearly 200 people were killed.
  • Lincolns Presidency

    Abe Lincoln lead the country through the civil war and helped to abolish slavery. His contributions helped shaped America drastically to the country it is today
  • 1861-1865, Civil War

    The civil war was over slavery. The confederates in the south were pro-slavery and the union was against it. The south wanted to succeed from the country and have the freedom to practice slavery to benefit its economy. The Union wins in the end and takes back control of the south.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Abe Lincoln gave his official speech to declare all enslaved peoples free after the civil war.
  • 1863-1869, Transcontinental Railroad Built

    The transcontinental railroad helped to advance settlement, and trade opportunities. It connected the west to the east and allowed for mail to be transported quickly
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    This was a major battle in the civil war that was a victory for the union, and led to more success. This battle was a major turning point in the war
  • 13th Amendment

    This amendment to the constitution abolished slavery and changed the course of history.
  • Assassination of Lincoln

    Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in a theater because of his efforts to end slavery.
  • 1867-1877, Reconstruction Act of 1867

    After the civil war, Andrew johnson implemented reconstruction which provided enforcement of anti-slavery laws in the south. This helped improve the status of African Americans in the south for a while until it ended in 1877.
  • 14th Amendment

    All people born in the united states become full citizens and have the right to due process of law. This amendment provided equality under the law for all peoples.
  • 15th Amendment

    African American males were given the right to vote
  • Sharecropping

    After slavery was abolished many elite farmers used sharecropping to keep African Americans and poor whites subservient. This was a way of maintaining their status and still having cheap labor. this continued the cycle of poverty in the south but allowed for the economy to continue agriculturally.
  • PERIOD 6

    Mostly the Guilded Age
  • 1860s-1896, The Guilded Age

    This era was full of corruption and all the bad was covered up with the good. The Wealthy benefited along with the economy while the poor, and minorities did not.
  • Great railroad strike of 1877

    This was the first national strike. The workers strike and would not allow the trains to run until their wages were improved. Violence broke out in many places across the country and federal troops were called to end it.
  • Native Americans During The Guilded Age

    Native Americans were oppressed and unfairly treated(all throughout history) during this era. They were multiple massacres and the reservations were divided into private plots of land. The American government tried to force assimilation on the Natives and treated them very poorly during this time. -(EX: Buffalo soldiers, Fetterman Massacre, Battle of little bighorn, Dawes severalty act(boarding schools, sundance-200 dead, Allotment of land))
  • Tweed Ring in NYC

    There was extreme corruption all across the US, especially in big cities. Boss Tweed ran a political machine where money was being taken from taxpayers and given to others to keep him in office. He was later exposed and imprisoned but escaped. This shows the corruption of the guided age.
  • Women In The Guilded Age

    During this time the cult of domesticity was popular. Women were "meant to stay home and be submissive to their husbands. wealthy women often managed their servants and staff while working-class women did piece work to earn money.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    This immigration law prevented all Chinese peoples from entering the us and prevented Chinese people in the us from gaining citizenship. This is shows extreme xenophobia, and was partially due to the gold rush and increased Chinese population in the west.
  • The Labor Movement(UNIONS/STRIKES)

    HUndreds of stikes occurred because of poor working conditions, high hours, and low wages. This led to the American Federation of labor in 1886. Skilled labor strikes were much more successful than unskilled because unskilled laborers could be replaced. This led to a conflict of immigrants taking unskilled labor jobs.
  • Sherman Anti Trust Act

    The Sherman Antitrust act helped to break up many monopolies during the corrupt guided age.
  • 1890-1896, Farmers Alliances (populist/peoples party)

    The farmer's alliance and the populist party did not want national banks, a tariff, or land to be given to the railroad. They did want income tax, direct election of senators, and bimetallism. They gained popularity in the south and had a large following but did not accomplish much.
  • Pullman Strike

    The Pulman company reduced wages and did not reduce the cost of living which angered the workers. They went on strike but the train cars had mail on them so it was seen as a federal crime by the government. The owners end up winning but it lays the groundwork for future change.
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    This supreme court case upheld that segregation was legal as long as the facilities were of equal quality. This obviously was not enforced well and caused more racial issues.
  • PERIOD 7 (pt1)

  • Spanish American War

    Mass genocide occurred in Cuba due to Spain, killing more than 200000 Cubans. This angered Americans and they fought for Cuban independence. The war only last one summer and the US won.
  • Annexation Of Hawii

    Although Hawaii was overtaken taken through imperialism and forced assimilation, America benefited by gaining power in the pacific.
  • Cuban Independence

    Although the US helped to free Cuba from Spain after they gained their independence the Platt amendment was put into place to allow for the US government to interview in Cuba to protect their interests.
  • New Imperialism

    The US, after expanding to it limits continentally, wanted to gain more territory so they began expanding around the world with an improved navy. This caused cultural death because of forced assimilation and many nations way oflife were destroyed. They felt it was their duty to spread the "right" way of life and to civilize other nations("white man's burden").
  • Philippine US relations

    The Spanish cede the Philippines to the US but they rebel against being colonized. They are eventually given their independence after many years of an unjust war and killing civilians.
  • Open door Policy

    The open-door policy stated that all nations were free to trade with China, however, this decision was made without chinas knowing, this once again shows the power and control that the western hemisphere has over the rest of the world.
  • 1897-1920, The Progressive Era

    The progressive era was about improving life for average Americans. progressives wanted to regulate big business, make to government responsive to the people's demands, disperse the wealth. They also sought to expose the truth through a strategy of reporting known as muckraking
  • Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal was built to join the Pacific and Atlantic ocean, increasing trading and economic opportunities. At the time Panama was under Columbian rule, but the US investigated a revolt and then paid Panama to build the canal.
  • 1897-1901, McKinley Presidency(assassination)

    Mckinley promoted industry and the gold system of currency. He also helped expand American territories through imperialism. He was unfortunately assassinated
  • 1901-1909. Teddy Roosevelt as President

    Teddy Roosevelt lead with the big stick policy, he believed in a strong military and believed that the president should lead and congress should follow. He created much change in America during the course of his terms.
  • TR-Improving Life for the Average American

    Trust-Busting, which helped to break up monopolies; along with The meat inspection act, and the Pure drug and food act helped to protect people's health and money. Conservation(TR) and preservation(john Muir) were also focused on during this time which helped to create national parks and allowed for enjoyment of the national beauty of the nation.
  • 1892-1954, Ellis Island (immigration)

    hundreds of thousands of immigrants when through Ellis island in NY and had to pass tests and physical exams to enter the US. The government tried to prevent uneducated individuals from entering.1,004,756 immigrants entered in 1907 alone
  • 1907-1909, Great White Fleet

    Roosevelt sent the Navy on a world tour to show the world the U.S. naval power. This helped to pressure Japan into the "Gentlemen's Agreement" which limited Japanese immigration into the US.
  • 1913-1921, Woodrow Wilson

    Wilson worsened race issues but worked to regulate big business, lower the tariff, stabilize the economy with the federal reserve act, and break up monopolies.
  • US Enters WW1

    The US wanted to remain neutral in the war and be able to economically benefit by possibly trading with both sides. Eventually, they send in troops after the Zimmerman telegraph try to create conflict between Mexico
  • Race relations

    The race relations in the us continued tow worsen. Anti Semitic groups like the KKK arose and lynchings occurred. The oppression of African Americans were pushed further as the decade went on with things like the eugenics program and segregated school systems.
  • PERIOD 7 (pt2)

  • 1920's Prohibition

    The 18th amendment was passed and prohibited the selling and buying of alcohol. This led to bootlegging and eventually ended in 1933 with the 21st amendment.
  • Women's Suffrage

    Women FINALLY gained the right to vote due to the 19th amendment, and continue to work on equal rights, and wages.
  • The Red Scare

    The US government feared communist spies after WW1 and sent the FBI to investigate people. 6000 people were arrested and 250 people were deported. This was seen as unconstitutional by many.
  • Development of Mass Society

    In the US throughout the 1920s culture is more homogeneous, with mass production of goods and the assembly line goods could be purchased for cheaper. Newspapers allowed for the rapid spread of information, to be read by all Americans.
  • Foreign Policy- 1920s

    After creating the league of nations, the US does not participate. After WW1 many nations try to create treaties to guarantee peace. These treaties fail because of a lack of trust and increased greed for power.
  • Harding's Presidency

    There were many scandals involving Harding's presidency but he tried to return America to normal after WW1. The wartime agencies were dismantled, and the VA was established under his presidency. However, there was an increase in monopolies and corruption.
  • 1929-1933 Hoovers Presidency

    Hoover planned to pay off debts and create positive relationships with Latin America. However, the Great Depression hit during his term and he did not believe in aiding the public with federal funding
  • The Great Depression Under Hoover

    Hoover tried a 3 step policy to help aid the economy but he did not grasp the idea of the depression and thought that it would pass and was just a slight recession. Hoove failed to improve the economy.
  • FDR's Election

    FDR was a democrat and believed in trying new things with the three R's. RELIEF RECOVERY AND REFORM. He believed that the government needed to spend more money in order to stimulate the economy.
  • 1933-1939, The New Deal

    The New Deal was created to help relive the Great depression. Federal funding and humanitarian aid were provided, and work programs were created to provide federal jobs. The new deal helped to beautify America while providing jobs and stimulating the economy.
  • Results Of New Deal

    The economy is slowly improved after the new deal. And America is Beatifiedby the works of the WPA. The blue ridge parkway and many national parks are created. Social security is also put into place and Americans are able to feel more comfortable in their own nation.
  • WWII causes

    The failure to create security and the increase in weaponry lead to the beginning of WWII. Germany's and Japan's militarism and dictatorship also created conflict.
  • WWII actions

    The US once again tried to remain neutral but eventually, the view shifts. FDR is elected for a second term and begins mobilizing for war. There were many debates involving debts of other nations and who the US would assist. The Us Began to prepare for war
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombed pearl harbor Hawaii which was a major military base. This killed many civilians and destroyed many US ships and weaponry. This forced America to enter WWII
  • D-Day

    D-Day was the official end to WWII, the US created a diversion and used paratroopers along with 2.8 million soldiers to contribute to the ending of WWII.