Nelson Mandela released from prison
Operation Desert Storm
Soviet Union collapses
Car bomb hits Isreli Embacy in Buenos Aris
World Wide Web is born
APEC holds first meeting in Seatle
The chunnle opens
Tunnle connecting England to France -
Amber Mueller (Beth's sister) is born
US invades Haiti to restore order
World Trade Organization is established
Earth Quake hits Southern Japan
Mitch Port (Sarah's brother) is born
computer program JAVA released
china begins missile testing near Taiwan
Michaela Mueller (Beth's sister) is born
cloned sheep "Dolly" born
Russia - Chechnya peace treaty
JK Rowling published the first Harry Potter book in Europe
Under title Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone -
spacecraft "Pathfinder" lands on mars
Jared Zvonar is brought into the world
India/Pakistan conduct underground nuclear experiment
Clinton admits to an extra - marital affair
China suffers serious flood
Beth Mueller is brought into the world.
Columbine school shooting
Sarah Kennedy is brought into the world.
Middle East Peace Accord announced
London commuter trains collide kills 40
Cyclone Orissa kills thousands in India
human genome deciphered
Hillary Clinton elected to United States Senate
First lady of the U.S. to win public office. -
Terrorist Attack on World Trade Center
euro enters circulation
Switzerland joins the UN
Israelis raid refugee camps
US abandons antiballistic missle treaty
Space shuttle Columbia explodes
AIDS vaccine fails to prevent infection
Peace plan proposed for Middle East
Rover Spirit and opportunity heads for Mars
China sends first astronaut into orbit
Facebook was created
UN peacekeepers control violence in Haiti
Madrid bombing
NATO admitted 7 to the former Soviet Block
Palwstinian leader Yasser Arafat dies
George W. Bush confims spying of Americans
North Korea admits to having Nuclear Weapons
First video posted to YouTube
Benedict XVI becomes new Pope
Hurrican Katrina
Barry Bonds beats Babe Ruth's home run record
Pluto redifined as a dwarf planet by scientists
Thailand MIlitary Coup
Iraq Pres. Saddom Hussein executed
Virginia Tech. Shooting
(32 killed) -
iPhone released
US minneapolis bridge collaps
(13 people killed) -
Stock Market crash
Obama is elected president
Greece riots after cops kill boys
global economy recovery
Greece debt crisis
Japan 8.9 scale earthquake causes tsunami
Steve Jobs passes away
Obama reelected
Sandy Hook shooting
27 dead -
Boston marathon bombing
ISIS seizes large regions
Ebola virus outbreak
Israeli - Palestine summit fails
Beth dies
kostka begins teaching math
Sarah becomes president
Sarah gets impeached
hell freezes over