APUSH Time Period 4 Timeline

  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    An invention from Eli Whitney to remove seeds from the cotton fiber. It sped up the process and helped make cotton America's leading export.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The United States was able to purchase this territory from France for $15 million, doubled the size of America, and led to the expedition of Lewis and Clark.
  • Lewis & Clark Expedition

    Lewis & Clark Expedition
    Lewis and Clark were American settlers who were sent out to navigate through the Western territory, establish trade and peace with Native Americans and find a waterway through the U.S. and into the Pacific.
  • Impressment

    This was when British sailors and ships would capture American ships and force anyone on board to work for their military. America as a result, stopped trade with Britain and France because of their harassment on U.S. ships, with things like the Embargo Act.
  • Steamboats

    Originally invented and built by Robert Fulton, steamboats changed the way Americans traveled. This came after canals were built and allowed the transportation of both goods and people. By allowing people to transport more goods Westward, it made more citizens be able to move in the Mid West.
  • Antebellum Period

    Antebellum Period
    A time after the War of 1812 and right before the Civil War, which focused on reformation in several areas of American life, like temperance, improvements on life in prison (and being put in prison for debt) along with anti slavery movements.
  • "Star Spangled Banner"

    "Star Spangled Banner"
    The United State's official anthem for the country, written by Francis Scott after viewing the bombing of Fort McHenry from the British Naval.
  • Battle Lake Erie

    Battle Lake Erie
    This was a naval battle between the United States and the British Royal Navy, the biggest battle in the War of 1812. It was a U.S. victory that gave them the ability to recover Detroit and allowed them to break up the Indian confederation of Tecumseh.
  • Era of Good Feelings

    Era of Good Feelings
    A time in American history, where a lot of citizens focused on their desire to have unity among them after the war of 1812.
  • Asylum Movement

    Asylum Movement
    Back in the 1800's there was a huge stigma against mentally ill people and so they were treated very poorly and abusively. A reform movement spread through Quaker contacts in NY and people like Dorothy Dix fought for everyone to have better treatment, with more of an aim towards rehabilitation.
  • Romantic Movement

    Romantic Movement
    In the 19th century in Europe, with both art and literature, stressed an importance on intuition and feelings, individual acts of heroism, and the study of nature.
  • Monroe Doctrine 1823

    Monroe Doctrine 1823
    The Monroe Doctrine warned America to stay out of other nations affairs and encouraged an isolationist approach for the nation.
  • 2nd Great Awakening

    2nd Great Awakening
    In the early 19th century, the American colonists were struck with a new religious movement led by the Protestant church, which focused on the importance of having church and social reforms take place in institutions. It started in 1790 but really gained popularity in the year 1830.
  • Indian Removal Act 1830

    Indian Removal Act 1830
    President Andrew Jackson's forceful removal of Indian tribes to go west of the Mississippi River so that white settlers could build on their land.
  • Cherokee Nation vs GA

    Cherokee Nation vs GA
    GA forced the Cherokee nation off of their historic lands and when Cherokee tribes tried to take their case to the Supreme Court, they ruled that there was no case since Cherokee was not a state it didn't have the same rights as GA did.
  • "The Liberator"

    "The Liberator"
    A newspaper written by abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, who took a pathos approach of converting people to join the movement against slavery by appealing to Christian ethics instead of politics.
  • Public School Movement

    Public School Movement
    A movement that took place in the Jacksonian era and made it possible for children born in all classes to attend public education classes. This idea quickly spread across the nation
  • Universal White Male Suffrage

    Universal White Male Suffrage
    A universal movement to bring equality to all male voters, spread by the saying "one man, one vote" and didn't discriminate against anyone because of religion, income, amount of property, etc., still didn't allow slaves or women to vote however. It did focus on the common American vs the wealthy.
  • Industrialization

    A time of change from an agricultural society into an industrial one. It made the productions of goods much easier to produce, and came with technological advancements. Forced lots of people into the cities for jobs and then lead to farmers going Westward.
  • Women's Rights Movement

    Women's Rights Movement
    A movement that primarily took place in the United States, it focused on expanding women's rights on things like items and other personal freedoms.