APUSH Semester 1 Final

  • Founding of Jamestown

    Founding of Jamestown
    Jamestown was founded near Chesapeake Bay by the Virginia Company. It is the first settlement by the English and brings about the head right system. This brings about many other colonies where England then enforces mercantilism over these new settlements. Many indentured servants also came to James Town and other settlements. 12 years later the first slaves were brought to Jamestown these are the first in the colonies and are the beginnings of the triangular trade in the colonies.
  • May Flower Compact Signed

    May Flower Compact Signed
    The Mayflower Compact is the first attempt at self governance in the colonies. Eventually many colonies will enjoy their own government that is independent from England This was signed by the pilgrims who were separatist They fled England as they wanted to separate from the Church of England and begin anew Eventually the separatist are absorbed by the puritans who also fled England for their religious views. The document was law until the Plymouth colony was absorbed by the Massachusetts Colony
  • John Locke Publishes Two Treatises of Government

    John Locke Publishes Two Treatises of Government
    John Locke publishes this book and it describes his idea of natural rights and argues for democracy. The idea of natural rights makes its way into the declaration of independence and much of our government is formed with these rights in mind. It also fueled the argument of the patriots during the road to revolution. The idea of democracy in this book also helped our government be democratic. This also helped spread the enlightenment which brought about deism.
  • Johnathan Edwards made Sinners In The Hands of An Angry God

    Johnathan Edwards made Sinners In The Hands of An Angry God
    This was one of many of his speeches. It was a fiery speech to scare people into being more religious. This was part of a greater movement called the great awakening. The movement was also spearheaded by George Whitefield. This gave religion a new passion and lead to a fight between the New Lights and The Old Lights. This threatened the order of many established churches. The great awakening was brought on by pietism which was brought in by the Germans.
  • The 7 Years War begins

    The 7 Years War begins
    The Seven Years war is a war between France and England that took place in The Americas over disputed land England won this war and gained that land along with much debt This caused France to give the rest of their land holdings to Spain They then left behind the soldiers that were introduced here from the war in order to control the colonists for benign neglect This angered the colonists used to having independence The colonists were not allowed to explore the land with the proclamation of 1763
  • George Greenville Becomes Prime Minister

    George Greenville Becomes Prime Minister
    George Greenville became prime minister at a time when he needed to make revenue from the colonies. He passed the Sugar Act causing many Americans to rebel against it and increased American anger. He passed the Stamp Act which gave lots of taxes to the rich and lots of money also angered the wealthy. He also passed the currency act. Taxes made them want representation. These policies began many protests and helped form the sons of liberty. He was eventually taken over by Charles Townsend.
  • Proclomation of 1763

    Proclomation of 1763
    This Proclamation was created after the gaining of land from the 7 years war It was meant to control the colonists and keep them from provoking the natives. This was the end of benign neglect and the beginning of colonial rebellion as they disobeyed the proclamation which would then build up into organizations like the sons of liberty and other acts of rebellion like the Boston tea party. This end of benign neglect was in order to try and make the colonies more profitable to pay for the war.
  • The American Revenue Act

    The American Revenue Act
    This tax was an alteration from the preexisting molasses act. This act actually lowered the tax but made it less risky for smugglers so it increased revenue. This was passed by George Greenville after becoming Prime Minister. This caused many people like John Hancock to get involved with the American Protests. Maay other taxation acts would follow this such as the Townshend Acts. This was then repealed with the Revenue Act of 1766.
  • Sons of Liberty Are Formed

    Sons of Liberty Are Formed
    The Sons of Liberty were formed in response to The Stamp Act. They created the motto taxation without representation. They were led by Sam Adams and John Hancock. These people signed the declaration of independence and helped lead the revolution. The Sons of Liberty also had riots and helped promote patriotic ideals and independence. This eventually led to the revolution. Members of the sons of Liberty also did the Boston Tea Party. They also helped support the non importation movement.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston tea party occurred when members of the sons of liberty snuck on three ships controlled by the British. They then threw overboard 1.5 million dollars of tea. This was in response to the Tea Act which was created to prop up the East India Tea Company. This then brought about the Intolerable Acts. They closed the ports of Boston took control of the colonial governments royal officials tried in England and made the Quartering Act making third amendments
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill was a Pyrrhic victory for the British they were able to overtake a hill but at significant cost. This began from the battles of Lexington and Concord which began the war. This would then be followed by the siege of Boston but would give the people in Boston a confidence boost. After this King George would reject the Olive Branch petition. The US would wait till The Battle of Trent to get another victory after this and the United States would continue to lose ground
  • The Declaration of Independence is Signed

    The Declaration of Independence is Signed
    The signing of the declaration is the US attempting independence. It was written by Thomas Jefferson who would then be president in the revolution of 1800 It led to us being independent after the winning of the Revolutionary War. The second continental congress signed it after the Olive Branch petition was rejected. The events at Lexington and Concord may have begun the war but its arguable the document is the beginning. The Second Continental Congress formed in response to the intolerable acts.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    During the Battle of Saratoga the US army was able to defeat one of England's armies This got the support of the French which helped us end the war during the Battle of Yorktown by capturing Yorktown. The French only asked for an allegiance of friendship. This was a turn from the earlier part of the war where we were mostly losing except some battle like the battle of Trenton which helped boost American morale. This also boosted morale like Thomas Paine's The American Crisis which boosted moral.
  • Articles Of Confederation Are Ratified

    Articles Of Confederation Are Ratified
    The Articles of Confederation is our first attempt at government. It creates the Northwest without slavery which is part of a trend of a lack of anti slavery in the north which will culminate in the civil war. A debate between Federalists and Anti federalists emerges on government size. Anti federalists want small government. Shay's rebellion shows how weak the document is. The Constitution is written more in the federalist's vision with the Bill of Rights being added for the Anti Federalists.
  • The Battle of York Town

    The Battle of York Town
    The Battle of York Town is the battle that won the Revolutionary War. This involved Cornwallis heading to York Town for cover but the French captured the town and we were able to defeat them there. We gained the French Support after The battle of Saratoga and Benjamin Franklin visiting France. Winning this war then led to the Treaty of Paris which gave us independence and the land gained through the Seven Years War. It also made us sign a declaration of Perpetual Friendship with France.
  • The Constitution Is Signed

    The Constitution Is Signed
    The constitution was created after Shay's Rebellion showed flaws in the articles of confederation. It created debates with federalists over federal power. The bill of rights was added to secure the vote from antifederalists. The Great compromise also settled debate on representation and whether it should be based on population or on states. It created the senate and the house. It had the elastic clause making debate between strict and loose constructionists like when Hamilton created the bank.
  • Washington Is Elected President

    Washington Is Elected President
    Washington becomes our first President. He became our president after being the general in the Revolutionary War. Hes a federalist he doesnt admit it He put down the Whiskey Rebellion showing the strength of the Constitution He created precedents like two terms which became the 22nd amendment. He also made the inaugural address as a precedent and the cabinet. He made the federal Judiciary act outlining how our court system works. He made the National bank and followed Alexander Hamilton's plan
  • First National Bank Of America Is Chartered

    First National Bank Of America Is Chartered
    George Washington made Alexander Hamilton secretary of treasury. He made the bank and it would go to the second one and be destroyed by Jackson The anti federalists wanted little government involvement in economics and also had an agrarian vision this vision would be destroyed after the civil war The Bank was made to stabilize the economy after the war Jefferson with strict constructionist ideas argued it was unconstitutional Hamilton created other plans like protective tariffs and public credit
  • Excise Whiskey Tax

    Excise Whiskey Tax
    The Excise Whiskey Tax was passed by President George Washington This made a tax on Whiskey to try and pay for the revolution Farmers did not like this as they often sold and traded with Whiskey This led to the Whiskey rebellion which George Washington Successfully put down This was unlike Shay's Rebellion which the government was unable to put down and revealed the flaws in the articles of confederation. This showed the strength of the new constitution and its abilities to put down rebellions
  • Eli Whitney Makes The Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney Makes The Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin made it very easy to process cotton. This made the production of cotton more efficient and faster. This caused a huge increase in slavery which went against the hopes that it would die out and leads to more tension over it. This was part of the Market Revolution. It also caused a boom in the southern economy. Inventions like these were brought about from protective tariffs from Clay's American System. Eli Whitney also made replaceable parts which made industrialization increase.
  • Jefferson Is Elected President

    Jefferson Is Elected President
    Jeffersons Election is called the Revolution of 1800. He defeats John Adams and ends the rule of the federalists. Before he was elected Adams signed in midnight judges which caused Marbury vs Madison which led to judicial review. John Adams lost from the xyz scandal and the creation of the Alien and Sedation Acts. Jefferson signed the Louisiana purchase and created the embargo of 1807 destroying the economy. Despite this the anti federalists remained and Madison was president next
  • Marbury V Madison

    Marbury V Madison
    Marbury V Madison was the case that brought about judicial review the ability of congress to declare laws unconstitutional. This gives the supreme court most of its power. This case was brought about when Jefferson won in the revolution of 1800. John Adams then appointed many midnight judges which James Madison refused to deliver so Marbury sued him. This led the way for many powerful cases to have full effect such as McCulluh V Maryland, Gibbons V Ogden, and Dred Scott V Sandford.
  • Louisiana Purchase Is Signed

    Louisiana Purchase Is Signed
    The Louisiana Purchase was signed between France and Jefferson This doubles our land for 15 million dollars It was signed by Napolean because the land was not very valuable to him. Jefferson signed this because he was wanting to secure use of the Mississippi beyond Pickneys Treaty and got this deal. This then led to the famous Lewis and Clark expeditions where they explored and collected information about the land. This also went against Jeffersons strict constructionism.
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    Embargo Act of 1807
    The Embargo Act of 1807 closed Us ports to all imports and exports in the united states ports and was deeply unpopular. It was eventually replaced with the Non-intercourse Act of 1809 only closing to British and French ports.This bill was passed in the first lace in order to get France and Britain to respect American neutrality since they both did not want America to trade with the other as they were at war. This hurt the American economy and manufacturing but Jefferson had an agrarian vision
  • The War of 1812 Begins

    The War of 1812 Begins
    The War of 1812 begins after James Madison signed a declaration of War against England. It was caused by the stealing of American sailors by the British the support of natives against the US and America wanting to prove themselves This war gives prominence to Jackson in The Battle Of New Orleans. The white house was burned in this war. This war led to the creation of our national anthem. Hartford Conventions see New England talk about cession. This war ends in a draw with the treaty of Bent.
  • The Benevolent Empire is Formed

    The Benevolent Empire is Formed
    The Benevolent Empire is a group of ministers that formed in order to stop age old evils. They wanted to stop prostitution, adultery, and alcohol consumption. This led to a temperance movement. This would culminate with the ban of alcohol in the 18th amendment which would be repealed in the 21st amendment. This group came out of the Second Great Awakening. This was a movement led by people such as Charles Finney that brought about another religious revival.
  • The Battle New Orleans

    The Battle New Orleans
    The Battle of New Orleans was a major win in the war of 1812 for the United States. This had occurred after the Treaty of Gent was signed however it had not come back yet. This battle is what brought Andrew Jackson into fame and caused him to become a president shortly after. Andrew Jackson had the nickname of Old Hickory. The Battle was won after the Americans dug trenches by where the British would enter and used the dirt as mounds to get an advantage over them. This was the final major battle
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was made by Henry Clay. It declared that for a free state to enter the union a slave state must also enter and vice versa. This was necessary because of westward expansion causing many more states to join. It also declared that those above the 36th parallel are free states and those below it are slave states. This was brought about after Missouri wanted to enter as a slave state. This legislation would eventually be passed by the compromise of 1850 which let states decide
  • Andrew Jackson Elected President

    Andrew Jackson Elected President
    Andrew Jackson became president under the Democratic Party that he created. He had fame after the Battle of New Orleans. He wins after a loss in 1824 from what is called the corrupt bargain. In it he creates the first modern political campaign. He creates the spoils system and along with Henry Clay compromised handled the nullification crisis with the compromise tarrif of 1833. He ends the bank of america and causes the Panic of 1837. He also signs Indian Removal Act which causes trail of tears
  • The Begining Of Transcendentalism

    The Begining Of Transcendentalism
    Transcendentalism was a literary movement and also a point of view adopted by many Americans similar to the hippies or Romantics. It valued emotion over reason and distrusted institutions. It had many influential writers that shaped our culture such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman who were around to see the shift into realism. Realism was the next literary movement that overtook it. This ideology and literary movement was quite a shift from the enlightenment ideals which had preceded it.
  • Cherokee Nation v Georgia Was Decided

    Cherokee Nation v Georgia Was Decided
    This case struck down the Indian Removal Act. It was struck down under the grounds that the Cherokee were an independent Nation since the U.S made treaties with them. This decision was famously ignored when Jackson said "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it" This was an overstep of power similar to the Nullification Jackson Dealt with. The Trail of Tears would later occur under Martin Van Buren. This oversaw the displacement and relocation of many Native Americans.
  • Battle of The Alamo

    Battle of The Alamo
    The Battle of The Alamo was pivotal in the Texas Revolution. This war came about from Mexico bringing in many Americans to Texas trying to populate the area. In it the Texans lost to the Mexican government and all the men died including a senator Davie Crocket This was important because the bravery showed rallied Texas against Mexico and brought in American support. This then leads to them winning the Texas Revolution and being annexed by America This would then lead to the Mexican American war.
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    The Panic of 1837 was an economic crisis brought upon the United States after Jackson's bank war and after England curtailed the amount of money they sent to us. This caused the american banks to stop giving out species. It occurred under Van Buren's presidency and lost the Democrats support. This allowed Henry Harrison to win under the Whig Party after gaining fame in the Battle of Tippecanoe. He would soon die however and John Tyler would come to power but refuse to work with Whigs.
  • Schism of 1840

    Schism of 1840
    The Schism of 1840 saw the Anti Slavery Society split into two factions. They split over things like women's rights in the group which was a growing issue out of the women's rights issues. Even Seneca Falls did not allow women to participate. They also split because their leader Garrison was too radical. He also believed in equal opportunity for Blacks and idea that would be seen in the Reconstruction era with the 15th and 14th amenment.
  • Mexican American War Begins

    Mexican American War Begins
    The Mexican American War begins after James Polk who was elected after the failure of John Tyler sent troops into disputed territory and they were shot. The disputed territory was between the Rio Grande and Nueces River. This land became disputed after Texas won the Texan Revolution. This was most likely an engineered war. The Americans would easily win the war and get massive land gains from this. This land would lead to the California gold rush.
  • Battle Of Mexico City

    Battle Of Mexico City
    The Battle of Mexico City ends with the united states capturing Mexico's Capital Mexico City. Winfred Scott captured the capital. This would lead to the end of the Mexican American war with the treaty of Hidalgo- Guadalope. This secured the Rio Grande as the Texan border. It also led to the Mexican cession making the united states bi costal and leading to the California gold rush. We were able to win this war easily as Mexico had recently come out of the Mexican Revolution.
  • California Gold Rush Begins

    California Gold Rush Begins
    The California Gold Rush brought many Americans out west as part of the westward expansion that was supported by the idea of Manifest Destiny. Many people came during 1849 and received the nickname of 49ers. This territory was gained through the Mexican cession. This helped gain California statehood. This caused an issue as it violated the Missouri compromise as it wanted to be a free state and it straddled the line. Henry Clay creates Compromise of 1850 in order to solve this issue.
  • Seneca Falls Convention Is Held

    Seneca Falls Convention Is Held
    The Seneca Falls Convention is the first women's rights convention. Many people that went to the convention were ridiculed like the people who signed the declaration of sentiments. The women's rights movement grew out of the abolitionist movement. This is why in this convention Fredrick Douglas a prominent abolitionist came. The women's rights movement would take a while to gain steam as the abolitionist movement took the spotlight. Women would get the right to vote with the 19th amendment.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 occurred when California wanted to join the union This changed the Missouri compromise by letting the states vote for freedom or slavery It abolished slave trade in DC and creates the fugitive slave law This was created by Henry Clay as one of the last things he does. The fugitive slave law makes the underground railroad less effective and make abolitionists go against their morals This eventually led to bleeding Kansas as many would use force to rig the election in Kansas
  • Uncle Toms Cabin Is Published

    Uncle Toms Cabin Is Published
    Uncle Tom's cabin is a book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that demonstrates the horrors of slavery. This was a big influence in the abolitionist movement which sought to end slavery and did so after the civil war. We would see certain abolitionist groups form like the Anti-Slavery Society after abolitionism grew assisted by this book. We also saw the underground railroad appear. It was very influential because it showed what the everyday life of a slave was like to the average white family.
  • Dred Scott V. Sandford Is Decided

    Dred Scott V. Sandford Is Decided
    Dred Scott v. Sandford was a case between a slave Dred Scott and his master. Scott argued that since his master had moved with him to a free state that he was free. The supreme court ruled against this They also said that blacks could not be citizens of the us This thought was then reversed by the 14th amendment He also said the Missouri compromise and North West Ordinance were not constitutional. This then worried the North who feared about the consequences of this allowing slavery in the North
  • The Attack On Fort Sumter

    The Attack On Fort Sumter
    The Attack On Fort Sumter began the civil war This happened after fears that Lincoln would take away slavery form the south which caused them to cede They attacked fort Sumter after Lincoln sent resupplying ships to Fort Sumter. Most in the North thought they would win easily from their superior economy manufacturing and population The Battle of Bull Run disproved this notion to them and showed their glaring weakness of poor military strategy This would eventually be solved with Grant as general
  • HomeStead Act of 1862

    HomeStead Act of 1862
    After The United States gained a massive amount of land from the Mexican American War and the Louisiana Purchase they wanted to make it productive. They introduced the homestead act which gave 100 acres of land away for free if they farmed it for 5 years lived on it and improved it This along with the Pacific Railway act helped improve the economy and develop the west The mass migration of people also led to conflict with natives which would lead to Grant's Peace Policy and Dawes Severalty Act
  • Pacific Railway Act of 1862

    Pacific Railway Act of 1862
    After The US became transcontinental with the Mexican Cession they wanted to have transportation from both ends to improve the economy They passed the Pacific Railway Act to form the transcontinental railway by paying two companies on opposite ends with land and money based on how much they built. This also helped with the Home Stead Act by letting people go West easier It released many immigrants and overpopulation building up in the east as they went and worked and then bought a piece of land
  • Anaconda Plan Is Completed With The Battle of Vicksburg

    Anaconda Plan Is Completed With The Battle of Vicksburg
    Grant completed the anaconda plan created by Winfield Scott at the Battle of Vicksburg. This effectively destroyed the confederate economy. It angered the British who were not getting any cotton but this was solved with the emancipation declaration It gave Grant a victory that would put him as the head general and win the war along with Sherman who had similar aggressive strategy that he employed with Sherman's march to the sea It cut the confederates in half so they could not support each other
  • Sharecropping Begins

    Sharecropping Begins
    Sharecropping was a practice that began from the 13th amendment which banned slavery and caused the prior slave owners to need to find a new source of work. This system employed people to grow plants on the plantations and they would get a portion of the crops. They would often be stuck in debt to the owners and get stuck in this system. Often the people stuck in this were freedmen. The black codes that were passed in the south also limited blacks ability to make money besides sharecropping.
  • 13th Amendment Is Passed

    13th Amendment Is Passed
    The 13th amendment banned slavery in all of the united states as the emancipation proclamation only banned it in the confederacy This happened from republicans having control and was passed as a condition of re admittance along with the 10 percent clause forgiving of debt disenfranchisement of former confederates and those with 20,000 of property With this power the 14th and 15th amendment would be passed giving citizenship and voting rights to blacks before the eventual end of reconstruction.
  • Freedmen's Bureau is Formed

    Freedmen's Bureau is Formed
    The Freedmen's Bureau was part of the re constructionist efforts in an attempt to help get former slaves on their feet. It gave them land, started schools, negotiated labour contracts, securing loans and giving legal aid. Johnson had repealed a bill to extend the life of the bureau but the republicans were able to gain such a large majority that eventually his vetoes would not matter and they would impeach him over the Tenure of Office Act.
  • Appomattox Courthouse Battle

    Appomattox Courthouse Battle
    This battle caused general Lee to surrender his forces to Grant. This was the end of the civil war and eventually the re constructionist period would follow as the republicans would hold powerful control. The Gettysburg battle which is where the Gettysburg address comes from had shrunk down the confederates army enough that they were not able to make another offensive this is what also brought Grant who brought about this victory into power as General Meade di not follow the fleeing troops.
  • Grants Peace Policy

    Grants Peace Policy
    Grants Peace Policy came about after many massacres like the Sand Creek Massacre and the Fetterman massacre. These were brought on by the homestead act and the pacific railway act which brought out many whites to the west. Grants peace policy involved taking children away from their homes to boarding school where they would be assimilated and the native culture would be destroyed. Another way this was done was with the Dawes Act which broke up tribal land and caused them to live in homesteads.