APUSH review Timeline

  • 1491

    Pre-Colombian Exchange

    Native Americans lived on the North American continent. There was not slavery or small pox due to the absence of Europeans
  • 1492

    Columbus “discovers” the New World

    Christopher introduces the Americas to Europe. This establishes more colonization and the Atlantic slave trade
  • St.Augustine (Spanish 1st in North America)

    The first city established in the North America by the Spanish
  • European colonization

    Dutch, French, British, and Spanish colonist began to move to the new world. New England, Middle, Southern (Chesapeake), West Indies. Periods of salutary neglect
  • James Town (English colony)

    James Town was the first permanent British colony.
  • Quebec

    The first French colony established in Canada
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Colonist rebelled against the Virginian governor for his peaceful policies with native Americans
  • Pueblo Revolt

    The native pueblo people rose up against Spain.
  • Colonial development

    Colonies began to grow in size and population. Ties with native Americans became strained due to European settlers taking land.
  • The great Awakening

    The great awakening led to an increase in the protestant branch of Christianity. It influenced the colonies and England.
  • Start of the french and Indian war

    British colonies and the French had a war that lasted 7 years. It ended with the treaty of Paris (1763)
  • French and Indian war ends

    Treaty of Paris(1763) ends the war. The end of salutary neglect, more taxes, and new mercantilism policies.
  • Tensions between England and the Colonies grows

    Tea act, Stamp act, Quartering act, proclamation of 1763.
  • Eve Declaration of Independence

    The original 13 colonies debate over how to ratify the
    declaration. Lexington and Concord:first battle of the civil war
  • Declaration of Independence

    America declared independence from Great Britain. This started the civil war.
  • American Revolution

    Americas fight for independence. Ends with the siege of Yorktown. Treaty of Paris(1783) ends the war.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Ends the weak power of the articles by creating and implementing a constitution.
  • New Government

    George Washington becomes the first president. The constitution is ratified along with the bill of rights.
  • 1st Party system Federalist vs. Democratic Republicans

    Hamilton Vs. Jefferson. Debates over the national bank, taxes, and the Kentucky and Virginia resolution.
  • Thomas Jefferson is elected

    1st Peaceful transition of power from one leader to another.
  • Market Revolution

    the economy grew with Henry Clay's American system.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson bought a large portion of land from France. The exchange was cheap but Jefferson questioned it's constitutionality.
  • War of 1812

    A war between the US and Britain. Britain was in a war with France and they took supplies from American ships, so the US declared war on Britain.
  • Era of Good Feelings

    Due to the victory of the war of 1812, the US shared a common feeling of positivity. James Monroe was elected under the first party system
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state. Later repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska act.
  • Sectional conflict

    The debates over states becoming free or slave drove people to violent conflict. The Kansas-Nebraska act resulted in bleeding Kansas.
  • Monroe doctrine

    This doctrine stated that Europe has no right t colonize the Americas. It is later edited under Roosevelt to remove colonies from Latin america.
  • Andrew Jackson and the age of common man & reform

    Andrew Jackson abuses power in office. Too many vetoes, trail of tears, nullification crisis.
  • 2 party system

    The development of two parties. Whigs and democrats result from political factions.
  • Polk Presidency

    Manifest destiny movement west
  • Mexican American War

    Americas manifest destiny leads to the war. USA won and took land from Mexico. New states were admitted and the issue of slavery returned.
  • Seneca Falls

    the first women's rights convention
  • compromise of 1850

    California entered as a free state and the fugitive slave laws were heavily enforced.
  • sectional crisis

    tensions grew between the north and south over slavery.
  • 3 party system Republicans vs Democrats

    The republican party emerges at this time and this leads to three party system. Later on only the democratic and republican parties are prominent.
  • Lincoln is elected

    Abraham Lincoln is elected for president. Secession of the south from the union begins.
  • Civil war

    The civil war begins as a result of conflict between the north and the south over multiple issues, a prominent one being slavery.
  • Reconstruction

    After the civil, the US begins reconstructing the south with the union. The emancipation proclamation is signed into law but slave codes and Jim crow laws remain.
  • End of reconstruction

    Jim crow laws are created and sharecropping still acts as a form of slavery.
  • Sherman anti trust act

    Opposed monopolies
  • Last of the native american wars (wounded knee)

    The Us stops expanded west and begins to expand overseas. Such as the open door policy with China and the annexation of Hawaii
  • Spanish American war

    The US removed Spain from the Americas and tried to annex Cuba.
  • WW1 begins

    The Us enters the war later in 1917.
  • Espionage and sedition act

    After the US enters WW1, the government outlaws people from speaking against the war.
  • Palmer raids

    The fear of communism sparked raids against anarchist and suspected communist.
  • The progressive movement

    The movement resulted in many acts such as the Sherman anti trust act, meat inspection act, pure food & drug act, and the Hepburn act
  • WW2 begins

    As a result of WW1 and Hitler's rise to power, WW2 began as Germany wanted to regain military power.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Caused the US to enter WW2 after the Japanese bombed pearl harbor
  • Zoot suit riots

    riots between Hispanics and army soldiers.