APUSH Review: (Emma Austin)

  • Period: 1491 to

    Period 1/2

    Native America, European Exploration, Colonization.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first successful English colony in the future US, settled in Virginia
  • Plymouth

    Plymouth was the first settlement created in Massachusetts by Separatists who south to create a religiously pure society.
  • Massachusetts Bay

    A fast-growing colony that believed in American exceptionalism, religious intolerance, and no separation of church and state.
  • Rhode Island

    A colony that was considered "The Sewer." Settled by Roger Williams, believed in the separation of church and state, a refuge for cast outs.
  • Trade and Navigation Acts

    The Trade and Navigation Acts were Acts created by British Parlament that restricted the Colonies in their trading.
  • Pennsylvania

    A colony founded by William Penn, considered "The Holy Experiment" which involved religious tolerance and Quakerism.
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War was a fight between the colonists and the natives about the ownership of the land between themselves.
  • King William's War

    King William's War was a battle fought between England and France, and lead to courts being set up in the colonies to enforce the Trade and Navigation Acts.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening was a series of Christian revivals that swept the Colonies. It permanently affected Protestantism as it involved ideals to renew individual piety and religious devotion.
  • French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War began in the colonies when French settlers encroached on land claimed by the British.
  • Period: to

    Period 3

    American Revolution, the Confederal Era, and the Early Federal Period.
  • Currency Act of 1764

    The Currency Act made it so Colonies couldn't print their own money and all taxes had to be paid in specie.
  • Quartering Act of 1765

    The Quartering Act made it so Colonists had to pay to house British soldiers.
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    The Stamp Act made it so there were taxes on all printed paper goods and that trials were held in Admiralty courts.
  • Townsend Acts

    The Townsend Acts made it so lead, glass, tea, paper, and paint were taxed. The purpose was to make money to pay royal governors.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was an event in which British soldiers shot 9 people, and killed 5. This sparked a fire for patriotism.
  • Tea Act

    A tax on tea that was collected by the British and protested heavily by the colonists, most notably in the Boston Tea Party.
  • The Intolerable/Coercive Acts

    The Intolerable Acts were passed by British Parlament closing all ports in Boston and shut down all government in Mass. as well as the murder act and the second Quartering Act.
  • Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill was a battle that Britain won but lost lots of men. It became known as a moral victory for America.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga was a turning point for the Americans. This battle proved to France that they could trust in America to win.
  • The Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation was the 1st constitution of America. The weak central government that was established by the Articles received very little power.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War, released the colonies, and set the western boundary at the Mississippi River.
  • French Revolution

    The French Revolution was a was a time of grand social and political upheaval in France and its colonies. It overthrew the monarchy, established a republic, created violent periods of political issues, and finally ended in a dictatorship under Napoleon.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion was the 1st test of the government when George Washington led 72,000 troops to spook the Rebellion. It was quickly disbanded and showed Americans to stop rebelling.
  • XYZ Affair

    The XYZ Affair was an accounter between American and French officials where the French demanded money to make the deal and the U.S. declined.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    These acts made it extremely difficult to become a citizen to live within the U.S. as an immigrant. The acts were protested with the NY and KY resolutions.
  • Period: to

    Period 4 Part 1

    The War of 1812, The Era of good feelings, Westward Migration.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison was a supreme court case that invalidated the jobs of "the midnight judges" and overturned their positions. This aided the idea of judicial review.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase was America's purchase of territory owned by France that contained New Orleans.
  • Napoleonic Wars

    The Napoleonic Wars were a series of major conflicts against France and its allies, led by Napoleon I, against the United Kingdom and its allies.
  • Chesapeake Incident

    The Chesapeake Incident was an issue where a ship was anchored in American waters and sailors were taken off the ship by British sailors.
  • Embargo of 1807

    The Embargo of 1807 cut off American trade with every country. This deeply discredited Jefferson. It was also unconstitutional.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812 was a fight between America and Britain. It transpired because the U.S. felt oppressed Britain and wanted the land they held in the West.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812. In reality, it did very little but prevented war in the future.
  • Election of 1816

    This election had the Federalists Rufus King against Democrat-Republican James Monroe. Monroe became president.
  • Clay's American System

    Clay's American System was the policy of promoting industry in the U.S. by the adoption of a high protective tariff and of developing internal improvements by the federal government.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine created a new view of foreign policy. It said that there would be no new European colonization in the western hemisphere.
  • Election of 1824

    This election involved Andrew Jackson, J.Q.A., Henry Clay, and John C. Calhoun. Because no one gained majority, the housed voted for J.Q.A.
  • Period: to

    Period 4 Part 2

    Jacksonian Democracy, Reform Movements, Manifest Destiny.
  • Election of 1828

    This election involved the National Republican nominee J.Q.A. and Democratic nominee Andrew Jackson. Jackson won.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Hamilton raised the tariff from 25% to 45%. This led to John C. Calhoun's SC exposition.
  • Second Great Awakening

    The Second Great Awakening continued ideas of Jacksonian Democracy and the rise of the common man.
  • Latter-Day Saints

    The Latter-Day Saints are a religious utopia founded in upstate New York and slowly moved to Utah and are now considered Mormons.
  • The Bank War

    Jackson vetoed the Bank Recharter Bill. To kill the bank entirely, Jackson stopped depositing federal funds in the Second Bank and placed the money in pet banks instead.
  • British Abolition

    Britain ended all slavery in its territory.
  • Specie Circular

    A law that made it so only specie was accepted as payment for western land. It made greenbacks worthless.
  • Prigg v. PA

    A supreme court ruling that said that Northern officials don't have to return runaways to the South.
  • Amistad

    The Amistad was a ship that was taken over by captive Africans, were able to return to Africa.
  • Election of 1840

    This election involved Democratic nominee Martin Van Buren and Whig nominee William Henry Harrison. W.H.H. wins.
  • Election of 1844

    This election involved James K. Polk and Henry Clay. Polk won.
  • Treaty of Wanghia

    Started U.S. trade with China.
  • Period: to

    Period 5

    Slavery, Civil War, Reconstruction.
  • The Mexican War

    The Mexican War was fought between America and Mexico. It ended in America gaining 1/3 of Mexico's land, including nearly all of present-day California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico.
  • Election of 1848

    This election involved Democratic nominee Lewis Cass, Whig nominee Zachary Taylor, and Free Soiler nominee Martin Van Buren. Zachary Taylor won.
  • Clayton-Bulwark Treaty

    This treaty says the U.S. agrees to build a canal in Panama with Britain.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The compromise was a package of five separate bills passed by the United States Congress that defused a political confrontation between slave and free states on the status of territories acquired in the Mexican War.
  • Election of 1852

    This election involved the Democratic nominee Franklin Pierce and Whig nominee Winfield Scott. Franklin Pierce won.
  • Matthew Perry

    Started U.S. trade with Japan
  • Formation of Republican Party

    This party was made of free soilers, all were abolitionists, the party of the North.
  • Dredd Scott v. Sanford

    This was a supreme court case that decided that slaves were property like livestock.
  • Panic of 1857

    This Panic happened because of overproduction and over the expansion of railroads.
  • Exparte Merrimen

    This said that the federal government couldn't suspend habeas corpus.
  • Period: to

    Period 6

    Gilded Age, Labor Movement, Urban Development.
  • Election of 1868

    This Election involved Democratic nominee Seymour and Republican nominee Grant. Grant won.
  • Election of 1872

    The election involved Democratic nominee Grechey and Republican nominee Grant. Grant won.
  • Compromise of 1877

    This Compromise was an informal agreement between southern Democrats and allies of the Republican Rutherford Hayes to settle the result of the presidential election.
  • Munn v. Illinois

    This case said it was appropriate for states to regulate some trade only for the public interest.
  • Election of 1880

    The election involved Democratic nominee Hancock and Republican nominee Garfield. Garfield won but was soon replaced by Chester Arthur.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    This Act disallowed any more Chinese immigrants.
  • Election of 1884

    The election involved Democrat Cleveland and Republican Blaine. Cleveland won.
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    This Act said that railroads had to charge fair rates. It did not do a lot for regulation.
  • Election of 1888

    This election involved democrat Cleveland and republican Ben Harrison. Harrison won.
  • Samoa

    After conflict with Germany, U.S. ends up with "American Samoa" as a territory.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    This Act was formed to try to fight monopolies and make them illegal.
  • Panic of 1893

    This panic happened because small railroad companies went out of business and it created regional monopolies.
  • Panic of 1893

    This was the last panic of the century, it happened because there was a run on gold.
  • Wilmington Massacre

    The Wilmington Massacre was a very violent revolt spreading racial fear. White people burned down a black office building and killed 60-200 people.
  • Treaty of Paris

    In the Treaty of Paris, the U.S. gains Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.
  • Period: to

    Period 7 Part 1

    New Imperialism, The Spanish American War, Progressive Era.
  • Election of 1900

    This election involved Mckinley (R) against Bryan (D). Mckinley won but was quickly replaced by Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Elkins Act

    While strengthing the ICC, this act made it so railroads could not give more rebates.
  • Election of 1904

    This election involved Theodore Roosevelt (R) against Alton Parker (D). Roosevelt won.
  • U.S. Forest Service

    Theodore Roosevelt created the U.S. Forest Service to conserve national land.
  • Hepburn Act

    While Strengthening the ICC, this act disallowed railroads to give free passes and the ICC could establish price ceilings.
  • Meat Inspecting Act

    This act made it so the federal government inspected meat crossing state lines.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    This act made it so nutrition labels had to be put on everything.
  • Gentleman's Agreement/ Japan

    This Agreement disallowed Japanese immigrants into the U.S.
  • Election of 1908

    This election involved Taft (R) against Bryan (D). Taft won the election.
  • Mann Act

    This act made it illegal to transport women for bad means over state lines (interstate prostitution)
  • Creation of Chamber of Commerce

    The Chamber of Commerce was created along with other professional organizations and advocacy groups.
  • Arabic Pledge

    The pledge asked Germany to signal if they wanted to sink U.S. ships. Not effective.
  • Federal Loan Farm Act

    Allowed the federal government to give low-interest loans for farmers.
  • National Park Service

    Woodrow Wilson created the National Park Service.
  • Worker's Comp.

    Allowed Federal workers to get comp if hurt on the job.
  • Sussex Ultimatum

    Said no targeting passenger ships, no targeting cargo ships unless armed, and provide for the safety of the crew.
  • National Defuse Act

    This act doubled the Army size of American troops before the war.
  • Election of 1916

    This election involved Hughes (R) against Wilson (D). Wilson won the election.
  • Hammer v. Dagenhurt

    This case restricted child labor laws and made laws to be left up to the state.
  • Period: to

    Period 7 Part 2

    WWI, Depression, WWII.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles held Germany responsible for starting the war and imposed harsh penalties in terms of loss of territory, massive reparations payments, and demilitarization.
  • Johnson Act

    Used 1910 Census to lower the population number of Russians allowed in the country.
  • National Origins Act

    Used the 1890 Census to establish new immigration laws and lowered the percentage to 2%.
  • Kellogg Briand Pact

    This pact outlawed war.
  • Hawley- Smoot Tariff

    Depression hits and raises tariffs at 59.1%.
  • Invasion of Manchuria

    Japan invaded part of China, then all of China in 1937
  • Recognition of U.S.S.R.

    The U.S. recognized the Soviet Union as a Country.
  • Johnson Act (1934)

    The U.S. would not give loans to countries not paying their debts.
  • Invasion of Ethiopia

    Italy invaded Ethiopia for resources for war.
  • Election of 1944

    This election involved Thomas Dewey (R) against FDR (D). FDR won the election.