APUSH Review Caillean Cooke 2020

  • Jamestown

    First permanent English settlement in the New World. No cash crops and no gold lead to the "starving time". Eventually, the introduction of tobacco lead to private property and wealth. Labor issues then lead to indentured servitude.
  • Mayflower

    Pilgrims migrated to the New World, on the Mayflower. They landed in Plymouth rock on November 9, 1620. The Mayflower Compact talked about the rights of Englishmen. Self-government.
  • Massachusetts Bay

    Massachusetts Bay
    Established self-government early on with no attention from the mother country. Bible commonwealth with a lack of equality and diversity, religious intolerance, voting restrictions, and no church and state separation.
  • Settling New England

    Settling New England
    New England education everyone needed to know how to read the bible. Everyone knew everyone due to the closeness of all the towns and houses. Religion was normally puritans and then later on Baptists. The economy was hard due to rocky soil and a short growing season.
  • Slavery and The Great Awakening

    Slavery and The Great Awakening
    Early on started as indentured servitude, changed in conditions starting the 1650s. Went through the middle passage. Slave resistance was high passive and aggressive. The Great Awakening involved emotional sermons with vivid images of hell, death, and punishment. Old lights v. New lights.
  • Middle Colonies

    Middle Colonies
    Known as the breadbasket colonies as they grew wheat, corn, and grain. With diverse cities and a center for most trade. Diverse in religion and separation of church and state. The middle colonies also had a lot coming into their economy through agriculture, trade and commerce, and manufacturing.
  • Southern colonies/ Chesapeake

    Southern colonies/ Chesapeake
    Chesapeake is a sub-region of the south that is agriculturally focused on tobacco. In the south you had to own land to make money and many poor people didn't have access to education and often were homeschooling. Chirches were not common and not practiced collectively. Main source of the economy was ports and agriculture like tobacco in the Chesapeake and rice and indigo in the rest of the south.
  • Trade and Navigation Act

    Trade and Navigation Act
    An attempt by England to crack down on the colonies. By controlling trade through the US and only letting them trade through England.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    Known as the seven-year war. The French started to build forts in the Ohio valley. Washington fought them for the British territory in PA. The French ended up having a lot of Indian tribes on their side.
  • Proclamation Act of 1763

    Proclamation Act of 1763
    This prohibited settlement west of Appalachians. The purposes were to control colonists in a smaller area for an easier rule, could control fur trade, and to protect them from natives. Colonists didn't react well and moved west anyways.
  • Sugar/Revenue Act of 1764

    Sugar/Revenue Act of 1764
    Was put into place to pay off war debt from the French and Indian War. Colonists protested and that ended in smuggling and boycotting goods that were taxed.
  • Quartering Act/ Stamp Act

    Quartering Act/ Stamp Act
    Towns and households had to pay for the quartering of British troops, this angered many colonists and they were very rude and needy and made paying for them a terrible task. The Stamp Act was a tax put on anything of paper, this angered the colonist as they soon realized these taxes weren't going away and they were getting worse.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    After the repeal of the stamp act, Britain added the Declaratory Act. This act asserted Britain as in charge as they wanted to show their power.
  • Townshend Act of 1767

    Townshend Act of 1767
    The purpose was so that parliament can bankroll royal governors. This was a tax on lead, glass, tea, paper, and paint. The colonial reaction to the act was a mass circular letter and the sons of liberty responded as well.
  • Tea Act of 1773

    Tea Act of 1773
    This gave the East Indian tea company a monopoly in the colonies. Prices were fixed and no other competition. The colonial reaction resulted in the Boston tea party.
  • Intolerable Acts/ Coercive Acts

    Intolerable Acts/ Coercive Acts
    This was a way to punish Boston as it also involved an act on Bostons Port. Colonies sent money, food, and more to Boston and this became a new sense of unity.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Here hey discussed how Washington was going to be commander and chief. Discussed and wrote the declaration of causes of taking up arms and the olive branch petition.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The declaration of independence started with an intro, grievances, and the declaration. Stated that the colonies are and ought to be free states, and stated how the colonist was to end things with Britain.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    This battle was the turning point of the war. This battle showed France that helping the Colonies was an option.
  • Article of Confederation

    Article of Confederation
    Stated that there would be one legislative branch, with no power to tax, regulate trade, enforce laws, and there was no national currency. With no national military, the government couldn't get rid of British forts in the NW.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This treaty ended the Revolutionary War as well as declared the colonies independent. In the end, the colonies gained land east of the Mississippi.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    The new government was working for many colonists. This rebellion showed how disfunctional the new government was and showed people in power they needed to change.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Held in Philidelphia, where they came up with ideas like the balance of power in legislation, restrictions on suffrage, and strong executive. Eventually, compromises had to be made and many disagreements happened between larger states and small states about representation.
  • Washington's presidency

    Washington's presidency
    Was often referred to as the Great Experiment as the US had never had a president before. During his presidency, he set up some characteristics of what the presidency would involve like terms and independent cabinets.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    Changed requirements for becoming a citizen in the US. "Aliens" could be deported at any time. It was illegal to criticize high government officials. Later argued as unconstitutional.
  • Revolution of 1800

    Revolution of 1800
    During this election, no one got a majority in the house and Hamilton ended up putting himself in Jefferson's corner, he knew that Jefferson had the right intentions fo the government. Jefferson ended up winning the election.
  • Malbury V. Madison

    Malbury V. Madison
    The ruling was that John Adams, as president, can't just make up jobs and must start with legislative. This concluded in judicial review meaning that the court can accuse the president's actions or legislation as unconstitutional and can review all laws.
  • Embargo of 1807

    Embargo of 1807
    This Embargo cut down on all trade. So with no imports, the economy went down making federalists mad and democrats angry because they believed he was abandoning his principles.
  • Election of 1808

    Election of 1808
    Madison who was previously secretary of state ran against Pinckney. Madison was known for his very poor character and wasn't very well-liked.
  • Non Intercourse Act

    Non Intercourse Act
    An Embargo on both Britain and France as they attacked the US ships. This didn't stop them from attacking them and never stopped the problem.
  • Macon's bill #2

    Macon's bill #2
    Between Britain and France, whichever one agrees to respect our rights at sea first will be the one country we trade with while embargoing the other. France agreed first
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    England violated the US choice of neutrality and they believed they could trade with anyone they wanted event two in war. Lasted three years with both a defensive and an offensive side to the war.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    Gathering of federalists during the war. The purpose was to discuss changes to be made to the constitution. Limit congress power to make war, to create embargo, and admit states. This became the end to the federalist party.
  • Clay's American System

    Clay's American System
    Included protective tariffs to increase American made goods. Rechartered the second bank of America. Internal funding for stronger ties and transportation.
  • Monroe Doctrine 1823

    Monroe Doctrine 1823
    A guiding principle for the foreign policy through the end of the century. No new European colonies and the US promises to stay ou of any internal problems with Europe.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    Candidates Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, JQA, etc... With no majority speaker of the house, Henry Clay, choose JQA as Clay didn't like Jackson.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    There were no key issues during the campaigning so most of the election was just insults back and forth. Andrew Jackson won the election and claimed a mandate. Jackson had the appeal of a "common man" image.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The forced relocation of US Native Americans from homelands in the southeast to land west of the Mississippi River. 25% of these Natives died.
  • Tariff of 1832/ Clays Compromise Tariff

    Tariff of 1832/ Clays Compromise Tariff
    Lowered the Tariff to 35%, South Carolina voted to nullify it. This angered Jackson, he prepared an army to march down to SC. Clay's Compromise tariff started out at 35% and would gradually reduce.
  • The Bank War

    The Bank War
    While there was some positive aspects of the banks, like money regulation and balance, many people opposed the banks due to small PET banks and monopolies and the question of if they were constitutional.
  • Specie Circular

    Specie Circular
    Congress passed this allowing only gold and silver to be accepted for land in the west. Greenbacks were useless as banks eventually ran out of gold and silver and had to close down.
  • Election of 1840

    Election of 1840
    Harrison won and gave the longest speech in the cold which he later died from. Tyler Polk became president who was Anti-whig and driven to the democrats.
  • Election of 1844

    Election of 1844
    Polk v Clay, Polk's platform was very specific with the annexation of many states and lowering the tariff.
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    Due to foreign interest from England a proposed treaty was made so that Texas would enter as a free state with no slavery. South Carolina threatens to succeed and texas admission was 12/29/45.
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    Fought over land in the south. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the US agreed to give Mexico money for their land that is almost equivalent to current line.
  • Election of 1848

    Election of 1848
    Election against Democrat, Whigs, and Free-Soilers. Politician and General Zachary Taylor won in the aftermath of the Mexican war.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    After a gold rush in California, a huge influx of people migrated to California and New Mexico allowing them to join as a state. They both wanted to join as free states, the south did not like this idea and South Carolina threatened to succeed. The compromise came in 6 parts. The majority of it was that California would be free and popular sovereignty would determine the slave status in new Mexico. In exchange higher fugitive slave laws would be put into place.
  • Election of 1852

    Election of 1852
    During the Election of 1852, it was against Pierce and Scott. During this election, it became the end of the Whig party and soon became a North V. South battle.
  • Kansas Nebraska Bill

    Kansas Nebraska Bill
    Stephen Douglas, a senator from Illinois, wanted to make a name for himself and decided he wanted the Transcontinental Railroad to start in Chicago. In order to do this he needed more organized land. Soon Kansas and Nebraska were formed for new land and popular sovereignty would decide the state's slave status. This undermined previous bills and compromises and gave power to people who were not ready.
  • Missouri/Kansas border war

    Missouri/Kansas border war
    Involved the sacking of Lawrence, and abolitionist settlement. Also, the Pottawatomie massacre involved the death of 5 people. John Brown Radical.
  • Panic of 1857

    Panic of 1857
    Caused by overproduction of goods and overextension of railroads. This resulted in only the north being effected, used by the south to state that due to slavery they had a stable economic standpoint.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Abraham Lincoln was the Republican's choice because he wasn't very well known and hadn't made any enemies yet. He took the free-soil position, protective tariff, rights for immigrants, and more. Lincoln ended up winning and the south didn't acknowledge the republican party.
  • Secession of states

    Secession of states
    The beginning of the civil war. South Carolina first in 1860, followed by many more states, forming the confederacy.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Abraham Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation after the Antietam win. It stated that all slaves in states where there was rebellion were freed and could now join the union army.
  • Turning point in the war

    Turning point in the war
    Gettysburg was a major union win and was a turning point in the war in the east. Vicksburg was the only town the union hadn't captured and on July 3rd, 1863 they captured the town and it was a major turning point for both sides as the union now controlled Mississippi.
  • Election of 1864

    Election of 1864
    Lincoln was running against George McClellan. McClellan was for slavery, Lincoln won re-election.
  • Congressional Reconstruction

    Congressional Reconstruction
    Involved Freemans Bureau, Civil Rights Act, and 14th Amendment. In order to enter the union, you had to recognize African American Suffrage and only the congress could pardon confederates.
  • Military Reconstruction

    Military Reconstruction
    After the Election of Andrew Johnson, he split the south up into 5 districts. The south wasn't following the reconstruction requirements so militia was sent down to the districts to enforce them.
  • Election of 1868

    Election of 1868
    Seymor V. Grant, Grant wins by a lot. Warned Republicans that they wouldn't be able to keep majority without the votes of African Americans who also pushed for the 15th Amendment.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    Completed on May 10th, 1869. Finished through government-supported money and immigrant labor.
  • Credit Mobiler Scandal 1867-1872

    Credit Mobiler Scandal 1867-1872
    Monopoly created within the Transcontinental Railroad. One railroad company bought another company made by themselves and then bought the stock for a company that was also there own. Which ultimately meant they were using federal money to raise its own stock.
  • Panic of 1873

    Panic of 1873
    There were no exchanges of greenback for gold and silver. This stopped the banks from shutting down, which were government steps, even though it was the worst panic yet.
  • Election of 1876

    Election of 1876
    Hilden vs Tilden, neither received the votes needed to win. States started to question whether their votes were being counted.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    After the election of 1876 and its own issues, a compromise was made. Hayes would be president, military reconstruction would be over, federal money would be given to the south for rebuilding, cabinet seats would be opened for democrats, and an unspoken agreement that the south would ignore 14 and 15th amendments.
  • Election of 1880

    Election of 1880
    Caused the Republican party to split. While one side thought that the civil service reform was a good idea the other side did not. Garfield won but then was Assassinated.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    This was an Immigration restriction placed in the US. Restricted Chinese immigrants from coming to the US, because they were taking jobs that could be given to US citizens. Sense of nationalism.
  • Cleveland Admin

    Cleveland Admin
    During the Election of 1884. Cleveland, the Republican politician, campaigned Laissez-Faire, Civil service reform, pensions, tariffs, and more.
  • The American Federation of Labor

    The American Federation of Labor
    Members included skilled workers, run by Samuel Gompers. Their goals were to receive higher wages, get fewer hours, and work in better conditions.
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    Stated that the Federal government was the one that could control trade. It also states that the railroads had to start charging fair rates.
  • Sherman Anti-trust Act

    Sherman Anti-trust Act
    Was used to put an end to monopolies controlling industries. It was also used to break up labor unions who were getting in the way of production.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    When a labor union went on strike a group of Pinkerton guards were hired. When they were ordered to work by the government, this resulted in them moving from an 8 hour day to a 12 hour day.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    Pullman car company cut wages for workers causing a labor movement, lead by Eugene Debs, to go on strike. In the end, the company won due to government aid and help, but Eugene Debs was labeled as an American Idol.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    At the beginning of US involvement in imperialism, the US got into the war in the Caribbean. Here through the Treaty of Paris, we gained Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. This war is significant as it raised the status of the US and put us into an empire status to other high-end countries.
  • Phillipines is gained by the US

    Phillipines is gained by the US
    Gained through the Treaty of Paris after the end of the Spanish- American war.
  • Election of 1900

    Election of 1900
    Republican McKinley against Democrat Bryan. Put Roosevelt as vice president in hopes of his career dying. Resulted in a solid south vote and Mckinley winning.
  • McKinley Assassination

    McKinley Assassination
    After the Assassination of Mckinley, Teddy Roosevelt became president. Became the youngest president.
  • Election of 1904

    Election of 1904
    Teddy Roosevelt was reelected and implemented the Square deal. Meaning everything was fair, even, and no favoring, Solid south vote as well.
  • US Forest Service

    US Forest Service
    TR thought of this as his greatest achievement. It created national forests all around the country that would be protected.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    Prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs in interstate commerce. It also laid a foundation for the US's first consumer protection agency, the Food and Drug Administration.
  • Election of 1908

    Election of 1908
    Taft v Bryan, Taft was governor of the Philippines and didn't want to become president but everyone else wanted him to. Resulted in Taft as president and Solid South.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    This amendment created the income tax. Allowed congress to be able to collect taxes on income.
  • Election of 1912

    Election of 1912
    Between Wilson and old president TR. The campaigns were New nationalism (TR) vs. New Freedom (Wilson). Wilson won.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    This Act created the Federal Reserve. Controlled how much money was in circulation and the interest rates. Regulated the economy.
  • WWI declared

    WWI declared
    The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by Serbian people started the war.
  • Election of 1916

    Election of 1916
    Wilsons campaign was that he had kept the US out of the war while Hughes's platform was neutral on war and pushed more on the tariff. The outcome was very close but Wilson won.
  • US joins WWI

    US joins WWI
    With submarine warfare from Germany, the Russian Revolution meaning that the Allies need our help, and Germany plotting against us by recruiting Mexico, the US declared war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Under the Treaty of Versailles, which ended WWI, Germany had to claim guilt for the war, give up all colonies, pay $33 million, and demilitarize.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    Increased fear throughout the US after bombings and the Russian Revolution. Fear of Anarchy and communism.
  • Emergency Immigration Act

    Emergency Immigration Act
    Set a new quota for immigration by using 1910's numbers and making 3% the new quota.
  • Adjusted Compensation Act/ Bonus Act

    Adjusted Compensation Act/ Bonus Act
    Veterans in 20 years they will receive money in the future for every day they were overseas or for on state lines.
  • Election of 1928

    Election of 1928
    Hoover v. Smith. Issues involved Prohibition, Religion, and Nativism. Hoover won overwhelmingly.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The catalyst that starts a downwards spiral and leads to the Great Depression.
  • Election of 1932

    Election of 1932
    Hoover v. Roosevelt, Roosevelt brought the New Deal that was to be the solution to the Great Depression. Roosevelt won.
  • FDR Banking Holiday

    FDR Banking Holiday
    Shut down banks for 3 days all over the country, By doing this they are taking money from banks that are failing and putting it into stable banks.
  • National Housing Act

    National Housing Act
    Part of the New Deal passed during the Great Depression in order to make housing and home mortgages more affordable. Also, racially discriminated loans called redlining.
  • National Labor Relations Act

    National Labor Relations Act
    Guaranteed the right of employees to organize into unions, do collective bargaining, and take action such as strikes.
  • Election of 1936

    Election of 1936
    FDR coming in for reelection, with a huge majority, 523 votes to 8.
  • Declaration of war on Germany

    Declaration of war on Germany
    Due to the Acts of Germany's leader, Hitler, Britain declared war as he tried to take over countries and convert them to communism. US remained neutral.
  • Election of 1940

    Election of 1940
    FDR was elected again for the third time and was the first president to do three terms.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    US pacific fleet was destroyed after being bombed by Japanese planes. BY doing this the US can not fight back easily. US wanted to declare war but there was one vote against.
  • D-Day

    Allied forces invaded northern France by beach landings in Normandy. Followed by the Liberation of Paris.
  • American Liberation of Concentration Camps

    American Liberation of Concentration Camps
    After the invasion of Berlin and the death of Hitler and Nazi high command, US soldiers liberated camps.