Purchased from Russia by William Seward to protect. Worth it after discovery of gold -
Alfred Thayer MAhan
Wrote "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History' -
Queen Liliuokalani
Was overthrown by Sandford Dole because she did not want to sell Hawaii -
American Tariff of 1894
Made the sugar economy go way down -
Annexation of Hawaii
Wanted sugar to be sold for free. Queen overthrown and McKinley annexes -
Spanish American War
U.S vs Spain in Cuba. They defeat Spanish and gain many territories outside the U.S -
Yellow Journalism
Journalism that exaggerated to create a sensation or specific feeling. (William Randolph Hearst) helped star war -
US Maine
U.S Maine sunk in Cuban waters and sparks Spanish American War -
Joseph Pullitzer
NY Journal writer who helped start yellow Journalism to fuel the war -
Treaty of Paris
Officially ended the Spanish American War and let U.S have troops in Cuba and annex Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippians -
William Randolph Hearst
Ny Journal, Pulitzer rival helped start yellow journalism to fuel war. -
Teller Admendment
said that promised the US would not annex Cuba after winning the Spanish-American war -
Emilio Aguinaldo
Proclaimed independence of Philippians (independence movement) -
Philippine-American War
Philippians vs U.S. Guerrilla war fair and rebels defeated by U.S -
Boxer Rebellion
rebellion in Beijing by secret society to stop "foreign devils". Stopped by British -
Open Door Policy
equal access to Chinese ports for all countries. Enforced by John Hay. -
The Platt Admendment
Restricted Cuban sovereignty. Gave the U.S power to intervene if Cubans get in trouble -
Guantanamo Bay
NAvy base given to U.S because of the Platte amendment -
big stick diplomacy
Teddy Roosevelt's policy to intimidate other countries with military force (imperialism) -
Teddy Roosevelt Presidency
Square Deal, Panama Canal, Great White Fleet, and the three C´s -
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty 0f 1903
Commenced the construction of the Panama Canal -
Gentlemen's Agreement
lower number of workers coming to the U.S from Japan to allow wives of men to come over -
Dollar Diplomacy
President Taft's policy - use financial power to influence countries instead of military -
Mexican Revolution
Francisco Madero leads revolt to overthrow Diaz, the military Dictator of Mexico -
Panama Canal
Short cut for ships to Atlantic to Pacific (50 miles long) -
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
assassinated which helped start war. -
sinking of lusitania
Germans Drowned 128 Americans which caused U.S to enter war. -
Selective Service Act
Made any male between 21-30 sign up for the draft and later changed to 18-45 -
Armistice Day
Signified the end of fighting -
wwi treaty of versailles
Ended World War One -
paris peace conference
Ended up signing treaty of versilities and was harsh on Germany -
League of Nations
Formed to keep world peace after war. U.S did not join. -
Red Scare
Fear of the rise of communism -
Francisco "Pancho" Villa
leader of Mexican rebels that went against Venustiano Carranza's government.