Second Great Awakening Began
In response to liberal religions in America, the Second Great Awakening was characterized by revivals in Protestant religions. Baptist and Methodist churches became popular -
Eli Whitney Patented the Cotton Gin
Whitney's cotton gin allowed for mass production of cotton, which in turn created the need for more slaves. -
Thomas Jefferson was elected president
Also called the "Revolution of 1800" - shift from Federalist values to Democratic-Republicanism -
Gabriel Prosser Slave Revolt
Prosser organized a slave revolt in Richmond, Virginia. Caused for Virginia to increase restrictions on slaves. -
Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson purchased the Louisiana territory from France which helped to double the United States in size. -
Marbury vs Madison
First court case where judicial review was used -
Beginning of Lewis and Clark Expedition
First expedition to cross the western portion of the United States -
Embargo Act
Act created by Jefferson that prohibited the trade with European countries in response to the Napoleonic Wars. Severely hurt the U.S. economy -
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
Conflict between British Leopard and U.S. Chesapeake, leaving several of Chesapeake's men killed and the rest captured. Made Americans want to go to war with Britain and Jefferson to pass Embargo -
James Madison Elected President
Madison was forced to deal with conflict with Britain and France when elected president -
Non-Intercourse Act
Created as a result to the backlash of the Embargo Act, Jefferson now lifted ban on trade with other countries other than Britain and France -
Francis Cabot Lowell Smuggled Memorized Textile Mill Plans from Manchester, England
Lowell bringing the plans to America started the textile revolution and helped develop northern manufacturing -
Death of Tecumseh
Chief Tecumseh was killed at the Battle of Thames, putting an end to Tecumseh's confederacy -
End of the War of 1812
Ended with the Treaty of Ghent, the plan was return to the way things were before the war. Also, the end of the war marked the end of the Federalist party. -
British Burn Washington DC
British attack on Washington DC during the War of 1812 - they burnt down the Capitol and the White House -
Hartford Convention
Meeting of Federalists to discuss grievances towards the War of 1812. Made people view Federalists as unpatriotic, putting an end to the party. -
Treaty of Ghent Ratified
Peace treaty between Britain and the United States, but did not address any causes of the War of 1812. Still was considered a victory for America -
Battle of New Orleans
American victory over British troops in New Orleans gave rise to American pride that was diminished during the war -
James Monroe Elected President
Monroe being elected president marked a shift from foreign affairs to a focus on domestic policy in the United States -
Era of Good Feelings Began
Time of relative peace in the United States due to the lack of political parties and the rise of nationalism -
Rush-Bagot Treaty
Treaty between United States and Great Britain that limited naval activity on the Great Lakes following the War of 1812 -
Anglo-American Convention
Treaty between the U.S. and U.K. that resulted in joint occupation of Oregon territory -
Panic of 1819
Banks around the country failed, mortgages were foreclosed, and people were forced off their farms. Put an end to the economic prosperity following 1812. -
Adams-Onis Treaty
Treaty between U.S. and Spain where Florida was given to the United States and helped to define the boundary between U.S. and Spain -
McCulloch vs Maryland
Supreme court case that established that congress had implied powers within the Constitution, stated in the "Necessary and Proper Clause." Allowed for the formation of the national bank. -
Dartmouth College vs Woodward
NH puts the Dartmouth College under state control, but is deemed unconstitutional by the supreme court. Expanded judicial review in order to invalidate state laws and establishes protection for private contracts -
Missouri Compromise
Compromise that allowed for Missouri to be admitted as a slave state because in return, Maine was admitted as a free state. Increased feeling of separatism between the North and South. -
Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt
Vesey planned a slave revolt, but was discovered before it could actually happen. He was hanged for his conspiracy -
Monroe Doctrine
Document stating that Europe could no longer colonize the Americas and was to stay out of Latin American affairs. -
Robert Owen Founded the New Harmony Community
Another attempt to form an Utopian society in the 19th century. It consisted of equality and communal labor -
John Quincy Adams Elected President (Corrupt Bargain)
Adams is elected president and is accused by Jackson that he made Clay Secretary of State in order to win the presidency. First election that is decided by the House of Representatives. -
Gibbons vs Ogden
Established that the Supreme Court had the power to regulate commerce and that Congress had the right to regulate navigation -
Erie Canal Completed
Part of the canal boom, the canal helped link the west with the north. -
Charles B Finney Lead Religious Revivals in Western New York
Credited for helping start religious fever in the United States during the Second Great Awakening -
Lyman Beecher Delivered His "Six Sermons on Intemperance"
Beecher stated that alcohol was evil in response to the growing alcohol problem in government. Popularized the Temperance Movement -
Tariff of Abominations
Protective tariff that taxed European goods in order to protect Northern manufacturing. Made southern states reliant on northern products. -
Andrew Jackson Elected President
Jackson represented "the common man" and symbolized growing democracy in the United States -
Indian Removal Act
Jackson passed the act in which southern tribes were to be removed from their land and relocated west of the Mississippi River -
Joseph Smith Founded the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints
Developed during the Second Great Awakening - Smith contributed to westward expansion as the church was forced to move west -
Black Hawk War
Battles between the U.S. and followers of Chief Black Hawk. Black Hawk refused to leave his land and the war was an example of conflict between the U.S. and Native Americans over land in the west -
Worcester vs Georgia
Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee were a separate nation and did not have to follow Georgia law, but Marshall was not able to enforce the ruling -
Andrew Jackson Vetoed the Re-Charter of the Second National Bank
Clay tried to recharter the national bank before the charter expired, but Jackson vetoed. He felt as though the bank was unconstitutional and an attack on the common man. -
Nullification Crisis Begins
South Carolina declared the protective tariffs unconstitutional and unenforceable and threatened to secede if they were not repealed -
Creation of the Whig Party in the U.S.
Whigs formed to serve as opposition to Andrew Jackson -
Treaty of New Echota
The treaty gave Cherokee land to the U.S. in exchange for compensation and was the cause for the Trail of Tears -
Catherine Beecher Published "Essays on the Education of Female Teachers"
The essay's helped to develop teacher education and education for women -
Transcendental Club's First Meeting
Showed a shift in American thought towards individual freedom - helped promote the abolitionist cause -
First McGuffey Reader Published
Textbooks for American schoolchildren - showed the growing importance of primary education -
Texas Declared Independence From Mexico
Texans wanted to be independent from Mexico because they felt that the laws made by Santa Anna were unfair -
Battle of the Alamo
Battle for Texas independence where majority of the Texans fighting were murdered -
Martin Van Buren Elected President
Supported by Jackson and was blamed for the Panic of 1837 where the stock market crashed -
Andrew Jackson Issued Specie Circular
Required payment for government land in gold and silver. Contributed to the Panic of 1837 -
Horace Mann Elected Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education
Mann was responsible for education reform in MA, including: longer school days, mandatory attendance, and an expanded curriculum. -
Panic of 1837
Caused by Jackson removing federal funds from the national bank and creating the Specie Circular. Wages went down and unemployment went up -
Ralph Waldo Emerson Gave the "Divinity School Address"
Speech given by Emerson to the graduating Harvard class - promoted transcendentalism and the relationship between God and nature -
Trail of Tears Began
The forced relocation of the Cherokee tribe caused thousands of Native Americans to die and shined light on the cruel treatment of natives in the U.S. -
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Resolved border conflicts between the U.S. and the region that is now Canada -
James Polk Elected President
Developed American expansion including the Mexican-American War -
Treaty of Wanghia with China
Secured the United States the same rights that European countries had received from China. Set fixed tariffs in ports -
Beginning of Manifest Destiny
Idea that the United States could stretch from coast to coast. Resulted in westward expansion, the Indian Removal Act, and the Mexican-American war -
U.S. Annexation of Texas
The Republic of Texas was admitted into the United States -
Start of the Mexican War
The United States annexed Texas from Mexico even though Texas was never declared independent from Mexico -
Bear Flag Revolt
Rebellion of America settlers in Sacramento, CA against Mexico -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Ended the Mexican-American War and gave the U.S. southwestern territory -
Gold Rush Began in California
Caused for westward migration -
John Humphrey Noyes Founded the Oneida Community
Another strive for perfectionism in America - the community was based on shared property, love, and labor. -
Henry David Thoreau Published Civil Disobedience
In response to the Mexican American war and slavery, Thoreau stated that people should not let their government commit injustice. Part of the transcendentalist movement -
Gadsden Purchase
The United States purchased southern Arizona and southwest New Mexico -
Commodore Matthew Perry Entered Tokyo Harbor Opening Japan to the U.S.
Loosened Japan's isolationism and re-established trade between Japan and the West -
Kanagawa Treaty
First treaty between the U.S. and Japanese Shogunate. Opened Japanese ports and ended Japanese isolation