APUSH- Period 4

  • Second Great Awakening Began

    Second Great Awakening Began
    Religious revival
  • Eli Whitney Patented the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney Patented the Cotton Gin
    Pulled seeds from the cotton balls making it faster to get cotton.
  • Thomas Jefferson was Elected President

    Thomas Jefferson was Elected President
  • Gabriel Prosser Slave Revolt

    Gabriel Prosser Slave Revolt
    Enslaved blacksmith who planned a large slave rebellion in Richmond area
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Land deal between the United States and France which doubled the size of the U.S
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    First Supreme Court cases that applied Judical Review.
  • Beginning of Lewis and Clark Expedition.

    Beginning of Lewis and Clark Expedition.
    Jefferson asked Congress to fund an expedition through the Louisiana territory to the Pacific Ocean.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    Prohibits American ships from trading in all forgein ports, mostly against Britain and France.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
    A naval engagement the occuredon the coast of Norfolk between British and Chesapeake.
  • James Madison Elected President

    James Madison Elected President
    Democratic-Republican defeated Federalist Pinckney.
  • Non-Intercourse Act

    Non-Intercourse Act
    The Congress replaced the Embargo Act and lifted the embargos for shipping except for British and French ports.
  • Francis Cabott Lowell Smuggled Memorized Textile

    Francis Cabott Lowell Smuggled Memorized Textile
    He spied on the British textile industry and brought the ideas to the U.S.
  • Death of Tecumseh

    Death of Tecumseh
    During the War of 1812, he was killed in the Battle of Thames in Canada.
  • The British Burn Washington D.C

    The British Burn Washington D.C
    British hoped that burning D.C would cause the fall of America in response to the American attack on the CIty of York.
  • Treaty of Ghent Ratified

    Treaty of Ghent Ratified
    End of War of 1812 between the U.S. and Great Britain. (peace negotiation)
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    Series of meetings to discuss the result og the War of 1812 and gave way to the American Industrial Revolution.
  • End of the War of 1812

    End of the War of 1812
    A war once started because of the British economic blockade of France.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Last major battle of the War of 1812, America won against the invading British Army
  • Era of Good Feeling Began

    Era of Good Feeling Began
    The era after the War of 1812 where Americans started to feel a sense of unity as a nation.
  • James Monroe Elected President

    James Monroe Elected President
    5th President, he was the last president dunring the First Party System.
  • Rush-Bagot Treaty

    Rush-Bagot Treaty
    Treaty between the United States and Great Britain after the War of 1812 that limited amaments of the Great Lakes.
  • Anglo-American Convention

    Anglo-American Convention
    Set the boundry between Missouri Territory in the U.S and British North America.
  • Dartmouth College v. Woodward

    Dartmouth College v. Woodward
    The court ruled that the charter was protected under the contract clause of the U.S Constitution
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    Banks throughout the country failed, mortgages failed, agriculture fell, and unemployment rose.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    The state of Maryland lacked the power to tax the Bank.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    Adams-Onis Treaty
    Also known as the Transcontinental or Florida Purchase Treaty between the United States and Spain that gave Florida to the U.S.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state making it equal in the Senate.
  • Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt

    Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt
    Attempt at an uprising for slaves and freedmen is Charleston, South Carolina
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    Doctrine that warns European nations that the U.S will no longer tolerate futher colonization
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Gibbons v. Ogden
    It clarified the commerce clause and affirmed Congressional power.
  • Charles B. Finney Lead Religious Revivals in Western New York

    Charles B. Finney Lead Religious Revivals in Western New York
    He is an important figure that helps religious revival during the Second Great Awakening.
  • Robert Owen Founded the New Harmony Community

    Robert Owen Founded the New Harmony Community
    The New Harmony community was a utopian society created in Indiana by Robert Owen.
  • John Quincy Adams Elected President (Corrupt Bargin)

    John Quincy Adams Elected President (Corrupt Bargin)
    The only election to be decied by the House of Representatives. (against Andrew Jackson)
  • Erie Canal Completed

    Erie Canal Completed
    Waterway which put New York as the Empire state, the leader in population, industry, and economic strength.
  • Lyman Beecher Delievered His "Six Sermons on Intemprance"

    Lyman Beecher Delievered His "Six Sermons on Intemprance"
    The six sermons are on nature, ocassions, evil, signs, and the remedy of intemprance
  • Horace Mann Elected Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education

    Horace Mann Elected Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education
    He took part in all the education refrom that was happeneing during this period of time.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    Protective tariff passed to protect industry in the U.S
  • Andrew Jackson Elected President

    Andrew Jackson Elected President
    The seventh President of the United States and an American soldier.
  • Catherine Beecher Published "Essays on The Education of Female Teachers"

    Catherine Beecher Published "Essays on The Education of Female Teachers"
    Promoted women as natural teachers and advocated for expansion and development of teacher training programs.
  • Joseph Smith Founded the Church of Latter-Day Saints

    Joseph Smith Founded the Church of Latter-Day Saints
    Joseph Smith founded the Mormon Church.
  • Trail of Tears Began

    Trail of Tears Began
    A march made by Cherokee Indians when they were forced to move from their homeland of Gerogia to the Indian territory.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    Congress passed the act as a way fo moving Indians out of the East and into the West where they had designated "Indian territory".
  • Andrew Jackson Vetoed the Re-Charter of the Second Bank of the United States

    Andrew Jackson Vetoed the Re-Charter of the Second Bank of the United States
    Andrew Jackson vetoed the bill re-chartering the Second Bank in July 1832 by arguing that in the form presented to him it was incompatible with “justice,” “sound policy” and the Constitution.
  • Nullification Crisis Began

    Nullification Crisis Began
    The Nullification Crisis was a United States sectional political crisis in 1832-33, during the presidency of Andrew Jackson, which involved a confrontation between South Carolina and the federal government.
  • Black Hawk War

    Black Hawk War
    The Black Hawk War was a brief scuffle that happened between the Americans and Native Americans lead by the leader Black Hawk because they refused to leave their land.
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    Cherokee Indians are protected from the actions of state governments.
  • Creation of the Whig Party in the U.S

    Creation of the Whig Party in the U.S
    The Whigs supported the supremacy of the US Congress over the Presidency.
  • Treaty of New Echota

    Treaty of New Echota
    The Treaty of New Echota was signed on this day in 1835, ceding Cherokee land to the U.S. in exchange for compensation.
  • Transendentalist Club's First Meeting

    Transendentalist Club's First Meeting
    Hedge, Emerson, Francis, James Freeman Clarke, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Amos Bronson Alcott attended the first meeting of this informal group at the home of George Ripley in Boston.
  • First McGuffey Reader Published

    First McGuffey Reader Published
    A deries of elementary school reading books that were widely used in American schools beginning in the 1830s.
  • Texas Declared Independance from Mexico

    Texas Declared Independance from Mexico
    Houstan's army won against Mexican forces in San Jacinto.
  • Battle of Alamo

    Battle of Alamo
    Group of Texans (Camilla Sue Posey) led by Geroge Collinsworth and Benjamin Milam captured fort at Alamo and seized control of San Antonio.
  • Andrew Jackson Issued Specie Circular

    Andrew Jackson Issued Specie Circular
    Required payment of government land to be in gold or silver.
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    Financial crisis, prices went up and employment went down.
  • Martin Van Buren Elected President

    Martin Van Buren Elected President
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson gave the "Divinity School Address"

    Ralph Waldo Emerson gave the "Divinity School Address"
    Emerson's Divinity School Address was delivered in 1838 to a graduating class at Harvard College, aroused considerable controversy because it attacked formal religion and argued for self-reliance and intuitive spiritual experience.
  • Webster-Ashburton Treary

    Webster-Ashburton Treary
    Resolved border problems between the U.S and Canada
  • Treaty of Wanghia with China

    Treaty of Wanghia with China
    Diplomatic agreement between China and the U.S
  • James Polk Elected President

    James Polk Elected President
  • Beginning of Manifest Destiny

    Beginning of Manifest Destiny
    Beleif that settlers were destined to expand westward.
  • U.S Annexation of Texas

    U.S Annexation of Texas
    Texas entered U.S. as slave state and that broadend differences in the U.S
  • Start of the Mexican War

    Start of the Mexican War
    War between the U.S and Mexico because of the belief of Manifest Destiny.
  • Bear Flag Revolt

    Bear Flag Revolt
    Small group of settlers in California rebelled against Mexican government, and it resulted in Califronia becoming and independent republic.
  • Gold Rush Began in California

    Gold Rush Began in California
    News of gold brought 300,000 people from the rest of the U.S and abroad.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The end of the Mexican War resulted in the U.S gaining 525,000 miles of land.
  • John Humphery Noyes Founded the Oneida Community

    John Humphery Noyes Founded the Oneida Community
    He was American utopian socialist. He founded the Oneida Community in 1848; believed in a benign deity, in the sweetness of human nature, and in the possibility of a perfect Christion community on earth.
  • Henry David Thoreau Published "Civil Disobedience"

    Henry David Thoreau Published "Civil Disobedience"
    Individuals should not overrule or disregard the consciences and they should have the ability to stop the government.
  • Commodore Matthew Perry Entered Tokyo Harbor Opening Japan to U.S

    Commodore Matthew Perry Entered Tokyo Harbor Opening Japan to U.S
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    A purchase from a treaty between the U.S ambassador and Mexican ambassador James Gadsden
  • Kanagawa Treaty

    Kanagawa Treaty
    Treaty between the U.S and Tokugawa Shogunate.