APUSH politics and power

By Onoel
  • Jan 1, 1491

    Native Americans in North America

    Native Americans in North America
    In each of the various regions were the various tribes who all inhabited and adapted to the enviroment in different ways. The Chonook was an isolated tribe in the Northwest that rotated between settlements and due to their enviroment had abundant food supplies and building materials. The Shoshone in the great basin due to the dry and arid grasslands were mobile and were known for their patrilineal society and elctions.
  • Jan 1, 1491

    Native americans in north america pt lll

    Native americans in north america pt lll
    in the south tribes were able to live in permanent settlements and develped the 3 sister farming technique. In mesoamerica the mayans, azrec, and inca developed the staple food of maize and potato. they are also known to be far more intelligent and civilized due their city, irrigation systems and government.
  • Jan 1, 1491

    Native Americans in North America ptll

    Native Americans in North America ptll
    The pueblos in the Southwest lived in large number in caves along cliffs and due to the hot nviroment they sometimes lived under ground and developed an irrigation system. The Apache in the Great Planes area b/c the enviroment were moblie nomadic and lived in teepees while hunting buffalo and the warrior culture. In the northeast the mississippi thrived due to rich food supply and were able to live in permanent settlements.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1491 to

    period 1

  • Feb 1, 1491

    the Spanish caste system

    the Spanish caste system
    The spanish caste system was created to create power over those who were not of european decent or born in Europe. the caste system went as peninsulares at the top, creoles (born in new world to european parents), meztizos ( European and native decent), mulattos (african and european decent) , and at the bottom were the natives and Africans
  • Mar 1, 1491

    The encomienda system

    The encomienda system
    the encomienda system was created to control the natives of south and north america by basically forcing natives into slavery to work the land in exhange for "safety" and "education" to become more civilized.
  • Apr 22, 1492

    exploration/ columbian exhange

    exploration/ columbian exhange
    the three main motivations for exploration were gold (economic), God (spread of religion), and glory the search for power and prestige among other european countries and the world. The columbian exchange occured and was set into motion by the discovery of the new world by Christopher Columbus. It also caused the complete destruction of native peoples through slavery and conquest, the reliance on colonies for goods, and population growth.
  • Mercantilism

    The goal of mercantilism is to create profit for the mother country. In the english colonies to try to assert power and control over the colonies and switch from salutary neglect, laws were put into place such as the navigation acts of 1660 and 1663 that restricted trade in colonies. the navigation act of 1660 restricted colonies to only trade with English ships and only certain goods are sent to europe. the navigation of 1663 called for goods to sent to england first then to colonist.
  • Slavery in America

    Slavery in America
    slavey began in 1619 when the first slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia to help in the production of tobacco. In period 1 slavery was developed to aid in crops and the economy but escalted due to the belief in white superiority
  • Period: to

    Period 2

  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    salutary neglect allowed for colonies to almost in a way self govern. An attempt to end salutary neglect were the navigation acts of 1660 and 1663, the sugar act, stamp act, quatering act, declaetory act and townshed act. However these various acts were bet with resistence and rebellion and later led to the revolutionary war.
  • The enlightenment period

    The enlightenment period
    this period encouraged people to challenge authority and individualism and stemmed from the scientific revolution. It also introduced John Locke, Montisque, and Jean Rousseau.
  • proclamation of 1763

    proclamation of 1763
    this was set in place after pontiacs rebeliion and forbade colonist from crossing the proclamation line which was the appalachian mountains. This was also viewed as an obtruction to legitimately claomed land and further agitated colonist.
  • Revolutionary war

    Revolutionary war
    the revolutionary war forced many Americans to question meaning of equality. the revolutionary war also led to the states abolishment of futile laws and seperation of church and state.
  • Period: to

    Period 3

  • The declaration of independce

    The declaration of independce
    The decl. of Ind. was written by Thomas Jefferson and was basically a breakup letter from the colonisst to britain that included a list of grievences. It also barrowed ideas from John Locke which turned into the ideas of all men are created equal, colonist by God had the right to declare independence since the British were not protecting rights.
  • publication of common sense

    publication of common sense
    rallied colonist against England and tried to convert loyalist to patrots
  • the french alliance

    the french alliance
    After the battle of saratoga, a major victory for the colonist, the french formed an alliance after this because the colonist showed they had the chance and ability to win.
  • end of primogeniture

    end of primogeniture
    primogeniture is the law that the oldest son inherents his parents land but that ended after the revolutionary war
  • republican motherhood

    republican motherhood
    after the revolutionary war although women did play a roll in events, women were then brought back to the "kitchen" and believed that they should remain home and teach their sons to grow into well rounded individuals
  • Period: to

    Period 4

  • election of 1800

    election of 1800
    The ELECTION OF 1800 between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson was the first peaceful transfer of power of the US and the election was won by Jefferson. (federalist v democratic republicans)
  • Indian removal

    Indian removal
    manifest destiny helped fuel the removal of natives. many justified this by saying it was for their own good to mover once the gold was found
  • The second great awakening

    The second great awakening
    created individual responsibility for salvation, need for personal and social improvements. one attempted reform that was success were the transcendentalist who wanted to get America more into nature and focused on abstract ideas rather than concrete.
  • territorial expansion- oregon

    territorial expansion- oregon
    at the time Oregon residence were demanding for the entire residence by saying "54.40 or fight" . the territory is later divided into the 49th parallel. through this territory the us gained is 1st deep water port and balanced the slave to free state ratio
  • Jacksonian democrats vs. whigs

    Jacksonian democrats vs. whigs
    jacksonian democrats were led by Adrew jackson and were against the Bank of US and other elite organizations. Whigs were anti Andrew Jackson and led by Henry Clay. They also wanted a stronger federal gov and internal improvements.
  • election of 1844

    election of 1844
    Henry clay vs James Polk .polk defeated clay and favoring the annexation of Texas
  • Period: to

    Period 5

  • treaty of guadaloe hidalgo

    treaty of guadaloe hidalgo
    The treaty of guadalope hidalgo not only resolved the mexican american war but the border dispute and gave the US new territories
  • free soil party

    free soil party
    the free soil party believed that slavery was a horrible instituion but was fine where it was as long as it didnt transfer to the west.
  • chinese immigration

    chinese immigration
    Due to a growing movement of nativism Americans were calling for what was then the chinese exclusion act which stopped the immigration of chinese immigrants.
  • Gadsden purchase

    Gadsden purchase
    an agreement between US and Mexico to pay 10 million for Arizona and New mexico
  • laissez faire

    laissez faire
    idea of a hands off government in economy
  • indian intercoure act (1834)

    indian intercoure act (1834)
    forid whites from entering indian country in attemot to ease native relations however whites ignored and carried on
  • Period: to

    Period 6

  • carlisle schools

    a private school at which native american children were taught english and other american values
  • labor unions

    labor unions
    strived to improve working conditions and benefits for workers however owners of large corporations opposed and led to conflict. Companies did not like labor unions because becasue they had to spend more money on workers and gained less profit.
  • political machine

    political machine
    informal political groups designed to keep power. Each machine had a boss/ politician who gave out orders and favors. Because cities were growing so quickly that the government couldnt keep up with needs so political machines stepped in to "help".
  • Period: to

    Period 7

  • panic of 1893

    panic of 1893
    exposed serious flaws and reform began in cities to address factory, labor, and tenements. reforms included prostitution, poverty, child labor, factory safety, womens rights, temperance, and political corruption
  • upton sinclair "the jungle"

    upton sinclair "the jungle"
    although it was supposed to focus on poor meat working conditions but brought more attention more on attention. it also led to the meat inpection act and pure food and drug act.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    gave womens sufferage
  • Margret Sanger

    Margret Sanger
    increased birthcontrol and provided contraceptive info to poor and immigrants. also opened first contraceptive place
  • 18th amendment

    18th amendment
    established the prohibition of alcohol but was repealed later with the 21 amendment. Carry Nation used hatchet to destroy bars and was against alcohol and for prohibition due to her being married to an alcoholic.
  • Period: to

    period 8/9

  • korean war

    korean war
    war fought between US, soviet Union and Korea in the hopes of containing communism. however KKorea was split at the 388th parallel
  • brown vs. board of education

    brown vs. board of education
    rules that segregation is unconstitutional and overturned the plessy vs. ferguson supreme court decision. it also lead to resistence from the stste and kkk as seen in the little rock 9
  • vietnam war

    vietnam war
    the most brutal war in american hostory and also the first war that American society completely rejected. this war was also fought in an attempt to contain communism in the policy containment by Truman.
  • civil rights act

    civil rights act
    put into place after leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr and Malcom X fought in their various and individual ways such as the X and the black panthers who believed in doing what needed to be done which included violence and also taught black pride. MLK believed in a more nonviolent approach founding the SCLC which later effected the creation of SNCC which was an organization founded by college students who believed in more direct methods such as sit ins.
  • voting rights act

    voting rights act
    came into effect after the freedom summer which was an event where collge students travelled to mississipppi to educate african americans on their rights and educate them in general.