APUSH final

  • Founding of Jamestown

    Founding of Jamestown
    Jamestown is the first permanent settlement of the British in the new world, and the first to last. It thrived for Nearly 100 years despite the surge of disease and attacks from Natives. Their goal was ultimatley to determine the livelihood of the new world and if they could live there and make the lands profitable. This colony was ultimatley an experiment to see what the British needed to do to successfully run a colony in the New world, and served to teach an important lesson about cash crops.
  • Slavery begins

    The begining of slavery in America is extremly important. It sparks the topic of many debates for many years to come. Slavery is a problem for many many years to come , and becomes what seperates the united states into two sides, and what leads to a civil war. But slavery became the backbone of the british economy , and labor force and soon thereafter the American economy. It leads to many trajic stories for many marginalized people and leads to the systemic oppression of said people and others.
  • Separatists land in Plymouth

    Separatists land in Plymouth
    The Plymoth county was America's first puritan colony. The puritans left England searchign for religous freedom and reform from the church. This is somewhat ironic becuase the puritans where very strict about their beliefs and believed that if anyone wavered from their rules even a little would be considered sinners.Before coming to the america's they spent a short period of time in Holland. The seperatists are also often called the pilgrims,many people believe this to be the start of the colony
  • Robert Williams and Ann Hutchinson

    Robert Williams and Ann Hutchinson
    Ann Hutchinson was arrested for heresy, or an opinion different from orthodox beliefs. The court found her guilty and banished her from the Massachusetts bay. Similarly Robert Williams was exiled for heresy and sedition. He fled and founded the town of providence and ultimatley the Rhode island colony. Although they are relatively unheard of they broke important boundaries for religious freedom and the ability to have different thoughts and ideas as an individual rather than a community as one .
  • Scientific Revolution

    Scientific Revolution
    The scientific revolution was the emergence of modern science , with developments to math,physics,astronomy and chemistry. The scientific revolution played a key role in the enlighten period which was short to follow. It is characterized by the change in peoples emotions and attitudes towards the world and how it works, and was associated with the overthrow of religion and reform, and over arching ideas of the church which could be unfavorable and unjust to many marginalized people around.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    the enlightenment was a period of time with changing ideas and values. The enlightenment was an intellectual movement where famous philosophers and thinkers changed the basic foundations of society, from the governments role, human nature and ideas centered around liberty. One such thinker was John Lock who had the idea of natural rights , life , liberty and property. The Enlightenment grew on the ideas of the Scientific period which took place shorty before and during the enlightenment period.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    The Great Awakening was a spiritual reawakening for in the American colonies. It put emphasis on an individuals personal relationship with god, and personal experiences. One main leader of the great awakening was Jonathan Edwards , who delivered an infamous speech called " Sinners in the hands of an Angry god". Another leader was George Whitfield, but he adopted a more passive form of action to draw people into. Around this time preachers also began teaching equality in the eyes of god.
  • The Albany Congress

    The Albany Congress
    When the French and Indian began, colonial leaders from the thirteen colonies were urged to meet to form a defense plan. they mostly talked about defense plans from the French and Indians and the unification of the colonies This congress had some very influential people on the list, like Benjamin Franklin. They tried to come up with a trading relationship with the Iroquois so that they wouldn't be helping the French, this actually was very successful despite the reluctance of the Iroquois.
  • Crossing of the Delaware.

    Crossing of the Delaware.
    On Christmas day, General George Washington leads a surprise attack against the British and Hessian Mercenaries. This was the iconic crossing of the Delaware river. This was quiet controversial at the time, because there were certain unspoken rules of war. And attacking in the middle of the night in the middle of winter was a no go, it was seen as unclassy, and unchivalrous. But there ultimatley are no rules to war, so there were no consequences only benefits towards liberation for the patriots.
  • The US postal system

    The US postal system
    The US postal system was a global accomplishment because none else had ever completed it either. This was the first time that they could connect everyone in a country through this way.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The signing of the treaty of Paris in 1783, officially ends the revolutionary war. The newly created United states of America are granted all British lands between the Atlantic ocean. This was incredibly huge, the United states are now finally their own country after fighting for their liberation interestingly the Mississippi river was still open to both the Americans and the British for trade and passage.
  • 3/5ths compromise

    3/5ths compromise
    The three fifths compromise basically says that while slaves do count toward the total population of a state , they don't count as a whole person. They only qualify as three fifths of person, which gave the states more representation but still marginalized African Americans and denied them rights because they were seen as less than people.
  • The Virginia Plan

    The Virginia Plan
    The Virginia plan was favored by larger states, because they would receive congressional representation based on population, of which they had a lot.
  • The New Jersey Plan

    The New Jersey Plan
    The New Jersey plan said that states would receive congressional representation equally regardless of population. The smaller states favored this because they didn't have dense populations.
  • The Connecticut compromise

    The Connecticut compromise
    the Connecticut compromise proposed that there be two houses of congress. The first of which is the senate which would represent each state equally , 2 votes per state. The second house would be population based.
  • First President

    First President
    Washington was inaugurated as the first president and john Adams serves as his vice president. He establishes a court system and the presidential cabinet.
  • The cotton Gin

    The cotton Gin
    the cotton gin was created by Eli Whitney, and is often regarded as one of the biggest mistakes in history. It perpetuated the demand for slavery by making cotton more easily processable and even more profitable.
  • the election of 1824

    the election of 1824
    Henry Clay, John Adams, and Andrew Jackson, none of the candidate recieved a majority of electoral votes. So the decision went to the house of representatives. This causes Henry Clay to drop out of the race ,and soon after John Quincy Adams took the presidency.
  • The 1828 election

    The 1828 election
    Jackson wanted to recreate jeffersonian coalition ideals.This led to the creation of a antional comiteethat oversaw local and state party units. This was the first modern political campaign; politics became local , mass meetings, parades, picnics, mudslinging, newspapers, speeches, etc.
  • Indian Removal act

    Indian Removal act
    In this act signed by President Jackson, he said that native Americans should be relocated to reserves. It was incredibly cruel and inhumane
  • 2nd Great Awakening

    2nd Great Awakening
    emphasized a persons free will, and wanted to use the church as a vehicle of social change. They pointed to the condition of your soul. During this period, greater roles for women were given and more of a voice and presence.
  • invention of the telegraph

    invention of the telegraph
    the telegraph was a monumental invention, it finally mean that people were able to communicate with each other through Morse code over extremely large distances.
  • Start of the civil war

    Start of the civil war
    The civil war begins, the south is mad becuase they want to keep slavery since most of their economy is built upon the back of cotton and slavery, but the north hinks that slavery is ethically wrong , and doesn't need it for anything and wants it outlawed as soon as possible.
  • Pacific Railway Act

    Pacific Railway Act
    it was an effort to try and build a national railway system , it offered to pay companies a lot of money for however much track they could lay and where that track was located.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    the goal of the homestead act was to get people to move to the west, the government was basically just giving away free land.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was a speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln that freed slaves, this was extremely controversial because they were at the edge of civil war. Lincoln did not have the power to grant them their emancipation, and ultimatley it didn't do much because the north still had to return runaway slaves. It just burned the south basically, but it created additional animosity and divide between the north and the south.
  • End of the Civil war

    End of the Civil war
    Th North wins , and take it out on the south in many ways by making them work really hard to get back into the union. This includes Lincolns 10% plan.