• Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Successfully ends the French and Indian war. Ensures that the French hate the British which plays into our favor as the French help us win the American revolution.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    It was a deadly riot where rebels harassed British soldiers and started throwing snowballs at them. The British opened fire on the crowd shooting 5 people and significantly changing the course of rebellion.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Rebels dressed as native Americans and broke onto a British merchant vessel and tossed all the tea overboard in a way to protest the tax on tea. It was an act committed by the Sons of Liberty.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The first battle of the American revolution. The shot heard around the world, no one knows where first shot came from but it was a rebel victory
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    We signed the declaration of independence in 1776 and officially started the war. 50 men signed the document and committed treason.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    George Washington and his troops endured a cruel winter. They cross Valley Forge and attack British army on Christmas day. The victory boosts rebel morale and encourages us to keep fighting.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    Siege on Yorktown. Successfully wins the war with the support of the French navy.
  • Washington election

    Washington election
    His election was a unanimous decision. His presidency set the precedent for all future presidencies.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    Farmers rebelled against the tax on whiskey. George Washington leads troops to squash the rebellion.
  • Alien sedition act

    Alien sedition act
    Adams enacted the act to deport foreigners and to make it harder for them to vote. This led to even more distrust in central governments.
  • Jefferson's election

    Jefferson's election
    Considered the revolution of 1800. First time there is a peaceful transfer of power between two people from opposite political parties. It sets further precedent.
  • Marbury V. Madison

    Marbury V. Madison
    The case that grants the judicial branch the power of judicial review. Madison withheld a letter that would instate Marbury in the house of representatives.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    To gain control of the Mississippi we buy Louisiana. Technically not in the constitution that we can buy more land but it helps industry grow.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    The battle that wins us the Indiana territory. We fought against a native American tribe, they attacked us in the night but we persevered.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The conflict between US and GB. GB took our ships and sailors so we fought about maritime trade rights.
  • Lowell system

    Lowell system
    Labor system in which everything was done under the same roof. Used young women from around the plant and young children to complete the labor.
  • First protective tariff

    First protective tariff
    The tariff was established to protect new England manufacturers from the influx of British goods after the war of 1812. It helped to increase the production rates in the US, but angered the south because they had to purchase more expensive goods.
  • Second National Bank

    Second National Bank
    Established to help congress with regulating currency. The second national bank was chartered in order to help get the US out of debt.
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    An economic depression. It was the first the US had experienced and everyone blamed the second national banks policies.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri wanted to be admitted as a slave state but that would upset the order of things with the 36 30 line. Maine was admitted as a slave state but Maine had to be established as a free state. This raise the question of democracy.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    Declared that the US would not get involved in any European affairs. We would not interfere with any current colonies in the western hemisphere. However, no new colonies could be formed.
  • Corrupt Bargain

    Corrupt Bargain
    Henry Clay instates Jackson into office because Jackson promises to make Clay secretary of state. This causes a lot of disruptions due to the corruption of the situation and causes disdain within the US.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The act was signed by Andrew Jackson. It authorized the president to give land west of the Mississippi and to relocate native tribes.
  • Founding of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

    Founding of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
    It happened during the second great awakening. Many churches rose and the church of Jesus Christ was considered less radical but they were eventually persecuted.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Took place from 1830-1850 and influenced the mindsets of several Americans. The idea that we are meant to travel west and establish a nation that spreads from sea to sea.
  • McCormick Reaper

    McCormick Reaper
    During the second industrial revolution several important things were developed. The Reaper allowed for significantly more efficient harvesting.
  • A Plea for the West

    A Plea for the West
    A book written by Lyman Beecher. During the second great awakening he was a significant religious figure and he used his sermons to encourage manifest destiny.
  • Steel plow

    Steel plow
    John Deere was a significant inventor during the second industrial revolution. He invented the steel plow which allowed for easier operations in fields.
  • Mormon Trail

    Mormon Trail
    Latter day saints were forced from their homes in Nauvoo to move westward and avoid persecution. Our prophet joseph smith was murdered in Carthage and Brigham Young led us to Utah. Our temple was destroyed and we built a new temple in Utah.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    Took place from 1846-1848. Caused by a territory dispute after annexation of Texas. President claimed “American blood was spilt on American soil” and gave us cause to storm the capital of Mexico.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    A convention held in the name of women's suffrage. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott lead the movement and encouraged women around the world to take action.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The treaty ended the Mexican American war. The US gains a lot of new territory including California, arizona, new Mexico, etc.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    It was a period of repeated outbreaks of guerrilla warfare between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces. Leader John Brown slaughtered many families in retaliation of kansas-nebraska act.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    The case that proved the expansion of slavery. It was a decades long battle but Dred and his wife were eventually given freedom.
  • Lincoln's Election

    Lincoln's Election
    Lincoln’s election pushed the south to secede. They knew Lincoln was anti-slavery and feared he would abolish slavery.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    The first battle in the civil war. Confederates felt threatened when the union sent an unarmed vessel to resupply soldiers at fort Sumter.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    Lincoln signed the homestead act in order to promote families to move westward. The act granted 160-acre plots to the head of households.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    The union laid siege on Vicksburg. They were able to gain control of the Mississippi which allowed for more advantages for the union.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    President Lincoln addressed the nation about the battle of Gettysburg because it had so many casualties. The victory however lent a hand in encouraging the citizens to keep believing in the cause.
  • Bear River Massacre

    Bear River Massacre
    The massacre is one of the most deadly in Native American history. The US army attacked a tribe of natives near Bear River and killed between 270 and 400 natives.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    The construction took place between 1863-1869. The railroad went from east to west and required many acquisitions. Two different companies competed to complete the railroad.
  • Gettysburg

    The bloodiest battle of the war. It was a union victory that boosted morale and helped to push the end of the war.
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    The amendment ended slavery in the US. All confederate states had to ratify the amendment before they could rejoin the Union.
  • Appomattox

    Robert E Lee surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant. This successfully ends the civil war but does not end southern resistance.
  • Reconstruction Acts

    Reconstruction Acts
    These acts allowed for a way to readmit the confederate states. It set out rules such as ratifying the 13th amendment.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    It gave African American men the right to vote. The amendment caused controversy with women and their fight for suffrage.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    It prohibited discrimination on the basis of race. It particularly declares that all men are equal in front of the law and was a start to stop the discrimination of the south.
  • Battle of little Bighorn

    Battle of little Bighorn
    The battle is a success for the native Americans. The US army is caught off guard with the number of natives. It also caused more hatred of natives.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    United States Supreme Court case that ruled segregation was legal, as long as equal facilities were provided for both races. It declared separate but equal was legal, however they were most definitely not equal.
  • USS Maine explodes

    USS Maine explodes
    The explosion of the US Maine off the coast of Cuba during conflicts with Spain caused unease. The US blamed Spain and called them murders despite it actually being an accident and gave us a reason to go to war with Spain.