Aug 21, 1441
Age of Confidence - Sea travel, henry the navigator
Aug 21, 1534
French Colonize Canda
Aug 21, 1562
French Colonize FL
Aug 21, 1572
St. Bartholemus Massacre
Huguenots killed in France -
Defeat of Spanish Armada by british
led to british domination -
Period: to
Beginning of the End for Spanish Empire
Jamestown est
Tobacco a big deal
Rolfe perfects VA leaf tobacco -> cash crop
House of Burgesses starts in VA
Pilgrims get to Plymouth, MA
Mayflower. Not too important. William Bradford govt. Separate from Church of England -
Period: to
Powhatan's uprising
tobacco exhaust soil so colonist move west and mess up indian land so indians rebel. -
VA Company bankrupt - VA becomes royal colony
New Amsterdam est.
Puritans arrive on Arabella
City on the Hill. Led to harvard, yale, etc. -
Puritans arrive Winthrop
Winthrop -
Period: to
Great Migration
large amounts of puritans came from england to new england -
Calvert Lord Baltimore given MD as proprietary colony
Roger Williams leaves Puritan Church for RI
Mad about taxes, is banished so starts religious haven for all. -
CT founded by John Davenport and Thomas Hooker, 1630s
Pequoit War
First signifigant English vs. Indian Wars. -
Thomas Hooker made Hartford, CT
EARLY 1640S. -
Hutchinson dissents
early 1640s when second and third gen are -
Fundamental Orders of CT, Thomas Hooker
1st consititution in America -
Period: to
George Fox's main times.
I only defer to God. no oath = jail. quaker. -
Period: to
Navigation Acts - 1. only English trade, enumerated goods
more shipbuilding, protected market, -
Dutch officially leave NY
Leave huge influence -
Navigation Acts Passed
MA General court example of letting a woman get a divorce
Period: to
Carolinas become proprietary
Half-Way covenent
Enacted by puritans to retain church memberhsip. by 3rd generation engagement way down. so allow people to retain almost full membership if parents had it. -
Woolman says slavery is wrong
Bacons Rebellioin
Bacon and backcountry farmers mad that British soldiers wont protect them from Indians so they go and ask Jamestown and when they say no the backcountry men attack. -
King Phillips' War
Last chance for Indians to kill off colonists, dont manage it. English militia comes together from diff colonies -> first use of "America" and beginnings of unity. -
Quakers arrive in Chesapeake
Dominion of NA
King James used it to take control of RC NE. -
William and Mary of Orange control england
Pilgrims absorbed by MA Bay Colong
Salem Witch Hunt Trials start
End in 1693 bc MA Bay court refuses to see any more casaes. -
Protestant majority in MD by now
Period: to
Great Awakening
huge Christian revival. emotion, spritit, damnation, etc.people can understand bible themselves, dont have to work through a preist. emotionalism. New lights vs. Old lights. cotton mather and JonEdwards. -
Albany Confrence
Held by Ben Franklin. 8/13 colonies show up. discuss common issues - econ, backcountry. NOT HATING ENGLAND. plan of union presented buy coloinal assemblies in homes rejected. limited unity -
War for Empire
7 years war/french and indian war. FRENCH vs. ENGLISH. Northeast involved vs. indains. led to training of militia, militias coming together, stepping stone for ability to independence. -
Period: to
Breakdown of British American relationship
Period: to
French and Indian War
ohio valley, louisburg, george washington, -
Period: to
Brits need $$$$
leads to all of the acts etc. -
Pontiac's Rebellion
pontiac creates confederacy to fight english and english take thier land. -
Royal Proclamation of 1763 - App Mtns=border. Start of Revol.
appease indians but not enforced at all. -
Period: to
Set up to Revolution
St Louis founded
Sugar Act
bc england needed $ to pay for french/indian war. -
Declaratory Act Passed
Stamp Act*
NYC Stamp Act Congress*
Stamp Act Repealed*
bc brit merchants saw 40 percent drop in trade -
Townshed Revenue Acts passed*
Boston Massacre
crowd harrasses soldiers, soldiers shoot into crowd. 5 killed, crispus attackus first. Cptn Prescott's comany. didnt know if he called fire. -
Townshend Acts repealed in Britain
Period: to
Brit soldiers take most of part time jobs
Sam Adams Committees of Correspondence
Tea Act*
saves brit east india company from bankrupt -
Boston Tea Party
Coercive Acts aka Intolerable Acts*
- closed Boston until tea paid for
- reduce MA power, increase royal power
- criminals tried in England
- Quartering act
- Quebec act to organize Canada
First Continental Congress*
Shot Heard Round the World Lexington Concord
Second Continental Congress
ENDED 1777 bc articles of confed. est. -
Second Continental Congress
Thomas paine published Common Sense
Battle for NYC
Articles of Confederation est
Battle for Saratoga, french support
Surrender at Yorktown
French ally with the Americans
Articles of Confed ratified by all states
Treaty of Paris
- Britain recognize US indep
- MS river = W boundary
- Am fishing in canada
- americans pay back debt and property
Ordinance of 1785
land too expensive for anyone but rich. led to land act of 1820 -
Annapolis Convention
only to revise AoC -> Consitituion. not all state showed up. -
Shays Rebellion
Articles of Confedreation die
Ratification of the Constitution
Period: to
Washinton Presidency
Bastille Day*
Treaty of Friendship. Pro-france = jeffreps. -
Judiciary Act
16 federal courts. -
Beginning of Fr revolution 1789
Land Ordinance of 1789
Slavery banned in West of AppMtns -
Hamilton's Fiscal Plan
Philadelphia no longer capital
Indian Intercourse Act
only us govt can deal with indians.
-govt only gets land if they give it up by treaty. -
Haiti's successful slave revolt
Brit merges upper canada and lower canada
St. Clair's Defeat to indians
VA forces Bill of Rights
Invention of Cotton Gin
KY admitted as state
Neutrality Proclimation
Reign of Terror France
Whiskey Rebellion
Jay's Treaty
stop Brit search and seizure of ships. unpopular, but neutral. -
Whiskey Rebellion
rural farmers make corn. anti federalists dont want to pay whiskey tax. arms vs. us tax collectors. -
Wayne wins Battle of Fallen Timbers
Pickney's Treaty
Opens NOLA and lower MS river to America from Spain -
Treaty of Greenvile first use of traty system
TN = state
Period: to
Adams Presidency
Federalist. alien and sedition acts. -
VA and KY Resolves
Alien and Sedition Acts
Period: to
Napoleon Controls France
Election of 1800
Adams accepts the loss to the other party in the first peaceful transition of power in the country
-Adams vs. ThomJefferson. ThomJeff sees it as rejection of federalism. destroyed federalist party almost. -
Period: to
Adams' Lame Duck Period
end of this was midnight judges. Congress wont listen to a Federalist. -
John Marshall apptd by Adams
Period: to
Jefferson Presidency
Spain closes New Orleans to Am trade
Jefferson buys LA Territory
Marbury vs. Madison
Period: to
Lewis and Clark Expeditiont
NonImportation Act of 1806
Embargo Act
am boycott rbit but hurts am more. -
US-international slave trade ends
French Civil Law in LA Territ
Congress repeals Embargo Act
Period: to
James Madison presidency
Treaty of Ft. Wayne
actively resisted. -
Repeal of Embargo Act
Macon's Bill #2, 1810
First BUS set to exprire
WHHarrison vs. Tenskwata @ Tippecanoe
Madison declares Wo1812
Burning of Washington
Am lose to Canada
Brit and Indian take Ft Dearborn (Chicago)
Am Invade Canada
Thru 1813. Failed miserably. Wo1812. -
Period: to
War of 1812
afterwards, expansion shot way up to west. -
Period: to
Creek War
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Hartford Convention
-bc of Federalst and NewEng opposition to Wo1812.
-when peace with brit came = joke
Nullification Crisis -
End of Creek War w/ Treaty of Jackson getting 23 million acres.
Treaty of Ghent
-Ghent Belgium
-didnt solve issues
-brit agrees to leaves west, no buffer state for Indians in NW
-no more risk of american independance. -
Jackson wins Battle of New Orleans
2nd BUS
Tariff of 1816
first protecive tariff in history
-amde bc 1815 british flood market after embargo act gone -
Monroe's Election of 1816
-start of EoGF -
Rush_Bagot Treaty
-US Canda border at 49th. resolve oregon claim. Convention of 1818. -
Period: to
Monroe's presidency
MO applies to be state
North has abolished all slavery
Adams-Orin/Transcontinentla treaty
-got FLA -
Panic of 1819
Period: to
Missouri Crisis
-over if slavery should be allowed in the west. -
Land Act of 1820
land = 1.25/acre -
MO Compromise of 1820
Henry Clay -
Election of 1820
Federalists have no candidate-> one party election. -
Monroe Doctrine Relesaed
US all the way to pacific
Start of Reconstruction
Roosevelt asks for more justices. say no.
Blacks can vote
18yos can vote
Non-Intercourse Act of 1809