Yalta conference
Marshall plan proposed
HUAC communism in Hollywood hearings
Truman orders desegregation of the US military
Period: to
Korean War
Army-McCarthy hearings
Brown v.Board overturns Jim Crow "seperate but equal"
Arrest of Rosa Parks
Fidel Castro leads Cuban uprising
Cuban Missile crisis
Assassination of President Kennedy
Gulf of Tonkin grants president control of Vietnam conflict
Launch of Great Society program and War on Poverty
Malcolm X. Assassinated
American Indian Movement (AIM) established
Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
Stonewall Riots
Roe v. Wade won
Fall of Saigon to North Vietnam
Period: to
AIDS crisis
Ratification of Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) defeated
Senate hearings on Iran-Contra affair
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Operation Desert Storm begins; US pushes Iraq out of Kuwait
World Wide Web Created
Collapse of USSR
Attack on World Trade Center
Period: to
War in Iraq
Obama wins presidential election
Gay marriage legalized