• Period: 1490 to

    Trans-Saharan Trade

    • exchange of people + goods in N+W Africa + Europe
    • European exploitation of Africa + Africans*
  • Period: 1491 to

    Columbian Exchange

    • exchange of disease, people, and goods between Old + New Worlds
    • disease killed most Natives
    • brought economic prosperity to Europe*
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus in Americas

    • arrived in N America + claimed Caribbean
    • made profit for Spain
    • first European to come to Americas*
  • 1493

    Line of Demarcation

    • Spain = W (all of Americas)
    • Portugal = E
    • decided by Pope
  • 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    • moved Line of Demarcation a little to the left
    • Portugal got E Brazil
  • 1498

    Vasco de Gama

    • reaches Middle East
    • profit off of international trade
    • use of trading posts + trade of enslaved people*
  • 1500

    Portuguese Trade in Brazil

    • plantation system
    • use of African enslaved people’s labor to replace Native’s*
  • 1500

    Foundation of Iroquois Confederacy

    • European disease had killed most Natives
    • united 5 tribes… strength in #s
    • exploited by French*
  • Period: 1500 to

    Encomienda and Mita Systems

    • Spanish royalty granted conquistadores land w/ its inhabitants
    • exploitation of Natives for European profit*
  • Period: 1520 to

    Protestant Reformation

    • division of Christianity … Schism (1054)
    • separation from Roman Catholic Church
    • creation of Protestant Church + Counter-Reformation*
  • 1521

    Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire

    • Spanish invasion of evolved Aztec empire
    • took advantage of developed trade routes + food
    • Spanish colonization of American territory*
  • 1524

    Settlement in Saint Augustine, FL

    • god, gold, glory
    • first European settlement in Americas*
  • 1532

    Conquering the Inca Empire

    • Spanish colonization
    • expansion of colonization in Americas
  • Period: 1560 to


    • purify Anglican Church
    • stay apart of Catholicism
    • Plymouth = Puritan*
  • Roanoke

    • “Lost Colony”
    • failed
    • first attempt at English settlement in N America*
  • Jamestown

    • gold + tobacco
    • House of Burgesses
    • first English royal colony in Americas*
    • John Smith: "no work, no food"
    • cash crops
  • Establishment of Quebec

    • French Canada
    • fur trade
    • Jesuit conversion
  • House of Burgesses

    • elected officials to govern colonies
    • first colonial gov*
    • VA
  • Start of US slavery

    • Chesapeake
    • tobacco
  • Period: to

    Tobacco Boom

    • Chesapeake
    • enslaved Africans are brought to VA + MD*
    • rise of cash crops*
  • Foundation of Plymouth

    • Puritan Pilgrims settlement
    • first NE colony
  • Mayflower Compact

    • Plymouth = self-governing
    • Puritans seeking freedom
  • Period: to

    First Wave of Migration

    • Puritans fleeing religious persecution in England
    • founding of Plymouth, MA Bay, CT*
  • Opechancanough's Uprising

    • European colonists refused to compromise w/ Natives
    • colonists enslaved and sold Natives
    • VA became a royal colony*
  • Foundation of MA Bay

    • Puritan exodus
    • joint church + state
    • John Winthrop: "city up on a hill"
    • only white, church men could vote + hold office*
    • not tolerant
  • Foundation of Rhode Island

    • Roger Williams + Anne Hutchinson
    • separation of church + state
    • religious freedom
  • Period: to

    Puritan-Pequot War

    • colonists fought for Native land
    • imposed Christianity on Natives, but didn’t allow for full inclusion
  • Period: to

    Puritan-Pequot War

    • fight for dominance in trade
    • Natives lost: disease + weapons
    • survivors = converted to Christianity
  • Anne Hutchinson Banished

    • banished from MA Bay
    • challenged only male authority
    • redefined gender in religion
  • Navigations Acts

    • ban on foreign trade
    • keep colonies economy under England’s control*
  • Period: to

    Metacom's War

    • Natives tried coexisting
    • colonists won
    • Native survivors sided with French
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    • rich British owned settled lands
    • corrupt gov
    • landless colonists demanded Native land from corrupt gov
  • Foundation of PN

    • Quakers escaping religious persecution
    • most liberal colony at the time
    • property-owning men could vote + hold office
  • Period: to

    Dominion of NE

    • England wanted stricter control of colonies
    • abolishment of assemblies + town meetings
    • Glorious Revolution*
  • Period: to

    Glorious Revolution

    • Protestant replaces Catholic monarchy
    • sparks Protestant rebellions in colonies
  • Salem Witchcraft Trials

    • Puritan accusal of women’s black magic
    • effects of sexism in religion*
    • Enlightenment era explained natural causes*
  • Period: to

    Salutary Neglect

    • England = constitutional monarchy
    • US can self govern + trade*
  • Period: to

    Rice Boom

    • SC
    • enslaved people = majority
    • definition between upper + lower class + racial
    • Southern dependency on cash crops*
  • Molasses Act

    • GB control of colony's economy
    • circumvented via smuggling
    • strengthened with Sugar Act
  • Period: to

    Great Awakening

    • George Whitfield
    • devotion
    • religious revival
  • Stono Rebellion

    • rebellion of enslaved people in SC
    • largest uprising so far
    • lead to more strict plantations
  • Period: to

    Old Lights vs New Lights

    • following Great Awakening
    • Old = orthodox Christians
    • New = modernization of Christianity, pro Great Awake.
  • Albany Congress

    • first attempt to unify as colonial body*
    • didn't work out
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    • Seven Years’ War
    • GB US beats New France
    • Treaty of Paris 1763*
    • Albany Congress (first attempt to unify colonies)
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    • Natives in Great Lakes vs colonists
    • colonists diseased Natives to weaken army
  • Treaty of Paris (1763)

    • GB order to stop colonists from moving W
    • proclamation line
    • END of salutary neglect*
  • Sugar + Currency Acts

    • colonists couldn’t use paper $
    • Sugar replaced Molasses Act
    • end of salutary neglect*
  • Stamp Act

    • tax on all printed goods to pay for GB soldiers
    • GB claimed colonies had virtual representation*
  • Sons of Liberty

    • kicked off revolution
    • violent attacks on gov property
    • Samuel Adams
  • Declaratory Act

    • repeals Sugar + Currency Acts
    • GB parliament had full power to tax colonies
  • Townshend Duties

    • tax on colonial imports
    • enforcement of parliamentary laws
    • nonimportation movement*
  • Boston Massacre

    • GB troops killed colonists
    • leading to uniting colonies for Revolution*
  • Committees of Correspondence

    • town meetings to discuss colonist’s rights
    • communication for Patriot leadership*
  • Tea Act

    • started committees of correspondence*
    • colonists threw tea in the harbor
  • Intolerable Acts

    • reason: punish MA for Boston Tea Party
    • close harbor, no town meetings, quartering act, justice act
    • setting ex for what would happen to rebelling colonies*
  • First Continental Congress

    • 12 colonial body
    • boycott, political union, military defense
    • demands: repeal Intolerable Acts, GB association only for trade
  • Lexington and Concord

    • minutemen: colonial militias
    • fighting against GB
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    • freedom from GB
    • 13 colonies
  • Declaration of Independence

    • colonial independence from GB
    • 13 colonies
    • approved by Continental Congress
  • Articles of Confederation

    • sovereign states w/ equal votes
    • creates central American gov w/ limited power*
  • Battle of Saratoga

    • turning point in the war
    • colonial alliance with France
  • Treaty of Paris (1783)

    • end of Revolutionary War
    • American Independence*
  • Shay's Rebellion

    • weak economy from war debt
    • resistance to pay taxes imposed from the new $
  • Northwest Ordinance

    • ban of slavery N of OH River
    • method for admitting new states to Union*
    • one congressperson / 20,000
    • territory = state when the population = that of the smallest state
  • Constitutional Convention

    • VA + NJ Plan: bicameral legislation, 3/5 compromise
    • separation of church + state
    • makes Constitution
  • Election of 1788

    W: George Washington (independent)
    L: John Adams (federalist)
  • Federalist Papers

    • explain suggested Constitution
    • encourage ratification
  • Judiciary Act

    • creation of Supreme Court*
    • 3 circuit court system
  • Hamilton's Financial Plan

    • national bank
    • assume state's war debt
    • raise taxes
  • Bill of Rights

    • basic American liberties*
    • freedom of religion, speech, press, etc.
  • Election of 1792

    W: George Washington (independent)
    L: John Adams (federalist)
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    • "taxation without representation"
    • Washington arrests protestors arguing that they voted for their reps.
    • success of Constitution!
  • Jay's Treaty

    • GB has to pay US for war damage + leave territory
    • weak*
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    • US gets MS River from Spain
    • right of deposit: transfer goods with no fee
  • Election of 1796

    W: Adams (federalist)
    L: Jefferson (dem-repub)
  • XYZ Affair

    • bribe situation with France
    • makes Adams look weak
  • Alien + Sedition Acts

    • no attacking President or gov*
    • caused by XYZ Affair
    • deportation of foreigners
  • Virginia + Kentucky Resolutions

    • state's right to nullify
    • 10th amend.
    • leads to SC Ord. of Null.
  • Election of 1800

    W: Jefferson (dem-repub)
    L: Adams (federalist)
  • Midnight judges

    • Adams appointed Feds. to rule court
    • Judiciary Act of 1801
  • Marbury v Madison

    • constitutional review
  • Louisiana Purchase

    • US gets LA from French
    • technically illegal: reconsider strict interpretation of the Constitution
  • Election of 1804

    W: Jefferson (dem-repub)
    L: Pinckney (federalist)
  • Election of 1808

    W: Madison (dem-repub)
    L: Pinckney (federalist)
  • Period: to

    Clay's American System

    • nationalistic
    • 1) strengthen second national bank
    • 2) internal improvements
    • 3) protective tariffs
  • Election of 1812

    W: Madison (dem-repub)
    L: Clinton (fed / dem-repub)
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    • US v GB
    • not much really changed
    • Natives lost land
    • Treaty of Ghent: GB couldn't reclaim any land lost during the Revolutionary War; ended war
  • Period: to

    Manifest Destiny

    • expansion in W
    • protestantism
    • racial superiority
  • Election of 1816

    W: Monroe (dem-repub)
    L: King (federalist)
  • Election of 1820

    W: Monroe (dem-repub)
    L: JQA (dem-repub)
  • Missouri Compromise

    • set precedent for future states
    • one free, one slave
    • line drawn across LA territory
  • Period: to

    Benevolent Empire

    • conservative social reforms
    • concept of salvation*
    • Charles Finney: temperance (1830s)
  • Period: to

    White male voting

    • expansion of voting rights
    • all that paid taxes or served in a militia
    • expanding democracy to more common citizens
  • Period: to

    Lowell Girls

    • women working outside of the home
    • women contributing to family income
  • Monroe Doctrine

    • Europe = off-limits
    • diplomacy in W
  • Monroe Doctrine

    • Europe = off-limits
    • W diplomacy
  • Gibbons v Ogden

    • reinforces Congress’s power
    • SC has power to regulate interstate commerce*
  • Election of 1824

    W: JQA (dem-repub)
    L: Jackson (dem-repub) corrupt bargain: JQA wanted to elect people for the court
  • Erie Canal

    • national canal boom
    • interstate commerce
  • Tariff of Abominations

    • protective tariff of cotton
    • attacks Southern identity
  • Election of 1828

    W: Jackson (dem)
    L: JQA (repub)
  • Indian Removal Act

    • military force moved Natives from GA to OK + KS
    • Trail of Tears
  • Period: to

    Trail of Tears

    • forced migration on foot
    • because of Indian Removal Act
    • GA to OK + KS
    • Cherokee Nation v GA and Worcester v GA
  • SC Ordinance of Nullification

    • states have right to void congressional laws
    • caused by tariffs that hurt S economy in 1828 + 1832
    • Jackson forced laws with Military Force Bill*
  • Election of 1832

    W: Jackson (dem)
    L: Clay (repub)
  • Start of Whig Party

    • anti Jackson
    • rich white guys
    • elitism based on talent, not birth
  • Treaty of New Echota

    • US paid (very little) for Cherokee land
    • forced relocation
  • Specie Circular

    • lessen inflation
    • US only accepted silver + gold for land payments
  • Election of 1836

    W: Van Buren (dem)
    L: W. Henry Harrison (Whig)
  • Panic of 1837

    • Bank of GB stopped sending $ to US
    • falling cotton prices
    • financial crisis
    • states invested in canals + railroads to make $
  • Election of 1840

    W: W. Henry Harrison (whig)
    L: Van Buren (dem)
  • Commonwealth v Hunt

    • legitimize trade unions
    • right to strike*
  • Election of 1844

    W: Polk (dem)
    L: Clay (whig)
  • TX admitted to Union

    • declared independence from Mex (1836)
    • slave state
  • Wilmot Proviso

    • ban of slavery in territories gained from US/Mex War
    • didn’t pass because Whigs were in control of Congress
  • Period: to

    Mexican American War

    • Polk = expansionist
    • wanted revolution to annex TX
    • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  • Period: to

    OR Fever

    • Polk expansion
    • 54 40 or fight
    • US split OR w/ GB*
  • Election of 1848

    W: Taylor (whig)
    L: Cass (dem)
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    • called out churches role in sexism
    • equality of the sexes
    • MA
    • first women’s rights convention*
  • Free-soil Movement

    • slavery = threat to republicanism + Jeffersonians
    • supported by white farmers
    • condemned by William Lloyd Garrison (not enough civil rights)
  • Period: to

    Gold Rush

    • overpopulation in OR brought people to CA*
    • forty-niners
  • 49ers

    • mining towns
    • anti-immigrant sentiment
    • disease + poverty
  • Compromise of 1850

    • included Fugitive Slave Act
    • CA = free
    • no trade of enslaved people in DC
    • UT + NM = squatter sovereignty
    • settled land boundaries between NM + TX
  • Election of 1852

    W: Pierce (dem)
    L: Scott (whig)
  • Ostend Manifesto

    • Pierce threatened war w/ Spain to get Cuba
    • wanted Cuba to be a slave state
    • didn’t work out
  • Start of Republican Party

    • no slavery
    • gov $ for transcontinental railroad
  • KS-NE Act

    • popular sovereignty
    • ended Whig party
    • repeal of MO Compromise
  • Start of American / Know-Nothing Party

    • anti-immigrant
    • anti-Catholic
    • nativism*
  • Election of 1856

    W: Buchanan (dem)
    L: Fremont (repub)
  • Dred Scott v Sanford

    • US allows slavery
    • no African-American could get citizenship
    • repeals NW Ordinance
  • Election of 1860

    W: Lincoln (repub)
    L: Breckinridge (dem)
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

    • free vs slave states
    • Union won
  • Homestead Act

    • gave fed land to property improvers
    • moving W
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    • Lincoln
    • slavery could continue where there were Union armies + MD + MO
    • no immediate effects
    • ex-enslaved people had the rights of "native Cherokee"
  • Period: to


    • Redemption*
    • enforcement laws*
  • Election of 1864

    W: Lincoln (repub)
    L: McClellan (dem)
  • Freedmen's Bureau

    • aid for black people + refugees
    • anti-semitism
    • failed because of lack of funding
  • Black Codes

    • local laws that restricted property, voting, etc. rights
    • goal = convict leasing (legal slavery)
  • 13th Amendment

    • slavery = illegal
    • Lincoln
  • Reconstruction Act

    • enforce 13th amend
    • divided S into military districts
    • grant vote to freed people
    • new state constitutions for black vote
  • Burlingame Treaty

    • US missionary rights in China
    • trying to become friendly w/ China
  • Election fo 1868

    W: Grant (repub)
    L: Seymour (dem)
  • 14th Amendment

    • race doesn't contribute to citizenship
  • Start of Knights of Labor

    • anti-immigrant
    • pro ordinary people
    • cooperative commonwealth (shops owned by employees)
  • 15th Amendment

    • rights can't depend on race or previous enslavement
  • Period: to

    Panic of 1873

    • US economy depended on railroad
    • tension in railroad industry
  • Minor v Happersett

    • women’s right to suffrage isn’t protected under 14th amend
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    • last time Natives won
    • white Americans officially took over W
  • US v Cruickshank

    • reinforced 14th amend
  • Great Railroad Strike

    • protesting wage cuts from depression
    • core of economy
    • rise of workers rights
  • Munn v IL

    • states could regulate big business
    • “due process”
    • less regulation for corps
  • Exoduster migration

    • black people migrating W from KS
    • major drought
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    • intensified over time
    • repealed in 1943
    • had to use courts to protect Chinese rights
  • Standard Oil Trust

    • Rockefeller
    • horizontal integration (buying out competitors in the industry)
    • predatory pricing (cut prices below production costs)
  • American Federation of Labor

    • worker unions alliance
    • train a particular skill
  • Dawes Severalty Act

    • forced Natives into separate land
    • encourage assimilation
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    • no trade conspiracies
  • Ghost Dance Massacre

    • hoped to blend Natives + white Christians peacefully
    • white violence towards Natives @ Wounded Knee
  • McKinley Tariff

    • biggest tariff of ever
    • leads to annexation of HI
  • Okala Meeting

    • rise of populism
    • direction election of senators
    • set economic prices = stability

    • women’s org. for suffrage
    • worked towards 19th amendment
  • Period: to

    Social Darwinism

    • natural selection in society
    • justification of white, American, male superiority*
  • Period: to

    Social Gospel

    • Protestant salvation
    • social reform for working class
  • Panic of 1893

    • led to McKinley’s election
    • affected all of the economy
  • Atlanta Compromise

    • Booker T. Washington = compromising
    • vocational education for Black citizens
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    • segregation = legal
    • Jim Crow laws okay
    • reversed in Brown v Board of Education
  • Jacob Riis

    • How the other half lives
    • exposing life in tenements
    • fundamental to modern journalism
  • Cross of Gold Speech

    • William Jennings Bryan
    • free silver movement
  • Platt Amendment

    • Cuba couldn't make treaties with anyone except the US
    • US could intervene in Cuban affairs
    • Cuba couldn't go into debt
    • US has perpetual lease of Guantanamo Bay
  • Teller Amendment

    • US won't annex Cuba
    • Cuba has to accept Platt amend.
  • Treaty of Paris 1898

    • end of War of 1898 (Spanish American War)
    • US won
  • Period: to

    War of 1898

    • US vs Spain
    • humanitarian crisis in Cuba
    • explosion of USS Maine
    • US intervened in Cuban Independence
  • Period: to

    US-Philippines War

    • US occupation of Philippines
    • end of Spanish international hype
    • insular cases
  • Insular Cases

    • US self-granted power over Filipino rights + politics
    • Philippines + PR + Guam = colonies
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    • opposite of Monroe Doctrine
    • US = self-proclaimed control in Caribbean
    • police force
    • repealed by FDR's Good Neighbor Policy
  • Panama Canal

    • US trade +++power
    • acting on Roosevelt Corollary
  • Period: to


  • Resurgence of the KKK

    • violent enforcement of prohibition
    • anti-semitism
  • Period: to

    Race Riots

    • rise of KKK
    • lynchings
    • Great Migration
  • Period: to

    Red Scare

    • fear of Bolshevism + anarchy
    • blaming innocent immigrants of hate crimes
    • anti Communism
  • 19th Amendment

    • women's right to vote
    • Alice Paul + Susan B. Anthony
  • Sheppard-Towner Federal Maternity + Infancy Act

    • 1st fed. funded health-care
    • less infant mortality
  • National Origins Act

    • immigration quotas
    • unrestricted in W
  • Teapot Dome

    • major corruption of Coolidge admin
    • tax cuts for big business
  • Stock market crash

    • low production, construction, unemployment
    • contributes to Great Depression
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    • high unemployment
    • biggest stock market crash
    • ended with defense mobilization in WWII
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff

    • high tariff on imports
    • encourage American production
  • Hundred Days

    • banking fails
    • agricultural overproduction
    • high unemployment
  • Indian Reorganization Act

    • Native self-gov
    • reverse of Dawes Severalty Act (1887)
  • US Neutrality Act

    • trying to prevent overseas war
    • no selling weapons to countries at war
    • US = isolationist
  • US Neutrality Act

    • trying to prevent overseas war
    • no selling weapons to countries at war
    • US = isolationist
  • Period: to


    • atomic bomb
    • racism, anti-semitism
    • Anglo-saxon man = ideal
  • Period: to


    • atomic bomb
    • racism, anti-semitism
    • Anglo-saxon man = ideal
  • Pearl Harbor

    • stopped trade w/ Japan
    • US declares war
  • Pearl Harbor

    • Japanese bombed US ships
    • US declares war
  • Yalta Conference

    • Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill planning Nazi defeat
    • leads to Cold War
  • Containment Policy

    • contain Communism globally
    • US = involved
    • Long Telegram
    • Truman Doctrine*
    • Marshall Plan*
  • Truman Docrine

    • $ aid for Greece and Turkey to fight incoming communism
    • Domino Theory: if one country succumbs to communism the whole world could
  • Truman Doctrine

    • $ aid for Greece and Turkey to fight incoming communism
    • Domino Theory: if one country succumbs to communism, the whole world could
  • Taft-Hartley Act

    • weakened workers right to collective bargaining
    • purge communists
  • Taft-Hartley Act

    • weakened workers right to collective bargaining
    • purge communists
  • Election of 1948

    W: Truman (dem) - Fair Deal
    L: Dewey (repub)
  • Marshall Plan

    • $ for Europe to rebuild economy
    • containment
    • Domino Theory
  • Marshall Plan

    • $ for Europe to rebuild economy
    • containment
    • Domino Theory
  • Formation of NATO

    • collective security force
    • peacetime military alliance
    • attack on 1 = attack on all
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    • proxy war (USSR vs US)
    • US sided with S (nationalists)
  • Period: to

    Baby boom

    • post WWII
    • disciplined, resourceful generation
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    • proxy war (USSR vs US)
    • US sided with S (nationalists)
    • Gen. MacArthur: does whatever he wants, fired
  • Period: to

    Baby Boom

    • post WWII
    • disciplined, resourceful generation
  • Election of 1952

    W: Eisenhower (repub)
    L: Stevenson (dem)
  • Geneva Accords

    • resolves Korean War
    • separates Vietnam in 2
  • Brown v Board of Education

    • segregation = unconstitutional
    • overturn “separate but =” clause
  • Brown v Board of Education

    • segregation = unconstitutional
    • overturn “separate but =” clause
  • Geneva Accords

    • resolves Korean War
    • separates Vietnam in 2
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    • Emmett Till was murdered
    • over a year of bus boycotts
    • leads to Civil Rights Act
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    • Emmett Till's murder
    • over a year of bus boycotts
    • leads to Civil Rights Act
  • Suez Canal Crisis

    • US mediates
    • defend allies
  • Suez Canal Crisis

    • US mediates
    • defend allies
  • Election of 1956

    W: Eisenhower (repub)
    L: Stevenson (dem)
  • Election of 1960

    W: JFK (dem) - New Frontier
    L: Nixon (repub)
  • Period: to


    • Ella Baker
    • nonviolent student movement
    • racial justice
    • sit ins*
  • Period: to


    • Ella Baker
    • nonviolent student movement
    • racial justice
    • sit ins
  • Freedom Rides

    • desegregation of public transportation
    • SC outlaws bus segregation
  • Freedom Rides

    • desegregation of public transportation
    • SC outlaws bus segregation*
  • Equal Pay Act

    • = compensation for = work
    • no wage disparity based on sex*
  • The Feminine Mystique

    • suburban domesticity
    • encourage women to get independence (both $ and socially)
    • women’s liberation*
  • March on Washington

    • anti Southern Manifesto (1956)
    • uniting: MLK Jr., SCLC, SNCC, black, white
    • I have a Dream
    • struggle with balance between Black power vs appeasing to whites
  • Equal Pay Act

    • = compensation for = work
    • no wage disparity based on sex
  • The Feminine Mystique

    • suburban domesticity
    • encourage women to get independence*
    • women’s liberation*
  • March on Washington

    • unity: MLK Jr., SCLC, SNCC, black, white
    • "I have a Dream"
    • struggle with balance between Black power vs appeasing to whites
  • Economic Opportunity Act

    • help impoverished citizens
    • Head Start + Upward Bound
    • job training + employment
  • Civil Rights Act

    • title VII
    • desegregation of public facilities
    • no employment discrimination
    • = access to public accommodations + schools
    • big one!
  • Election of 1964

    W: LBJ (dem) - Great Society
    L: Goldwater (repub)
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    • protect US from Vietnamese Communism
    • increases Johnson’s approval
  • Economic Opportunity Act

    • help impoverished citizens
    • Head Start +
    • job training + employment*
  • Civil Rights Act

    • title VII
    • no employment discrimination
    • = access to public accommodations + schools
    • desegregation of public facilities
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    • protect US from Vietnamese Communism
    • increases Johnson’s approval*
  • Start of Medicare + Medicaid

    • Johnson's Great Society
    • paid with Social Security taxes
    • give poor health coverage
  • Start of Medicare + Medicaid

    • Johnson Great Society
    • paid with Social Security taxes*
    • give poor health coverage*
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    • epitome of war*
    • bombing for peace
    • didn’t make anything better
  • Voting Rights Act

    • outlaw voting requirements
    • makes it easier for marginalized communities to vote
    • caused by Bloody Sunday
    • no literacy tests at polls
  • Griswold v CT

    • state ban of contraceptives = illegal
    • marital right to privacy
    • decriminalized birth control
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    • epitome of war*
    • bombing for peace
    • didn’t make anything better
  • Voting Rights Act

    • outlaw voting requirements
    • makes it easier for marginalized communities to vote
    • caused by Bloody Sunday
    • no literacy tests at polls*
  • Griswold v CT

    • state ban of contraceptives = illegal
    • marital right to privacy
    • decriminalized birth control
  • Period: to

    Black Panthers

    • Newton + Seale
    • Black rights: housing, pay, police violence*
    • advocated for self defense
  • Period: to

    Black Panthers

    • Newton + Seale
    • Black rights: housing, pay, police violence*
    • advocated for self defense
  • Election of 1968

    W: Nixon (repub)
    L: Humphrey (dem)
  • Tet Offensive

    • discredited Johnson
    • turning point to end war
  • Start of EPA

    • companies have to file industrial impact on ecosystems
  • EPA

    • companies have to file industrial impact on ecosystems
  • Watergate

  • Watergate

    • Nixon abuse of power
    • War Powers Act*
    • Freedom of Info Act*
    • Ethics in Gov Act
  • Election of 1972

    W: Nixon (repub)
    L: McGovern (dem)
  • Election of 1976

    W: Carter (dem)
    L: Ford (repub)
  • Period: to

    Hostage Crisis

    • American diplomats + citizens held hostage in Iran
    • rise of Islamic revolutionaries
    • deterioration of US-Iran relations
  • Election of 1980

    W: Reagan (repub)
    L: Carter (dem)
  • Economic Recovery Act

    • tax cut for wealthy
    • national debt
  • Election of 1984

    W: Reagan (repub)
    L: Mondale (dem)
  • Iran-Contra Scandal

    • support of anti-Communists in Nicaragua
    • secret + illegal deal to exchange hostages in Iran for weapons
  • Period: to

    HIV + AIDS Epidemic

    • stigma of the gay community*
    • gov didn’t take action until thousands had died
  • Election of 1988

    W: Bush (repub)
    L: Dukakis (dem)
  • Webster v Reproductive Health Services

    • state govs can limit funding to
  • World Wide Web

    • start of access to internet
    • new economic market
  • Period: to

    Persian Gulf War

    • armistice between Iran + Iraq
    • UN sanctions against Iraq
  • Fall of the USSR

    • Berlin Wall fell
    • end of Communism in Europe
    • US = only military superpower
    • end of Cold War
  • Election of 1992

    W: Clinton (dem)
    L: Gore (Bush)
  • Planned Parenthood of SE PN v Casey

    • forced 24 hour waiting period before an abortion
  • North American Free Trade Agreement

    • eventual free trade in NA
    • eliminates tariffs
  • Election of 1996

    W: Clinton (dem)
    L: Dole (repub)
  • Defense of Marriage Act

    • states could deny gay marriage
    • repealed with Windsor v US (2013)
  • Election of 2000

    W: GW Bush (repub)
    L: Gore (dem)

    • caused by 9/11
    • US can monitor suspected citizens for terrorism
  • US troops invade Iraq

    • Abu Ghraib prison*
    • torture of suspected insurgents
    • US took capital
  • Election of 2004

    W: GW Bush (repub)
    L: Kerry (dem)
  • Period: to

    Great Recession

    • car industry almost went bankrupt
    • unemployment
    • housing market crisis
  • Election of 2008

    W: Obama (dem)
    L: McCain (repub)
  • Affordable Care Act

    • easier access to health care
    • expansion of Medicaid
    • lower costs
  • Election of 2012

    W: Obama (dem)
    L: Romney (repub)
  • Election of 2016

    W: Trump (repub)
    L: Clinton (dem)