Period: to
Triangular Trade
- Jamestown
- tobacco
- John Rolfe
- John Smith
- House of Burgesses
- London/Virginia Co.
- Berkeley
- de la Warr
Headright System
First African Labor
- Mayflower Compact
- theocracy
- Anne Hutchinson
Plymouth Rock
- Bradford
New Hampshire/Maine
- John Mason and Ferdinando Gorges
- John Wheelwright
Massachusetts Bay Company
- Winthrop
- Calverts
- Catholic
- Religious Toleration Act -> protestants repeal it
- manor life
- better relations with Natives
- Hooker led congregation from MD to Hartford
- Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Rhode Island`
- Roger Williams
- separation of Church and state
- religious tolerance
Pequot War
- Pequot v. English+other tribes
- Connecticut Valley
- Pequot Tribe almost wiped out
- started b/c trading issues w/ Dutch
English Civil War
- salutary neglect on colonies
Maryland Civil War
Navigation Act
- regulated colonial commerce
- passed by Charles II
- encouraged the colonies to have a large shipbuilding industry
English Take New York
- James (Duke of York)
- Richard Nicholls
- diverse ethnicities/religions
- tension b/t Dutch and British
- Peter Stuyvesant
New Jersey
- York gives land to Berkeley and Carteret
- ethnic/religious diversity
- farming
- no major cities
- Anthony Ashley Cooper
- Fundamental Constitution for Carolina w/ J Locke
- North = backwoods
- South = aristocrats
- fails b/c fighting b/t two groups
- divides into North and South
- SC v. Huguenot
- top crop = rice
King Phillip's War
- Wampanoags v. English + Mohawks
- Wampanoags collapsed, sold into slavery, villages terrorized
Bacon's Rebellion
Period: to
Salem Witch Trials
- accused women of witchcraft
- reflects highly religious societies
- many accused broke typical societal norms
- Quakers (Fox and Fell)
- William Penn
- holy experiment
- no major conflicts with Natives
- prosperous
- Charter of Liberties
Glorious Revolution
- tighter control of colonies
Dominion of New England
- all of New England under Andros
- ended after Glorious Revolution
John Coode's Rebellion
- Maryland citizens revolt against Catholic Lord Baltimore
- create new MD govt.
- MD now Anglican and Catholics have no rights
Period: to
- tobacco/sugar created more need for labor
- Middle Passage
- Royal African Company of England
- 1700s: indentured servitude over
Delaware Gets Own Representation
Period: to
The Great Awakening
- George Whitefield
- emphasized potential for everyone to start new relationship with God
- response to increase in secularism
- more piety
- John/Charles Wesley (Evangelists)
- Jonathan Edwards (Orthodox Puritan)
- divisions b/t old and new light
- General James Oglethorpe
- military barrier against Spanish
- refuge for poor/prisoners
- no Africans/Catholics/Natives
- militaristic
Stono Rebellion
- African slaves rise up and kill some whites
- try to escape to Florida
- SC
- caught and killed
Period: to
Benign Neglect
Albany Plan
- colonists try to set up one general govt. for colonies
- proposed by ben Franklin
- no one agreed to it
Period: to
French and Indian War
- colonists start banding together
- tensions b/t Britain and colonies
- William Pitt
- British won
- Brits in debt
- increased taxes
Period: to
7 Years War
- Britain gets Florida
Period: to
Old Immigration
- North and West
- Pennsylvanian Dutch (German), Irish
- Scots-Irish
Period: to
Proclamation of 1763
- settlers can't move past line in Appalachian Mountains
- didn't work
Pontiac's Rebellion
- Native chief fights to push colonists back behind Appalachian Mountains
Sugar Act
- stop illegal smuggling of sugar
Currency Act
- colonies can't issue paper $$$
Stamp Tax
- tax on all printed goods
- direct tax
Mutiny Act
- require colonists to maintain navy
Virginia Resolves
- VA writes that Americans have same rights as British
Quartering Act
- US must quarter British soldiers
- MA and NY refuse
Declaratory Act
- Britain repeals Stamp Act but still wants to seem powerful
- says that Parliament has total power
Townshend Duties
- new taxes on imported goods for England
Boston Massacre
- scuffle b/t colonists and Brits -> 5 dead
- Samuel Adams makes it seem like a big deal
Tea Act
- British East India Company does not pay taxes
Boston Tea Party
- block ports from accepting East India Tea Company
- throw tea into harbor
Coercive Acts
- closed Boston ports
- reduced colonial self-govt
Quebec Act
- recognizes legality of Roman Catholic Church
First Continental Congress
- Agreed to meet again next spring
- Rejected plan of colonial union by Joseph Galloway
- Endorsed statement of grievances against the king
- Approved resolutions from Suffolk, MA to have a defense and boycott 5.Non importation, non-exportation, non-consumption against England
Restraining Act
- limits fish trade
Conciliatory Propositions
- colonies must tax themselves at Britain's demand
Lexington and Concord
- General Thomas Gage (Brit)
- Paul Revere's ride
- British tried to take ammunition supplies
- Murica wins
2nd Continental Congress
- agreed to support war against Britain
Bunker Hill
- boosted morale
- Americans lost but held back British
Olive Branch Petition
- proposal for peace
- King George III rejected it
Declaration of Independence
- declares independence
- rallies support
- wants to get $$$$ from foreigners
Battle of Trenton
- George Washington crosses the Delaware R
Battle of Saratoga
- turning point
- led to alliance with France
- colonists win
Article of Conferation
- decentralized
- loose, uneffective
- power to states
- no president, taxes, regulation
Battle of Yorktown
- George Washington and RoChamBeau march to VA, Cornwallis surrenders
- fighting over but war not won
- British public wants to end war
Treaty of Paris
- agree to stop fighting
- USA gets independence, territory to Mississippi River
- in return, USA must repay debts and respect Loyalists
Ordinance of 1784
- western territory divided into 10 districts that could petition for statehood
Period: to
Postwar Depression
Ordinance of 1785
- system of surveying and selling new land
- money from sales goes to public schools
Period: to
Second Great Awakening
- stopping secular rationalism
- Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists
New Ordinance
- single northwest territory created out of land north of the Ohio River
- freedom of religion and prohibited slavery
Constitutional Convention
- Virginia Plan (big states, representation by population)
- New Jersey Plan (unicameral legislature with equal representation)
- The Great Compromise (both plans)
Shay's Rebellion
- Daniel Shay and followers want to prevent debt collection, steal weapons from Springfield
- got some tax relief and postponement of repayments
- failure at the end
- made govt realize it had to be stronger
Ratification of the Constitution
Bill of Rights
Naturalization Act
- allows white immigrants to become citizens
Creation of Washington, DC
Whiskey Rebellion
- farmers in western Pennsylvania refuse to pay whiskey tax, terrorize tax collectors
- Washington send 15000 militiamen to crush uprising
Period: to
Turnpike Era
Creation of the Cotton Gin
Citizen Genet
- French diplomat to USA tries to violate Neutrality Act
Jay's Treaty
- Treaty w GB to stop them from seizing ships and impressing US citizens
- gave the US undisputed sovereignty and kept a good commercial relationship w GB
- wasn't harsh enough
Pickney's Treaty
- Treaty w Spain that gave the USA the right to use the Miss. R/New Orleans
- fixed boundary of Florida
- stopped native raids across borders
Federalists End
Direct Tax of 1798
- tax on land and slaves to fund army and navy
XYZ Affair
- Tallyrand tries to bribe USA to get a loan
- Pickney rejects it, publishes case
- public hatred towards France
- Quasi War
Alien and Sedition Acts
- Alien Acts make it difficult to become a citizen
- Sedition Acts give govt power to prosecute opposition
- clearly hurting Republicans
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
- Jefferson and Madison argue that states can nullify Alien and Sedition Acts
Judiciary Act of 1801
- reduced number of Supreme Court justices
- Midnight appointments
Period: to
Marshall Era
Marbury v. Madison
- established judicial review
- says that Supreme Court can't enforce Adam's midnight appointments
Louisiana Purchase
Burr Conspiracy
- extreme Feds want Northeast to secede, choose Aaron Burr as leader
- Burr loses NY election, blames and kills Hamilton
- was going to try to make a new nation in Mexico and separate Louisiana from the USA
- arrested for murder, acquitted by Marshall
Lewis & Clark
Embargo Act of 1807
- prohibits all US ships from leaving ports
- causes depression
Period: to
Canal Era
Social Darwinism
- "natural selection" and "survival of the fittest" ideas of Darwin but applied to society
- resistance, but more widely accepted later and helps growth of anthropology
Period: to
Shift Towards Universal Schooling
- 1900 compulsory attendance laws in 31 states and territories, but rural areas lagged in funding and blacks had no access in the South
- 1870s attempts to force Indians to assimilate by education and separation from tribes, but fails bc little funding, bad admin, poor teaching, Indian resistance
- 1865 "Land Grant" Institutions - fed gov land donated to establish colleges
- seminary colleges, more education opportunities but mainly for white women
Period: to
Strength of Populism Movement
- started with Kelley's Grangers (1876-1880)
- G: scientific agricultural techniques, marketing cooperatives, 1870s Granger laws to subject RR regulation (fails)
- Farmer's Alliances (1875- 1896 -successor)
- A: local problems, cooperatives, orators (Lease), Pop Party (1892- fairly successful)
- Ocala Demands- party platform- subtreasuries, abolition of national banks, RR regulation, gov operated banks, remonetization of silver -ended with fall of Populist party, strongest with western farmer
- society should rely on test of scientific inquiry, not inherited ideals or morals
- creation helped by Social Darwinism
- William James, Pierce, Dewey
Demonetization of Silver
- called Crime of '73
- only gold used to back currency, not silver
Election of 1880
- R (Half Breed Pres) Garfield and (Stalwart VP) Arthur v D General Hancock
- Garfield wins, try to defy Stalwarts with appointments and killed in 1881
- Arthur promotes reform bc spoils system discredited by Garfield assassination (against Stalwarts), supported civil service reform like Garfield, kept most Garfield appointees (sets own independent course)
Period: to
New Immigration
- South and East
- more Asian (Chinese)
Pendleton Act
-Pendleton Act- first nat civil service measure to require some fed jobs filled by competitive written exams (slow expansion)
- Republican Arthur Presidency -
Election of 1884
- R Senator Blaine v D NY veto governor Cleveland
- Cleveland won narrowly bc "rum, Romanism, and rebellion" and large Catholic vote for Democrats in NY- asked for reduction in tariff
- no major difference in party platform- election of personal invective
Interstate Commerce
- Interstate Commerce Act: banned discrimination in rates btwn long and short hauls and requires RR to publish reasonable rate schedules, but ineffective bc poor enforcement (little effect + response to pub pressure for RR regulation)
- Cleveland administration (2nd term)
Election of 1888
- (R) Ben Harrison v (D) Cleveland
- Harrison wins- election about tariff
- Harrison Passive, but many social issues esp in time when citizens want to curb trust power
- Sherman Antitrust Act (July 1890): symbolic act to deflect public criticism- cuts power of trusts and consolidation laws, but no impact bc weakened and mainly used against labor unions
- McKinley Tariff (oct 1890)- highest protective measure ever proposed
McKinley Tariff
- McKinley Tariff (oct 1890)- highest protective measure ever proposed -Harrison presidency, Republicans thought they won election bc of tariffs, misinterprets
Sherman Antitrust Act
- Sherman Antitrust Act (July 1890): symbolic act to deflect public criticism- cuts power of trusts and consolidation laws, but no impact bc weakened and mainly used against labor unions
- Republican Harrison presidency
Election of 1892
- (R) protectionist Harrison, (D) anti-protectionist Cleveland, (Populist) economic reformist Weaver
- Cleveland and Democrats dramatic win president and both houses of Congress bc neg response to McKinley tariff
- Wilson-Gorman Act: modest reductions in tariff
- Interstate Commerce Act: banned discrimination in rates btwn long and short hauls and requires RR to publish reasonable rate schedules, but ineffective bc poor enforcement (little effect + response to pub pressure for RR regulation)
Panic of 1893
- lasted until 1901
- Philadelphia and Reading railroads fail
- stock market collapses, banks that invest collapse too
- contraction of credit
- loan dependent businesses go bankrupt
- worsened by euro depression
- 20% of labor force lost their jobs
- provokes Coxey's Army 1894 (public works program, fails)
Venezuelan Dispute
- GB colony and Venezuela border conflict
- US makes GB agree to arbitration with US
- cites breach of Monroe Doctrine
Period: to
Ashcan School of Art and Modernism
- work produced startling in its portrayal of social realities of era
- rep turning away from traditional style
- 1913 Armory Show
- modernists reject grip on past, eventually develop own strict orthodoxies
Election of 1896
- McKinley vs. Bryan
- GOP backs gold standard
- Bryan wants silver coinage again
- McKinley wins
- Populists align with dems, lose
- birth of modern campaigning (Bryan)
Open Door
- US economic policy with China
- respect the rights and privileges of other nations in the spheres
- still collect Chinese tariffs in the spheres
- nations can't discriminate against each other in spheres
Spanish American War
- tensions rise with Maine explosion and DeLome letter
- US aids Cuban rebels
- short, many deaths from disease
- supply and mobilization problems
- US wins and gets Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines (kinda)
- inspires Root's military reforms
Hawaii Annexation
- americans control Hawaii with sugar plantations
- planters overthrow Queen Liliuokalani 1893
- want to avoid American tariffs on sugar
- response to elimination of Hawaiian sugar privilege
Period: to
Philippine War
- Philippines used guerrilla tactics
- US became brutal
- rebels led by Emilio Aguinaldo
- most bloody war
- ended when Aguinaldo signed doc telling supporters to stop fighting
- Filipino economy linked to US economy
- shared by Germany, US, Great Britain
- US divided islands with Germany
- GB got other pacific islands
- waystation for US ships
Boxer Rebellion
- revolted against foreigners in China
- US intervened to prevent partition of China
- won support for Open Door
- ended with international expeditionary force
Election of 1900
- Bryan (dem) vs. McKinley (GOP)
- McKinley wins
- urban interests beat rural interests
- nation chooses imperialism
- Bryan's active campaign fails
Currency Act
- established gold standard
- assigned specific gold value to the dollar
- ended the battle of standards
- McKinley
Platt Amendment
- prohibit Cuba from making treaties with other nations
- US has right to intervene to preserve independence, life, property
- Cuba resents this, revolts in 1906, 1912
Trump ruins America