APUSH Personal

  • Alex born

    Alex born
  • Andrew born

    Andrew born
  • Period: to


    I participated in Montessori Model United Nations for three years, representing Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Kazakhstan. Each year we traveled to NY to take part in our committees and even got to pass our resolutions in the General Assembly Hall! This experience shaped who I am today, giving me experience as a diplomat and problem solver, and I'll not soon forget it.
  • Kate born

    Kate born
  • SSMS to FHC

    I attended Stepping Stones Montessori School from preschool until I graduated after 6th grade. The switch from Montessori to public school was absolutely terrifying and I did NOT want to go. However, SSMS had left me more than prepared to handle it, and I was able to acclimate and make friends quickly!
  • Period: to


    I auditioned for the school play, Anne of Green Gables, and was cast as Aunt Josephine. After spending all freshman year backstage, this was my FHC Theatre debut. The cast and crew were incredible, and I'll never forget the experience!
  • London!

    I'll soon be flying out to London with Mrs. Demeester and some other classmates! We'll be seeing Stratford upon Avon, Windsor Castle, 3 shows on West End, and much more! I'm beyond excited and am so grateful that my first time outside of the country will be in such a wonderful place.
  • India!

    I've dreamed of going to India for as long as I can remember. My dad went shortly before I was born, so I've heard countless ystories about the country all my life. I'll be going with my parents for 10 days this fall!!