Roanoke Colony
Sir Walter Raleigh's 3 private expeditions to NC. 117 settlers left unsupplied for years, "vanished" -
Jamestown founded (Virginia Company)
King James 1 granted lands to comp. NC -> S NY. All male, expecting gold, no farming. A lot died. John rolfe (tobacco) + John smith "saved" jamestown -
Period: to
Colonial America
Virginia House of Burgesses, First African Slaves brought to Virginia
-By comp, to attract migrants. Rep gov make laws+taxes but could be vetoed by governor/eng council
-@ Point Comfort, Hampton Virginia, start of slavery in US -
Mayflower Compact
Contract of pilgrims promising to follow authority/laws, very religious -
Puritans settle Massachusetts Bay
Puritans wanted to "purify" Christ of roman catholic. "City on a hill" strict puritan laws/model for new world. Governor John Winthrop -
Maryland founded
Lord Baltimore granted royal charter. Safe haven for english catholics fleeing persecution in England -
Rhode Island founded, Harvard College, Puritan-Pequot War
-found by Roger Williams (fleeing Massachusetts Bay persecution for speaking against punishing religious dissension) religious liberty
-found in Massachusetts bay, voted for by General court/gov, needed for training clergy
-Massa colonists v. pequot natives, high tensions->killing eachother over land, murder, trading -
Fundamental Orders of Conneticut
Agreement between colonial communites of Massa colonies - stated power+limits of gov -formed a confederation under the guidance of God -
Maryland Toleration Act
law in Massa that ensured religious freedoms to all who settled (to protect catholics) -
Navigation Act 1
end of salutary neglect. All trade must be on GB/US ships, 3/4 crew and master must be british -
Navigation Act 2
Series of laws controlling trade+shipping+raising tariffs between GB/US. -
New Netherlands becomes New York
dutch colony on S manhattan (weak from war w/natives, small pop, unattractive to dutch europeans) GB sent big force - surrendered w/o a fight -
King Philip's War
In new england colonies. Metacom (philip) of wampanoag last ditch effort to stop colonists taking land/authority -
Bacon's Rebellion
nathaniel bacon, virginia. Free, landless, exindentured servants want land from neighbor natives - colonist leaders have trade w/natives, say no - attack natives/land-scared of indentured turn to slavery -
Pennsylvania founded
found by quaker william penn, proprietary colony, charter from King Charles 2nd -
Dominion of New England established
King charles 2nd wanted to centralize power over colonies, end of salutary neglect, regulate trade/navigation acts. Colonists unhappy. governor sir edmund andros -
Salem Witchcraft Hysteria
Massa, mass hysteria, hearings+prosecutions of people of witchcraft -
Georgia as last of 13 colonies, Molasses Act
-found by General James Ogle Thorpe, refuge for london's indebted prisoners
-parliament tax 6 pence/gal on imports from places other than GB/US - GB needs $, GB plantation owners in Brit W Indies want US only buy from them -
Period: to
Great Awakening
series of 3/4 waves of increased religious enthusiasm, members, revival in protestant. Focused on personal religious experiences/redemption/conversion. George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Gilbert Tennent, Jonathan Dickinson, and Samuel Davies -
Zenger Trial
NY, John Peter Zenger accused of libel (published v. gov). Established that truthful (if mean) facts about public officials isnt libelous -
Stono Rebellion
slave revolt in SC (largest in GB colonies) attempt escape to florida, killed 20-30 whites. Scared slave owners, became harsher on slaves, revealed racial tensions that will cont -
Albany Congress
conference between GB and iroquois confederacy to make plan/treaty w/natives in exchange for defense from FR -
Period: to
Period: to
French and Indian War
GB+Natives v. FR+Natives. Started in US, GB won, FR surrendered most of NUS colonies-> GB dominate NUS + alot of war debt -
Paris Peace Treaty, Proclamation of 1763
-ended FR/IN war, FR gave up all mainland NUS colonies, no threat to GB
-GB proclaimed @ the end of FR/IN war that it would lessen settler encroachment upon native lands, trade agreements+land purchase to reconcile -
Sugar Act, Currency Act
-GB need $, replace molasses act, parliament tax on colonial sugar/molasses imported -> smuggling
-banned colonists from printing own currency, GB creditors feared being payed in depreciated colony currency -
Quartering Act, Stamp Act, Nonimportation Agreement
-required colonists to provide food, shelter, supplies to GB troops. Hoped to bring cost of army down for GB
-tax on all paper/printed products in the colonies. Legal documents, publications, playing cards, to raise $ for GB
-Merchants+traders argee to boycott goods subject to Townshend revenue act until taxes are repealed -> hurt GB econ -
Repeal of the Stamp Act, Declaratory Act
-Parliament repealed stamp act after boycotts+protests damaged GB econ (colonies main source of $)
-in combo w/repeal of stamp act +lessen sugar act, parliament could make laws binding the colonies "in all cases whatsoever" -
Townshend Acts
imposed taxes on variety of imported goods to pay royal officials to enforce laws more. attempt @ absolute control over colonies -
Boston Massacre
general mob in Boston against the occupying GB troops. Shots fired, people died (troops+people) -> increased anger @ GB -
Gaspee Incident, Committees of Correspondence
-GB ship enforcing trade regulation looted +burned by patriots
-system for intercolonial communication between state committees to better warn + unify against GB -
Tea Act, Boston Tea Party
-Hoping to help Brit E india comp, made price of tea(including tax) cheaper than smuggled dutch tea
-Sam Adams led colonists to GB ships in boston harbor disguised as indians to dump chests of tea to protest the tea act -
Coercive/intolerable Acts, 1st Continental Congress
-parliament punished massa for tea party: close down harbor, force people to house occupying soldiers, pay for large damages
-response to coercive acts: came up/w compromise w/ GB: us remain under GB rule but retain state assemblies+a continent wide assembly -
Lexington and Concord, 2nd Continental Congress, Olive Branch Petition
-1st direct conflict of US revo war. Paul revere and co. warned militias/minutemen of vs. GB
-est wartime gov:managing troops, resources, officers, etc. All colonies support revo, but not exactly independence
-sent to GB king as last attempt of compromise. Would remain loyally GB, but go back to something like salutary neglect -
Period: to
Confederation and Consitution
Common Sense, Declaration of Independence
-popular pamphlet calling for total independence + republican gov -> gained alot of support
-patriots declaring independence from GB - GB refuse to acknowledge -
Battle of Saratoga, Articles of Confederation drafted
-turning point: US victory -> boost morals + support from FR
-see articles of confed -
Period: to
Valley Forge
winter battle between George Washington + co. v GB troops. General Steuben trained them up. Several (2.5k) died from conditions+starvation -
Alliance w/ France
the "Treaty of Alliance". Formalized FR milit+$ support for the colonies -
Articles of Confederation, Battle of Yorktown
-1st form of US gov. states rights(powers reserved for states)->couldnt get anything done. Purposefully weak b/c fear of GB tyranny. All states equal > gov in power
-turning point:FR cut of GB navy retreating from loosing battle->force a surrender, last major battle of US revo -
Treaty of Paris, British troops in NW
-GB formally recognised independent US, all troops in US surrender, definied borders(GB give up lnad S of great lakes), US get fishing rights,loyalists granted citizenship, gave back property, pre war debts remained.
-offered citizenship/property returned (barely). Most + loyalists left, jays treaty kick rest out -
Spain closes New Orleans
Border dispute (US want more S border)->shutdown US trade in new orleans (very important trade to farmers/econ) -
Land Ordinance of 1785
regulates sale on lands W of appalachians mts. land sold in big chunks=rich people dominate+speculate -
Shay's Rebellion
state gov have big war debt + people want war bonds back=high taxes. poor farmers already in person debt=revolt +close down courts. 1st internal threat/test of US gov -
NW Ordinance, Constitutional Convention, Federalist Papers
-est system of admitting new states to the union. Population markers (delgates->elected->statehood (voted in by congress))
-1st (unpopular) in Annapolis. 1yr later in Philidelphia, both led by madison. closed door, goals: amend articles of confed. Actual: throw them out and start new (const)
-Essays by hamilton, madison, john jay that support the const for ratification, V persuasive/important to ratification -
Period: to
The Federalist Era
Ratification of the Constitution
needed 9/13 states to vote for it. each state had conventions (invited certain pro-const people to vote) -
Washington inaugerated, Judiciary Act of 1789
-general of revo war/leader of const congress/convention. 1st president (executive branch)
-established the structure and jurisdiction of the federal court system and created attorney general position -
Period: to
George Washington
Bill of Rights ratified, 1st National Bank of US chartered, Vermont joins the Union
-written by madison, protection of individual rights to sway S votes for const ratification. 10/12 proposed amendments accepted - 3/4 states voted for
-hamilton plan: nat bank owned by 80% gov, 20% private investors. Goals: raise econ/gov authority/relationships w/bankers. manages loans and nat currency
-1st state to join union/not a colony, federalist -
Period: to
Two political parties develop
Federalists=for hamiltons $ plan - bankers, investors, support strong gov
Anti feds/Dem-Reps=against hams $ plan - farmers, plantation owners, support republic w/ equal rights to gov -
Whiskey Rebellion
ham tax domestic whiskey to start paying nat debt. violent farmers shut down court house in Penn -> ham+troops sut down->victorious test of fed gov authority, raised questions about govs right to tax -
Jay's Treaty, Pinckney's Treaty
-GB war w/FR -> sieze + force men to join navy of US ships in W indies for FR goods-> JJ make treaty to stop+clear out GB troops in US - failed, instead just increase trade w/GB
-SP/US treaty on trade, commerce, boundaries. Opened mississippi + new orleans to trade w/US. very good for US econ -
Washington's farewell address, 2 term tradition
-letter from george W to close friends+public announcing he wont run again, supporting preservation of US union, isolationism/neutrality. Jeff/Dem-Reps angry/Disagree
-even if there wasn't laws about term length yet, George W set expectation/trend that presidents follow of only working 2 terms -
XYZ Affair
FR angry at Jay's Treaty/ US trade w/GB -> attack US ships. Pres Adams negotiate, FR minister demand bribe in exchange->records sent back to US, FR agents named as XYZ->public mad/insulted @ FR/Adams->established permament US navy -
Period: to
John Adams
Alien Acts, Sedition Act, Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
-Fed gov authorized deportation of foreigners (most dem-rep immigrant farmers) -> lower dem/rep supporters
- Fed gov legally banned publication of critisism of gov-> arrested dem/rep writers/publishers
-denied previous 2 acts, set forth state interpretation of const: gave state power to invalidate "unconst" fed acts= nullification -
Period: to
Undeclared naval war w/ France
not war, but naval conflict in w indies between FR/US ships/navys (us navy v new, est permanent navy) -
Washington DC established, Election of 1800, Federalist Judges
-logrolling: 2+ lawmakers agree to support eachothers bills. Ham want econ plans->support placing capitol in S in exchange for madison/jeff +co. votes
-John Adams v. Jeff - very N v S/Feds v Dem-Reps. Jeff won, ending federalist dominate gov, 1st dem-rep pres, 1st peaceful transition of power. Decline of fed gov. Burr-Jeff tied, house vote for jeff
-while dems-reps dom exec+legislative branches, judicial branch controlled by federalist still (midnight judges, john marshall head of supreme court) -
Period: to
Growth of Nationalism
Period: to
Thomas Jefferson
Marbury v. Madison, Louisiana Purchase
-madison(sec of state) not pay midnight judge Marbury, federalist supreme court (john marshall) establish power of judicial review
-Napolean Fr took over louisiana territory from SP. US want trade out of new orleans->sent reps to buy new orleans, came back instead with the entire territory(napolean need $ + not confident he could hold line v US) -
Burr/Hamilton Duel, 12th Amendment
-Ham exposed VP burrs plan of New England succession + endorsed Jeff over Burr -> burr challenge duel - kill ham - flee to W
-Burr/Jeff tie -> house vote. To prevent from happening again - establish 2 seperate ballots for pres and VP -
Period: to
Lewis & Clark expedition
sent by jeff to explore/map/document Louisiania territory before settling + establish good relations w/natives to W coast -
Chesapeake Incident, Embargo Act
-GB fired on USS chesapeake ship - surrendered, but still boarded -> impressment. Biggest/most famous example of impressement
-Ban selling anything to all of EU - hope to end GB/FR quasi-war in W indies - didnt work (hurt our econ more than theres) -
Slave Trade ends
Act prohibiting importation of slaves signed by jeff 1807. in 1808 no new slaves brought into US (illegally still) Change of heart? -
Period: to
James Madison
National Road (Cumberland Road) begun
gov-funded road from W maryland to Illinois. Part of transportation revolution -
Period: to
War of 1812
GB: impressement, allies w/nativess, siezing cargo. Warhawks: US-> war-> GB technically lost?/Draw - Battle of New Orleans->treaty of ghent -
Hartford Convention, Treaty of Ghent
-in conneticut, federalist gather to talk how to regain power: succession, new amendment limiting terms/repeal 3/5 compromise to S loose reps -> nothing actually happened
-treaty in belgium - end war of 1812 - all territory returned pre-war, Draw - news of treaty not yet reach US so still fight in new orleans -
Battle of New Orleans
-important US win, led by General Andrew Jackson (made him famous war hero) last hostility, then news of treaty of Ghent -
Rush-Bagot Agreement, American Colonization Society
-agreement between GB/US to each limit navys in Great Lakes following War of 1812 (lower tensions) -
Period: to
Erie Canal
NY gov funded construction for huge canal: Hudson(albany) to Lake erie (bufffalo) -> started age of canals (cheaper, faster, transport more goods +people) -
Period: to
James Monroe
Adam-Onis Treaty, McCulloch v. Maryland
-Jackson siezed SP forts in Florida (seminole war) -> SP(Don luis de Onis) and sec of state James Monroe, negotiate Florida to US + all land N of 42nd parallel
-Maryland try to tax their state branch of 2nd bank of US (1816). Courts decide: Maryland can't tax, state branches of Nat bank was const. Maryland say: congress couldnt charter nat bank -
Collapse of the Federalist Party, Missouri Compromise
-federalists loose power in gov (jeff elected, Dems-Reps majority Seattle) + Ham died + XYZ affair split into High feds(want war w/FR) and the rest. Hartford convention = end
-Missouri want slave+statehood. Congress even slave v non slave, Fed house block -> Dem-Reps senate block nonslave Maine statehood. Henry clay write compromise: Missouri slave + Maine nonslave + all state N of 36degree30' latitude were non slave, rest were slave -> N/S tensions rise -
Period: to
2nd Great Awakening
Liberia founded
Monroe Doctrine
Pres Monroe warn EU/E Hemisphere that W Hemi "not subject to further colonization"/leave new independent Latin America alone = US leave E Hemi alone -
"Corrupt Bargain" Election, Gibbons v. Ogden
Period: to
The Age of Jackson
Period: to
John Quincy Adams
Democratic Party, Tariff of Abominations, SC exposition and protest
Period: to
Andrew Jackson
Indian Removal Act, Maysville Road Veto
Period: to
The Era of Reform/Antebellum Reform
Period: to
Public School Movement
Period: to
The Era of Expanion
The Liberator, Nat Turner's Rebellion
Worcester v. Georgia, Nullification Crisis, Calhoun Resigns
Force Bill, Compromise Tariff, American Anti-Slavery Society
Whig Party formed
Specie Circular, Alamo, Battle of San Jacinto
Period: to
Trail of Tears
Period: to
Gag Rule in effect
Mount Holyoke/Oberlin College
Period: to
Panic of 1837
Period: to
Martin Van Buren
Presidental Election - Campaign Tactics, World Anti-Slavery Meeting, Liberty Party
Tyler succession to the presidency
William Henry Harrison
Period: to
John Tyler
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Large Migration of pioneers on Oregon Trail
Annexation of Texas, American/Know-nothing Party
Period: to
Urbanization & Immigration
Period: to
James K Polk
Wilmot Proviso, 49th Parallel agreement on Oregon
Period: to
Mexican-American War
The North Star, Mormons to Utah
Seneca Falls Convention, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Free Soil Party, Gold @ Sutter's Mill
CA applies for statehood
Period: to
Zachary Taylor
Compromise of 1850
Period: to
Division and Union
Period: to
Millard Fillmore
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Gadsden Purchase
Period: to
Franklin Pierce
Ostend Manifesto
Kansas-Nebraska Act, Republican Party formed
Bleeding Kansas, Sumner attacked in senate
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Period: to
James Buchanan
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Harpers Ferry Raid
Lincoln's election, SC secession
CSA formed, Fort Sumter
Period: to
Abraham Lincoln
Homestead Act, Morrill Act
Pacific RR Act, Battle of Antietam, Emancipation Proclamation
Gettysburg/Vicksburg, Draft riots NYC
Sherman's "March to the Sea," Wade-Davis Bill
Ku Klux Klan, Ex Parte Milligan
Surrender @ Appomattox, Lincoln assassination, 13th Amendment
National Labor Union
Period: to
Expansion and Imperialism
Period: to
Period: to
Andrew Johnson
Military Reconstruction Act, Tenure of Office Act, Alaska Purchase
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, 14th Amendment
1st Transcontinental RR, Knights of Labor
Period: to
Ulysses S. Grant
15th Amendment
Credit Mobilier Scandal
Civil Rights Act
Hayes-Tilden Election/Compromise of 1877, US v, Reese
Munn v. Illinois, Battle of Little Big Horn
Period: to
Rutherford Hayes
Period: to
Populists and Progressives
A Century of Dishonor
James Garfield
Period: to
Chester Arthur
Chinese Exclusion Act
Pendleton Civil Service Act
Period: to
Grover Cleveland
Mabash v. Illinois, Haymarket Square Riot, American Federation of Labor
ICC Act, American Protective Association, Dawes Severalty Act
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
"Gospel of Wealth"
Period: to
Benjamin Harrison
"How the other half lives", Battle of Wounded Knee, Census of 1890, Influence of Sea Power on History
Forest Reserve Act, Populist Party (National People's Party)
Homestead Strike
Period: to
Ellis Island
Coxey's Army
Period: to
Grover Cleveland
Pullman Strike
US v. EC Knight
Period: to
Cuban War for independence
"Cross of Gold" speech
Period: to
William McKinley
Period: to
William McKinley
Sinking of "The Maine" SP/US war, Annexing Hawaii, Anti-Imperialist League, Treaty of Paris
Mine workers strike, Insular Cases, Platt Amendment
Period: to
Teddy Roosevelt
Elkins Act
Roosevelt Corollary
Period: to
Panama Canal
Gentlemen's Agreement
Hepburn Act, The Jungle, Pure Food & Drug Act
Muller v. Oregon
Period: to
William Howard Taft
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Bull Moose party
Federal Reserve Act, 16th & 17th Amendments, Armory Art Show
Period: to
Woodrow Wilson
Clayton Act, Archduke Ferdinand assassination
Period: to
Lusitania sunk
Sussex sunk, Sussex Pledge, Wilson re-elected
Submarine warfare cont., Zimmerman Telegram, Russian Revolution, U.S. enters the war
Sedition Act, Armistice (Nov 11)
Schenck v. US, Versailles Treaty, League of Nations, Lodge Reservations
18th Amendment, Seattle General Strike, Boston Police Strike
Period: to
Post-War Economic Downturn
Period: to
Palmer Raids
National Origins Act, 18th & 19th Amendments, Congress rejects Versailles Treaty
Volstead Act, 19th Amendment, Sacco/Vanzetti Trial
Emergency Quota Act, Peace w/ GM by Joint Resolution
Period: to
Warren Harding
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
Teapot Dome Scandal, ERA 1st introduced into Congress
Period: to
Calvin Coolidge
Dawes Plan
Period: to
McNary-Haugen Bills
Scopes Trial
"The Jazz Singer", Lindbergh Flight
Stock Market Crash
Period: to
Herbert Hoover
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
Reconstruction Finance Corp., Bonus Army
20th Amendment, 21st Amendment, 1st 100 Days, Bank Holiday, Glass-Steagall Act, National Industry Recovery Act
Period: to
Franklin Roosevelt
Period: to
Dust Bowl
2nd New Deal, Wagner (NLRA) Act, Social Security Act, Schechter Poultry Co. v. US, Committee of Industrial Organization formed
US v. Butler
Judiciary Reorganization Bill
Period: to
Roosevelt's Recession
Fair Labors Standard Act
Period: to
Harry Truman
Period: to
Dwight Eisenhower
Period: to
John Kennedy
Period: to
Lyndon Johnson
Period: to
Richard Nixon
Period: to
Gerald Ford
Period: to
Jimmy Carter
Period: to
Ronald Reagon
Period: to
George HW Bush
Period: to
Bill Clinton
Period: to
George W Bush