• Roanoke Colony

    Sir Walter Raleigh's 3 private expeditions to NC. 117 settlers left unsupplied for years, "vanished"
  • Jamestown founded (Virginia Company)

    King James 1 granted lands to comp. NC -> S NY. All male, expecting gold, no farming. A lot died. John rolfe (tobacco) + John smith "saved" jamestown
  • Period: to

    Colonial America

  • Virginia House of Burgesses, First African Slaves brought to Virginia

    -By comp, to attract migrants. Rep gov make laws+taxes but could be vetoed by governor/eng council
    -@ Point Comfort, Hampton Virginia, start of slavery in US
  • Mayflower Compact

    Contract of pilgrims promising to follow authority/laws, very religious
  • Puritans settle Massachusetts Bay

    Puritans wanted to "purify" Christ of roman catholic. "City on a hill" strict puritan laws/model for new world. Governor John Winthrop
  • Maryland founded

    Lord Baltimore granted royal charter. Safe haven for english catholics fleeing persecution in England
  • Rhode Island founded, Harvard College, Puritan-Pequot War

    -found by Roger Williams (fleeing Massachusetts Bay persecution for speaking against punishing religious dissension) religious liberty
    -found in Massachusetts bay, voted for by General court/gov, needed for training clergy
    -Massa colonists v. pequot natives, high tensions->killing eachother over land, murder, trading
  • Fundamental Orders of Conneticut

    Agreement between colonial communites of Massa colonies - stated power+limits of gov -formed a confederation under the guidance of God
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    law in Massa that ensured religious freedoms to all who settled (to protect catholics)
  • Navigation Act 1

    end of salutary neglect. All trade must be on GB/US ships, 3/4 crew and master must be british
  • Navigation Act 2

    Series of laws controlling trade+shipping+raising tariffs between GB/US.
  • New Netherlands becomes New York

    dutch colony on S manhattan (weak from war w/natives, small pop, unattractive to dutch europeans) GB sent big force - surrendered w/o a fight
  • King Philip's War

    In new england colonies. Metacom (philip) of wampanoag last ditch effort to stop colonists taking land/authority
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    nathaniel bacon, virginia. Free, landless, exindentured servants want land from neighbor natives - colonist leaders have trade w/natives, say no - attack natives/land-scared of indentured turn to slavery
  • Pennsylvania founded

    found by quaker william penn, proprietary colony, charter from King Charles 2nd
  • Dominion of New England established

    King charles 2nd wanted to centralize power over colonies, end of salutary neglect, regulate trade/navigation acts. Colonists unhappy. governor sir edmund andros
  • Salem Witchcraft Hysteria

    Massa, mass hysteria, hearings+prosecutions of people of witchcraft
  • Georgia as last of 13 colonies, Molasses Act

    -found by General James Ogle Thorpe, refuge for london's indebted prisoners
    -parliament tax 6 pence/gal on imports from places other than GB/US - GB needs $, GB plantation owners in Brit W Indies want US only buy from them
  • Period: to

    Great Awakening

    series of 3/4 waves of increased religious enthusiasm, members, revival in protestant. Focused on personal religious experiences/redemption/conversion. George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, Gilbert Tennent, Jonathan Dickinson, and Samuel Davies
  • Zenger Trial

    NY, John Peter Zenger accused of libel (published v. gov). Established that truthful (if mean) facts about public officials isnt libelous
  • Stono Rebellion

    slave revolt in SC (largest in GB colonies) attempt escape to florida, killed 20-30 whites. Scared slave owners, became harsher on slaves, revealed racial tensions that will cont
  • Albany Congress

    conference between GB and iroquois confederacy to make plan/treaty w/natives in exchange for defense from FR
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    GB+Natives v. FR+Natives. Started in US, GB won, FR surrendered most of NUS colonies-> GB dominate NUS + alot of war debt
  • Paris Peace Treaty, Proclamation of 1763

    -ended FR/IN war, FR gave up all mainland NUS colonies, no threat to GB
    -GB proclaimed @ the end of FR/IN war that it would lessen settler encroachment upon native lands, trade agreements+land purchase to reconcile
  • Sugar Act, Currency Act

    -GB need $, replace molasses act, parliament tax on colonial sugar/molasses imported -> smuggling
    -banned colonists from printing own currency, GB creditors feared being payed in depreciated colony currency
  • Quartering Act, Stamp Act, Nonimportation Agreement

    -required colonists to provide food, shelter, supplies to GB troops. Hoped to bring cost of army down for GB
    -tax on all paper/printed products in the colonies. Legal documents, publications, playing cards, to raise $ for GB
    -Merchants+traders argee to boycott goods subject to Townshend revenue act until taxes are repealed -> hurt GB econ
  • Repeal of the Stamp Act, Declaratory Act

    -Parliament repealed stamp act after boycotts+protests damaged GB econ (colonies main source of $)
    -in combo w/repeal of stamp act +lessen sugar act, parliament could make laws binding the colonies "in all cases whatsoever"
  • Townshend Acts

    imposed taxes on variety of imported goods to pay royal officials to enforce laws more. attempt @ absolute control over colonies
  • Boston Massacre

    general mob in Boston against the occupying GB troops. Shots fired, people died (troops+people) -> increased anger @ GB
  • Gaspee Incident, Committees of Correspondence

    -GB ship enforcing trade regulation looted +burned by patriots
    -system for intercolonial communication between state committees to better warn + unify against GB
  • Tea Act, Boston Tea Party

    -Hoping to help Brit E india comp, made price of tea(including tax) cheaper than smuggled dutch tea
    -Sam Adams led colonists to GB ships in boston harbor disguised as indians to dump chests of tea to protest the tea act
  • Coercive/intolerable Acts, 1st Continental Congress

    -parliament punished massa for tea party: close down harbor, force people to house occupying soldiers, pay for large damages
    -response to coercive acts: came up/w compromise w/ GB: us remain under GB rule but retain state assemblies+a continent wide assembly
  • Lexington and Concord, 2nd Continental Congress, Olive Branch Petition

    -1st direct conflict of US revo war. Paul revere and co. warned militias/minutemen of vs. GB
    -est wartime gov:managing troops, resources, officers, etc. All colonies support revo, but not exactly independence
    -sent to GB king as last attempt of compromise. Would remain loyally GB, but go back to something like salutary neglect
  • Period: to

    Confederation and Consitution

  • Common Sense, Declaration of Independence

    -popular pamphlet calling for total independence + republican gov -> gained alot of support
    -patriots declaring independence from GB - GB refuse to acknowledge
  • Battle of Saratoga, Articles of Confederation drafted

    -turning point: US victory -> boost morals + support from FR
    -see articles of confed
  • Period: to

    Valley Forge

    winter battle between George Washington + co. v GB troops. General Steuben trained them up. Several (2.5k) died from conditions+starvation
  • Alliance w/ France

    the "Treaty of Alliance". Formalized FR milit+$ support for the colonies
  • Articles of Confederation, Battle of Yorktown

    -1st form of US gov. states rights(powers reserved for states)->couldnt get anything done. Purposefully weak b/c fear of GB tyranny. All states equal > gov in power
    -turning point:FR cut of GB navy retreating from loosing battle->force a surrender, last major battle of US revo
  • Treaty of Paris, British troops in NW

    -GB formally recognised independent US, all troops in US surrender, definied borders(GB give up lnad S of great lakes), US get fishing rights,loyalists granted citizenship, gave back property, pre war debts remained.
    -offered citizenship/property returned (barely). Most + loyalists left, jays treaty kick rest out
  • Spain closes New Orleans

    Border dispute (US want more S border)->shutdown US trade in new orleans (very important trade to farmers/econ)
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    regulates sale on lands W of appalachians mts. land sold in big chunks=rich people dominate+speculate
  • Shay's Rebellion

    state gov have big war debt + people want war bonds back=high taxes. poor farmers already in person debt=revolt +close down courts. 1st internal threat/test of US gov
  • NW Ordinance, Constitutional Convention, Federalist Papers

    -est system of admitting new states to the union. Population markers (delgates->elected->statehood (voted in by congress))
    -1st (unpopular) in Annapolis. 1yr later in Philidelphia, both led by madison. closed door, goals: amend articles of confed. Actual: throw them out and start new (const)
    -Essays by hamilton, madison, john jay that support the const for ratification, V persuasive/important to ratification
  • Period: to

    The Federalist Era

  • Ratification of the Constitution

    needed 9/13 states to vote for it. each state had conventions (invited certain pro-const people to vote)
  • Washington inaugerated, Judiciary Act of 1789

    -general of revo war/leader of const congress/convention. 1st president (executive branch)
    -established the structure and jurisdiction of the federal court system and created attorney general position
  • Period: to

    George Washington

  • Bill of Rights ratified, 1st National Bank of US chartered, Vermont joins the Union

    -written by madison, protection of individual rights to sway S votes for const ratification. 10/12 proposed amendments accepted - 3/4 states voted for
    -hamilton plan: nat bank owned by 80% gov, 20% private investors. Goals: raise econ/gov authority/relationships w/bankers. manages loans and nat currency
    -1st state to join union/not a colony, federalist
  • Period: to

    Two political parties develop

    Federalists=for hamiltons $ plan - bankers, investors, support strong gov
    Anti feds/Dem-Reps=against hams $ plan - farmers, plantation owners, support republic w/ equal rights to gov
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    ham tax domestic whiskey to start paying nat debt. violent farmers shut down court house in Penn -> ham+troops sut down->victorious test of fed gov authority, raised questions about govs right to tax
  • Jay's Treaty, Pinckney's Treaty

    -GB war w/FR -> sieze + force men to join navy of US ships in W indies for FR goods-> JJ make treaty to stop+clear out GB troops in US - failed, instead just increase trade w/GB
    -SP/US treaty on trade, commerce, boundaries. Opened mississippi + new orleans to trade w/US. very good for US econ
  • Washington's farewell address, 2 term tradition

    -letter from george W to close friends+public announcing he wont run again, supporting preservation of US union, isolationism/neutrality. Jeff/Dem-Reps angry/Disagree
    -even if there wasn't laws about term length yet, George W set expectation/trend that presidents follow of only working 2 terms
  • XYZ Affair

    FR angry at Jay's Treaty/ US trade w/GB -> attack US ships. Pres Adams negotiate, FR minister demand bribe in exchange->records sent back to US, FR agents named as XYZ->public mad/insulted @ FR/Adams->established permament US navy
  • Period: to

    John Adams

  • Alien Acts, Sedition Act, Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

    -Fed gov authorized deportation of foreigners (most dem-rep immigrant farmers) -> lower dem/rep supporters
    - Fed gov legally banned publication of critisism of gov-> arrested dem/rep writers/publishers
    -denied previous 2 acts, set forth state interpretation of const: gave state power to invalidate "unconst" fed acts= nullification
  • Period: to

    Undeclared naval war w/ France

    not war, but naval conflict in w indies between FR/US ships/navys (us navy v new, est permanent navy)
  • Washington DC established, Election of 1800, Federalist Judges

    -logrolling: 2+ lawmakers agree to support eachothers bills. Ham want econ plans->support placing capitol in S in exchange for madison/jeff +co. votes
    -John Adams v. Jeff - very N v S/Feds v Dem-Reps. Jeff won, ending federalist dominate gov, 1st dem-rep pres, 1st peaceful transition of power. Decline of fed gov. Burr-Jeff tied, house vote for jeff
    -while dems-reps dom exec+legislative branches, judicial branch controlled by federalist still (midnight judges, john marshall head of supreme court)
  • Period: to

    Growth of Nationalism

  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson

  • Marbury v. Madison, Louisiana Purchase

    -madison(sec of state) not pay midnight judge Marbury, federalist supreme court (john marshall) establish power of judicial review
    -Napolean Fr took over louisiana territory from SP. US want trade out of new orleans->sent reps to buy new orleans, came back instead with the entire territory(napolean need $ + not confident he could hold line v US)
  • Burr/Hamilton Duel, 12th Amendment

    -Ham exposed VP burrs plan of New England succession + endorsed Jeff over Burr -> burr challenge duel - kill ham - flee to W
    -Burr/Jeff tie -> house vote. To prevent from happening again - establish 2 seperate ballots for pres and VP
  • Period: to

    Lewis & Clark expedition

    sent by jeff to explore/map/document Louisiania territory before settling + establish good relations w/natives to W coast
  • Chesapeake Incident, Embargo Act

    -GB fired on USS chesapeake ship - surrendered, but still boarded -> impressment. Biggest/most famous example of impressement
    -Ban selling anything to all of EU - hope to end GB/FR quasi-war in W indies - didnt work (hurt our econ more than theres)
  • Slave Trade ends

    Act prohibiting importation of slaves signed by jeff 1807. in 1808 no new slaves brought into US (illegally still) Change of heart?
  • Period: to

    James Madison

  • National Road (Cumberland Road) begun

    gov-funded road from W maryland to Illinois. Part of transportation revolution
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    GB: impressement, allies w/nativess, siezing cargo. Warhawks: US-> war-> GB technically lost?/Draw - Battle of New Orleans->treaty of ghent
  • Hartford Convention, Treaty of Ghent

    -in conneticut, federalist gather to talk how to regain power: succession, new amendment limiting terms/repeal 3/5 compromise to S loose reps -> nothing actually happened
    -treaty in belgium - end war of 1812 - all territory returned pre-war, Draw - news of treaty not yet reach US so still fight in new orleans
  • Battle of New Orleans

    -important US win, led by General Andrew Jackson (made him famous war hero) last hostility, then news of treaty of Ghent
  • Rush-Bagot Agreement, American Colonization Society

    -agreement between GB/US to each limit navys in Great Lakes following War of 1812 (lower tensions)
  • Period: to

    Erie Canal

    NY gov funded construction for huge canal: Hudson(albany) to Lake erie (bufffalo) -> started age of canals (cheaper, faster, transport more goods +people)
  • Period: to

    James Monroe

  • Adam-Onis Treaty, McCulloch v. Maryland

    -Jackson siezed SP forts in Florida (seminole war) -> SP(Don luis de Onis) and sec of state James Monroe, negotiate Florida to US + all land N of 42nd parallel
    -Maryland try to tax their state branch of 2nd bank of US (1816). Courts decide: Maryland can't tax, state branches of Nat bank was const. Maryland say: congress couldnt charter nat bank
  • Collapse of the Federalist Party, Missouri Compromise

    -federalists loose power in gov (jeff elected, Dems-Reps majority Seattle) + Ham died + XYZ affair split into High feds(want war w/FR) and the rest. Hartford convention = end
    -Missouri want slave+statehood. Congress even slave v non slave, Fed house block -> Dem-Reps senate block nonslave Maine statehood. Henry clay write compromise: Missouri slave + Maine nonslave + all state N of 36degree30' latitude were non slave, rest were slave -> N/S tensions rise
  • Period: to

    2nd Great Awakening

  • Liberia founded

  • Monroe Doctrine

    Pres Monroe warn EU/E Hemisphere that W Hemi "not subject to further colonization"/leave new independent Latin America alone = US leave E Hemi alone
  • "Corrupt Bargain" Election, Gibbons v. Ogden

  • Period: to

    The Age of Jackson

  • Period: to

    John Quincy Adams

  • Democratic Party, Tariff of Abominations, SC exposition and protest

  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson

  • Indian Removal Act, Maysville Road Veto

  • Period: to

    The Era of Reform/Antebellum Reform

  • Period: to

    Public School Movement

  • Period: to

    The Era of Expanion

  • The Liberator, Nat Turner's Rebellion

  • Worcester v. Georgia, Nullification Crisis, Calhoun Resigns

  • Force Bill, Compromise Tariff, American Anti-Slavery Society

  • Whig Party formed

  • Specie Circular, Alamo, Battle of San Jacinto

  • Period: to

    Trail of Tears

  • Period: to

    Gag Rule in effect

  • Mount Holyoke/Oberlin College

  • Period: to

    Panic of 1837

  • Period: to

    Martin Van Buren

  • Presidental Election - Campaign Tactics, World Anti-Slavery Meeting, Liberty Party

  • Tyler succession to the presidency

  • William Henry Harrison

  • Period: to

    John Tyler

  • Webster-Ashburton Treaty

  • Large Migration of pioneers on Oregon Trail

  • Annexation of Texas, American/Know-nothing Party

  • Period: to

    Urbanization & Immigration

  • Period: to

    James K Polk

  • Wilmot Proviso, 49th Parallel agreement on Oregon

  • Period: to

    Mexican-American War

  • The North Star, Mormons to Utah

  • Seneca Falls Convention, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Free Soil Party, Gold @ Sutter's Mill

  • CA applies for statehood

  • Period: to

    Zachary Taylor

  • Compromise of 1850

  • Period: to

    Division and Union

  • Period: to

    Millard Fillmore

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

  • Gadsden Purchase

  • Period: to

    Franklin Pierce

  • Ostend Manifesto

  • Kansas-Nebraska Act, Republican Party formed

  • Bleeding Kansas, Sumner attacked in senate

  • Dred Scott v. Sanford

  • Period: to

    James Buchanan

  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

  • Harpers Ferry Raid

  • Lincoln's election, SC secession

  • CSA formed, Fort Sumter

  • Period: to

    Abraham Lincoln

  • Homestead Act, Morrill Act

  • Pacific RR Act, Battle of Antietam, Emancipation Proclamation

  • Gettysburg/Vicksburg, Draft riots NYC

  • Sherman's "March to the Sea," Wade-Davis Bill

  • Ku Klux Klan, Ex Parte Milligan

  • Surrender @ Appomattox, Lincoln assassination, 13th Amendment

  • National Labor Union

  • Period: to

    Expansion and Imperialism

  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Andrew Johnson

  • Military Reconstruction Act, Tenure of Office Act, Alaska Purchase

  • Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, 14th Amendment

  • 1st Transcontinental RR, Knights of Labor

  • Period: to

    Ulysses S. Grant

  • 15th Amendment

  • Credit Mobilier Scandal

  • Civil Rights Act

  • Hayes-Tilden Election/Compromise of 1877, US v, Reese

  • Munn v. Illinois, Battle of Little Big Horn

  • Period: to

    Rutherford Hayes

  • Period: to

    Populists and Progressives

  • A Century of Dishonor

  • James Garfield

  • Period: to

    Chester Arthur

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Pendleton Civil Service Act

  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland

  • Mabash v. Illinois, Haymarket Square Riot, American Federation of Labor

  • ICC Act, American Protective Association, Dawes Severalty Act

  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

  • "Gospel of Wealth"

  • Period: to

    Benjamin Harrison

  • "How the other half lives", Battle of Wounded Knee, Census of 1890, Influence of Sea Power on History

  • Forest Reserve Act, Populist Party (National People's Party)

  • Homestead Strike

  • Period: to

    Ellis Island

  • Coxey's Army

  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland

  • Pullman Strike

  • US v. EC Knight

  • Period: to

    Cuban War for independence

  • "Cross of Gold" speech

  • Period: to

    William McKinley

  • Period: to

    William McKinley

  • Sinking of "The Maine" SP/US war, Annexing Hawaii, Anti-Imperialist League, Treaty of Paris

  • Mine workers strike, Insular Cases, Platt Amendment

  • Period: to

    Teddy Roosevelt

  • Elkins Act

  • Roosevelt Corollary

  • Period: to

    Panama Canal

  • Gentlemen's Agreement

  • Hepburn Act, The Jungle, Pure Food & Drug Act

  • Muller v. Oregon

  • Period: to

    William Howard Taft

  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

  • Bull Moose party

  • Federal Reserve Act, 16th & 17th Amendments, Armory Art Show

  • Period: to

    Woodrow Wilson

  • Clayton Act, Archduke Ferdinand assassination

  • Period: to


  • Lusitania sunk

  • Sussex sunk, Sussex Pledge, Wilson re-elected

  • Submarine warfare cont., Zimmerman Telegram, Russian Revolution, U.S. enters the war

  • Sedition Act, Armistice (Nov 11)

  • Schenck v. US, Versailles Treaty, League of Nations, Lodge Reservations

  • 18th Amendment, Seattle General Strike, Boston Police Strike

  • Period: to

    Post-War Economic Downturn

  • Period: to

    Palmer Raids

  • National Origins Act, 18th & 19th Amendments, Congress rejects Versailles Treaty

  • Volstead Act, 19th Amendment, Sacco/Vanzetti Trial

  • Emergency Quota Act, Peace w/ GM by Joint Resolution

  • Period: to

    Warren Harding

  • Fordney-McCumber Tariff

  • Teapot Dome Scandal, ERA 1st introduced into Congress

  • Period: to

    Calvin Coolidge

  • Dawes Plan

  • Period: to

    McNary-Haugen Bills

  • Scopes Trial

  • "The Jazz Singer", Lindbergh Flight

  • Stock Market Crash

  • Period: to

    Herbert Hoover

  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

  • Reconstruction Finance Corp., Bonus Army

  • 20th Amendment, 21st Amendment, 1st 100 Days, Bank Holiday, Glass-Steagall Act, National Industry Recovery Act

  • Period: to

    Franklin Roosevelt

  • Period: to

    Dust Bowl

  • 2nd New Deal, Wagner (NLRA) Act, Social Security Act, Schechter Poultry Co. v. US, Committee of Industrial Organization formed

  • US v. Butler

  • Judiciary Reorganization Bill

  • Period: to

    Roosevelt's Recession

  • Fair Labors Standard Act

  • Period: to

    Harry Truman

  • Period: to

    Dwight Eisenhower

  • Period: to

    John Kennedy

  • Period: to

    Lyndon Johnson

  • Period: to

    Richard Nixon

  • Period: to

    Gerald Ford

  • Period: to

    Jimmy Carter

  • Period: to

    Ronald Reagon

  • Period: to

    George HW Bush

  • Period: to

    Bill Clinton

  • Period: to

    George W Bush