APUSH 1860-1918

  • Civil War begins

    Civil War begins
    Civil War between Confederates and Unions regarding states' rights to slavery began.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln proclaimed emancipation of the slaves, so that they would be eventually freed. It was also used to threaten the Confederacy into joining the Union once more.
  • The Gettysburg Address

    The Gettysburg Address
    President Abraham Lincoln gave an address on the first battleground of the Civil War. This inspirational speech rallies a lot of support.
  • Civil War ends

    Civil War ends
    The Civil War ended with the Battle of Appomattox, with Robert E. Lee surrendering. The war ended with the Union's victory, and the following Restoration Era followed.
  • Abraham Lincoln assassinated

    Abraham Lincoln assassinated
    Lincoln was assassinated not long after the victory, in a theater with his wife. The assassin John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in the back of the head and ran away.
  • Military Reconstruciton Act passed

    Military Reconstruciton Act passed
    Part of the Reconstruction Amendments, the military reconstruction act stated that Southern states that were readmitted into the Union had to be under military presence.
  • U.S. Grant elected

    U.S. Grant elected
    Ulysses S. Grant was a former war hero during the Civil War. When he got elected to be the president, he has some issues.
  • Reconstruction Amendments ratified

    Reconstruction Amendments ratified
    After the Civil War, the Reconstruction Era started, where Southern states were readmitted into the Union. These states had to be under vigilant military presence, and had to free their slaves.
  • Boss Tweed convicted of embezzlement

    Boss Tweed was Grant's political leader. Portrayed as a large-bellied, money-laundering thief, he was convicted of embezzlement. Grant denied any association, but many people were suspicious
  • Compromise of 1877 ends Reconstruction

    Compromise of 1877 ends Reconstruction
    In the Compromise of 1877, the election goes to Hayes (Republicans) and the Democrats get Republicans to end the Reconstruction.
  • Jane Addams founds Hull House

    Jane Addams founds Hull House
    Jane Addams and Ellen Starr founded the Hull House, where mothers could leave their babies (like a kindergarten), teenagers could join clubs and receive lessons, students could attend lectures on various subjects. The Hull House became the center of women’s social reform.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    Plessy v. Ferguson was a Supreme Court case where Plessy set up to get sued by sitting in a whites only train. He wanted to prove that segregation should be illegal, but the Supreme Court ruled that “separate but equal” facilities are constitutional.
  • Carrie Nation begins smashing liquor

    Carrie Nation begins smashing liquor
    Carrie Nation was a radical advocate for the Temperance Movement. With her iconic hatchet, she struck down taverns and bars while praying.
  • Theodore Roosevelt takes office

    Theodore Roosevelt takes office
    Theodore Roosevelt led the Strenuous Life, where he experienced the extremities of nature and learned how to cope through hardships.
  • Booker T. Washington releases Up From Slavery

    Booker T. Washington releases Up From Slavery
    Writing his experiences as he grew up and started an institution to teach freed African-Americans, Washington’s Up From Slavery inspired many people.
  • Ida Tarbell publishes “The History of the Standard Oil Company”

    Ida Tarbell publishes “The History of the Standard Oil Company”
    Ida Tarbell was a muckraker who exposed the scandalous practices of the Standard Oil Company, which was the dominant oil company at the time. She documented its illegal monopoly and aggressive tactics to get rid of rivals.
  • W.E.B DuBois forms the NAACP

    W.E.B DuBois forms the NAACP
    DuBois was a civil rights activist who formed NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. They believed that nonviolent protest was the way to earn equal rights.
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    World War I began with Archduke Ferdinand's assassination. The tension in European countries did not affect America vey much at the beginning, but the U.S. joined later on.
  • Birth of a Nation released

    Birth of a Nation released
    Birth of a Nation was a film about two families, pro-Confederate and pro-Union. It glorified the KKK and denounced African-Americans, leading to a resurgence of the Klan.
  • Margaret Sanger coins the term “birth control”

    Margaret Sanger coins the term “birth control”
    Margaret Sanger was a feminist leading organized birth-control movement. With the invention of contraceptives, she believed that women should be free to use birth-control pills as an independent women.
  • Jeanette Rankin becomes the first Congresswomen

    Jeanette Rankin becomes the first Congresswomen
    Jeanette Rankin was the first women to hold federal office in the US, and she initiated the legislation that ultimately became the 19th Amendment, granting women voting rights. She was the groundbreaker in women’s history of the United States.
  • World War I ends

    World War I ends
    World War I ended with Germans surrendering and agreeing to the Treaty of Versailles. They have pay a lot of money and are ruined. America, on the other hand, benefits greatly.