apush 1860-1918

  • civil war begins

    civil war begins
    civil war begins
  • the gettysburg address

    the gettysburg address
    famous speech by abraham lincoln
  • emancipation proclamation

    emancipation proclamation
    was issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, as the country entered the third year of the Civil War. It declared that "all persons held as slaves
  • gettysburg address

    gettysburg address
  • civil war ends

    civil war ends
    cicil war ends
  • abraham lincoln assassinated

    abraham lincoln assassinated
    abraham lincoln was assassinated
  • reconstruction amendments ratified

    reconstruction amendments ratified
    are often referred to as Civil War Amendments. These are Amendments that were created and ratified in the five years following the Civil War
  • reconstruction amendment passed

    reconstruction amendment passed
  • military reconstruction act passed

    military reconstruction act passed
    military reconstruction act passed
  • us grant elected

    us grant elected
    us grant elected
  • compromise of 1877 ends reconstruction

    compromise of 1877 ends reconstruction
    ends reconstruction
  • boss tweed convicted of embezzlement

    boss tweed convicted of embezzlement
    Tweed is known for the cronyism of his Tammany Hall political machine, through which he bilked the city of New York of massive sums of money. ... after his release, New York State filed a civil suit against him in an attempt to recover some of the millions he had embezzled, and Tweed was arrested again.
  • plessy vs ferguson

    plessy vs ferguson
  • carrie nation begins to smash liquor

    carrie nation begins to smash liquor
  • theodore roosevelt elected

    theodore roosevelt elected
    theodore roosevelt elected
  • booker t washington releases up from slavery

    booker t washington releases up from slavery
  • ida Tarbell publishes "the history of the standard oil company"

    ida Tarbell publishes "the history of the standard oil company"
  • W.E.B. DuBois forms the NAACP

    W.E.B. DuBois forms the NAACP
  • world war 1 begins

    world war 1 begins
    world war 1 begins
  • Margaret Sanger coins the term "birth control"

    Margaret Sanger coins the term "birth control"
  • birth of a nation released

    birth of a nation released
  • jeannette rankin becomes first congresswoman

    jeannette rankin becomes first congresswoman
  • world war 1 ends

    world war 1 ends
    world war 1 ends