Period: to
Justinian Belisarius's life
the elder Selin Belisarius is born
Justinian purchases ugly carousel
this is made up by Justinian -
Semet gives the carousel to Selin
Semet dies in a shipwreck
Selin Belisarius is born
the great niece of the original Selin Belisarius -
Daniel and Ellen are married
The Elder Selin Belisarius Dies
Jo is born
Charlotte is born
Allan and Dolores Rigby walk the UK Island
Turkish carousel is stolen from Belisarius family
early 1930s -
Ellen has trouble sleeping
Daniel worries about Ellen's sleeplessness
Ellen's doctor gives her sleeping pills
Ellen reports sleeping pills are not helping & she has a dangerous secret
Ellen wonders why humankind is so disappointing
it seems like someone has personally betrayed her. -
Daniel goes on a business trip to Istanbul Turkey
Ellen is taking a break at her sister's house
she seems to think her problem is obvious. She mentions someone saying something very offensive to her, but the name is illegible. -
Period: to
Ellen is a patient at Beth Israel Medical Center
Ellen Whitman passes away
The Tanners move into the estate as caretakers
Dolores Rigby's fake death
Marcus James Smith dies
Daniel Whitman passes away
the sisters return from Europe to the US
Stanley unexpectedly breaks up with Charlotte
Daniel's warehouse is broken into at the Port of Boston.
First letter from Jo to Charlotte
suspicious man tried to gain access to Boston estate
Charlotte's first letter to Jo
sisters go through Boston estate attic
someone breaks in to cottage at April Beach
Someone breaks window of top floor of Boston estate
someone breaks into Charlotte's apartment
Jo discovers carousel at antique shop and buys it back
Evans, Edwards and Andrews leave the country.
Charlotte has forced off the road, her antique compact stolen
her papers and planner book were also stolen -
Jo finds the stolen compact at an antique store and buys it back
the sisters travel to Turkey
Jo discovers original carousel at airport
Charlotte discovers hidden message inside Ella
Discrepancies are found with Ellen's interment
Both sisters arrive in London
Edwards, Evans and Brody return to US