Vietnam War: Thousands of civilian refugees flee from the Quang Ngai Province in front of advancing North Vietnamese troops.
"Hamlet" opens at Criterion Theater NYC for 45 performances
14th NCAA Women's Basketball Championship: U of Ct Huskies beats TN 70-64
19th NCAA Women's Basketball Championship: at Corel State Spectrum
Islamist terrorists involved in the 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks attempt to bomb the Spanish high-speed train AVE near Madrid. Their attack is thwarted.
James Stewart Jr. becomes first African American to win a major motor sports event.
Over 60 tornadoes break out, hardest hit is Tennessee with 29 people killed.
Oikos University, Oakland shooting kills seven people and injures 3
13 Children are killed in a fire in mosque in Yangon, Burma
13 people are killed in a quarry accident, in Arusha, Tanzan