Apple Timeline 2000-2010

  • iPod MP3 Player

    iPod MP3 Player
    Apple In created and announced their first iPod MP3 Player. Which was smaller and easier to use than most of the competitors upon launch. This was much more convenient than carrying around a cassette tape that you'd have to record and rewind tracks. The iPod made it easy to have a very portable device for listening to music.
  • Safari was created

    Safari was created
    In January of 03 Apple Inc created their own web browser called "Safari". This has enhanced lives because every iMac, iPhone, iPad comes with a built in very easy to use browser. Looking up things is very convenient because it's right on our homepages and touch-bars.
  • iMac and MacBook Pro were created

    iMac and MacBook Pro were created
    Apple Inc went on to create Computers and Laptops with an Intel-based processor. In January Apple announced two very high tech products they were launching, they made two devices that were made to last. The laptop was the most portable sleek laptop on the market. It was nicknamed the "most advanced customer notebook". This made work and travel very easy, and the Computer had a great processor that made work from home fast and simple.
  • Apples First iPhone was announced!

    Apples First iPhone was announced!
    Apple announced the first ever touch screen phone. This phone (upon announcement at the convention) was very controversial. How could someone use a phone with no buttons?? Apple Inc created a phone that changed the phone market forever, leaving us here in 2021 with only touch screen phones.
  • The iPad joins the list of Apple Products

    The iPad joins the list of Apple Products
    In 2009 Apple Inc created the first iPad and later launched in early 2010. More than 300,000 iPads were sold on launch day, which was the biggest product launch for it's time. The iPad has enhanced lifestyle for those who prefer touch screen over getting a laptop. This device was made portable while being able to do the job of a powerful laptop. This device opened up the tablet industry and is an intro to how we could grow from here.