Blue box
Steve jobs and Steve Wozniak designed a telephone blue box. A blue box was an electronic device that simulated a telephone operator's dialing console and provided the user with free phone calls -
Steve jobs moved to California after a year of college and started to work for Atari a computer manufacturing company and he met a close friend that was a business partner when he was a success in apple products. -
Apple 1
The first product of apple was a computer they called apple. Which was a computer with just a keypad. Soem peopel thought it was not the best looking. -
The evolving products of apple
Apple products have come such a long way since 1976 -
When Apple found Jobs
Steve Jobs was founded in 1976 -
Apple ][
The apple II was the next computer they had made that they now had a screen with a keyboard. Many people thought it was better looking than the first apple computer. This copmputer was a market success -
The garage
Using Steve Job's family garage as a base of operation, the team produced fifty fully assembled computers that were sold to a local Mountain View electronics store called the Byte Shop. The sale encouraged the pair to found the Apple Corporation on April 1, 1979. -
The Macintosh
The third computer was the Macintosh which was a great difiference in its generations and brought the concent to the masses -
The apple went rotten
During the early 80's, Steve Jobs controlled the business side of the Apple Corporation and Steve Wozniak, the design side, but in nineteen eighty four a power struggle of board directors cause Jobs to leave the company. -
Macintosh SE/30
The Macintosh was underpowered but inspired somehow and had the ability 32MB of RAM -
Powerbook 100
The powerbook was a good success but almost didnt make it when only a hundred were sold and each were sold for $2,500 which was far to much for a 16 MHZ processor. It's lightweight figure was alos one of the nicce outlooks to it. -
Where the idea caught
The iphone was originally sparked from the idea of the apple message pad. -
The Messagepad
The message was once again a a Apple drop there were problems from Apple userssoem said they didn't like the bulky design some said they didn't like how it was set up. If anything they didn't like it. -
The quicktake was a camera ahead of its time though helped the photography makert flousih in it own way. -
Power Macintosh 9500
The Power Macintosh was the only computer with the most muscle that Apple made so far. -
The ironic apple
Steve Jobs founded next , a high-end computer company. Ironically Apple bought next in 1996 -
The retiring of the great jobs
Steve Jobs returned to Apple to serve once more as its CEO from 1997 until his recent retirement in 2011 -
Jobs came back
After Steve Jobs return to Apple as CEO in 1997, Apple Computers has had a renaissance in product development with the iMac, iPod , iPhone , iPad and more -
Apple was doing great then came to come up with the IMac -
Power Mac G4 Cube
The power mac wasnt such a bad computer. The catch was the price $1,800 which was what pretty much put it out. -
Powerbook G4
Powerbook was one of the first consumer laptops with 802.11b. Through all the years the powerbook hads amnaged to be the competitors edge targetd by bussinessman. -
Apple Ipod
The ipod set the the tone for a new century of consumer products -
Flower Power Imac
There was nothing bad about the Imac but the fact that they put what some of the consumers thought the c=ugliest caes designs in the world. -
Macbook Pro
The company had updates and that of course caused an uproar with all the apple consumers. The powerbook still made its way to elegnat computing technology -
Disney had Pixar
. In 2006, Disney bought Pixar from Steve Jobs. -
Who created the apple
Steve Jobs invented the new touch screen technology which cam out on June 27, 2007. -
Apple was new
The brand new Apple Iphone cam with all its new features Siri, apps, and many more new things on a phone. -
The better phone?
The apple iphone is almost all the older phone combined and has all the features that only one older phone would have like the iphone has games, internet, messaging, phone calls, cell service, music, and many more. -
The world first web browser was created on a next and then transferred to Macintosh and iPhone. -
The inventor and his creations
Before his death, Steve Jobs was listed as the inventor and/or co-inventor on 342 United States patents, with technologies ranging from computer and portable devices, user interfaces, speakers, keyboards, power adapters, staircases, clasps, sleeves, lanyards and packages. His last patent was issued for the Mac OS X Dock user interface and was granted the day before his death. -
Steve Jobs was born on February 24 1955, in Los Altos California -
Fun fact
The Apple corporation was named after Steve Jobs favorite fruit -
Steve jobs started out not as a complete success but going to college and only attended a year and started out working at a manufacturing company but he then worked to the point of were he somehow he came to work for apple and became a multimillionaire but he should be a motivation and role model. He started out as a ordinary person and became a success. -
In 1986 Steve jobs bought the computer graphics division of Lucasfilms Ltd and started Pixar animation.