
Apple Computers

By henry97
  • Apple 1

    Apple 1
    Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak introduce the Apple I computer, selling it for $666.66. It was only a circuitboard.
  • Apple 2

    Apple 2
    Apple Computer releases the Apple II. It becomes a consumer hit and is later re-released with more memory.
  • Lisa

    Named after Steve Jobs's daughter, this computer is the first home computer with a Graphic User Interface
  • iMac G3

    iMac G3
    Apple begins to ship the iMac G3, which was the first computer that came out of Steve Jobs's redesign of the product line
  • iMac G4

    iMac G4
    Apple releases the iMac G4, which sets the standard design for all future iMacs (Including today)
  • Mac MIni

    Mac MIni
    Apple releases the Mac Mini, the cheapest desktop computer in its history