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Apple computer

  • Apple timeline

    Apple timeline
    Apple's history begins in the garage of Steve Jobs' childhood home in Los Altos, California, where Steve Wozniak and Jobs tested -- but designed elsewhere -- the first Apple I computers, which they later introduced at the Homebrew Computer Club. The Byte Shop places 50 orders. The computer later sells for $666.66.
  • Apple timeline

    Apple timeline
    Ronald Wayne received 10 percent of the company to settle arguments between Woz and Jobs who both had 45%
  • Apple timeline

    Apple timeline
    Apple begins development of the unsuccessful Apple III
  • Apple timeline

    Apple timeline
    human interface expert who joined Apple a year prior, receives approval to begin work on the Macintosh project. Raskin names the computer after the McIntosh apple, his favorite fruit. The Lisa Project, another personal computer, also begins under Ken Rothmuller, with a projected shipping date of 1981.
  • Apple timeline

    Apple timeline
    Apple launches its IPO and becomes a publicly traded company on December 12, 1980, selling 4.2 million shares for $22 each. The company generates more capital, and instant millionaires, than any IPO since Ford Motor Company in 1956. Apple continues to trade on the NASDAQ under the stock ticker AAPL today.
  • Apple timeline

    Apple timeline
    IBM introduces a low-spec PC for $1,565, and eclipses Apple's market share within two years, as the Apple Lisa misses its shipping target. Apple experiences its first internal shakeup, with Markkula replacing Scott as president, Jobs becoming chairman, and Wozniak taking a leave of absence.
  • apple timeline

    apple timeline
    Steve Jobs is forced out of the Lisa project and takes over control of the Macintosh project from Jeff Rankin, who subsequently resigns.