apple and microsoft

  • Microsoft founding

    Microsoft founders: Bill Gates and Paul Allen
  • Apple founding

    apple was established by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne
  • Macintosh

    2.3 millions dolars were payed to promote the Macintosh.The Macintosh was the first personal computer to be sold without a programming language at all
  • Adobe PostScript

    Apple linceses PostScript from Adobe
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs leaves Apple after being force out by board
  • Apple and Microsoft contract

    apple signs a contract allowing Microsoft to use some Macintosh GUI elements
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft releases Windows 1.0
  • Apple

    Steve Jobs agrees not to build computers competitive with Apple in exchange for lawsuits being dropped, buys Pixar from George Lucas for less than $10 million and starts neXT (later renamed NeXT Computer, Inc.)
  • Microsoft stock

    microsoft stock goes public at $21 per share, rising to $27,5 close
  • Apple IIgs

    the Apple IIgs is released, price set at $999
  • Apple Mac II

    Apple introduces the Mac II
  • Microsoft

    microsoft releases windows 2,0 and OS/2
  • Apple and Microsoft

    Apple sues Microsoft for stealing GUI elements not included in their previous agreement, such as mac-like icons
  • Microsoft Office suite

    microsoft releases the first Office Suite
  • Microsoft announces

    Microsoft announces Windows 3,0 and later releases the Windows SDK allowi g anyone to develop applications to run in the Windows OS
  • Microsoft anniversary

    on their 15th anniversary Microsoft becomes the first PC company to exceed $1 billion in reenue with $1,18 billion
  • Microsoft and Apple

    Microsoft releases Multimedia Extensions 1,0 for Win 3,0 introducing support for CD-ROM and Sound Cards.
    Apple introduces the Mac Power Book after forming an allegiance with IBM and Motorola
  • Microsoft

    microsoft kicks off its first-ever television advertising campaing
  • Microsoft Windows 3,1

    Microsoft ships Windows 3,1 wich (along with 3,0) sells over 10 million copies
  • Microsft Encarta

    Microsft announces Microsoft Encarta the first mutlimedia encyclopedia designed for a computer
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft reports over 25 million licensed Windows users, making it the most popular GUI in the world
  • Windows NT

    Microsoft launches Windows NT (their first OS marketed exclusively for the proffesional use)
  • Apples first PDA

    Apple releases the first PDA (Newton MessagePad), but the handwriting recognition failed to live up to the hype
  • Apple first Power Macintosh

    Apple releases the first Power Macintosh computer (6100, 7100, 8100)
  • Apple System 7.5

    Apple releases System 7,5
  • Apple MacOS

    Apple starts licensing the MacOS to companies wanting to build clones
  • Apple loses lawsuit

    After four years Apple loses lawsuit against Microsoft and HP for copyright infringement of specific GUI elements
  • Windows 95

    Microsft releases Windows 95, sells over 1 million copies in just 4 days, Internet Explorer is offered for free shortly after
  • MSSQL 6.5

    Microsoft releases MSSQL 6.5 with built- in support for internet applications
  • Apple Sysem 7.5.5

    Apple releases System 7.5.5
  • Apple

    Apple takes over NeXT Computer, Inc for $430 million
  • Apple MacOS 7.6

    Apple releases MacOS 7.6
  • Steve returns to Apple

    Thanks to the acquisition of the NeXT Steve Jobs returns to Apple
  • Microsoft WebTV

    Microsoft buys WebTV for $425 million
  • Apple

    Apple announces $740 million loss for the second quarter
  • Gil Amelio

    Gil Amelio resigns as president and CEO of APPLE
  • Apple MacOS 8

    Apple releases MacOS 8
  • Apple and Microsoft

    Steve Jobs becomes defacto head of Apple and announces product and technology develpment agreement between Apple and Microsoft
  • Apple

    Apple begins buying back all licenses from Mac-done manufactures
  • micrososft

    the justice department prohibts microsoft from forcing IE as the Windows exclusive Internet Browser
  • Apple

    Apple releases the poer macintosh G3 and th online Apple Store, both becoming and instant success
  • Apple

    Apple oficially returs to profitability with $47 million profit in the first quarter
  • Apple

    Apple drops all non profitable divisions, including the Newton PDA (wich cost Apple more than $5oo million)
  • Apple power book and iMac

    Apple announces the Power Book G3 and iMac
  • Microsft Windows 97

    Microsoft releases Windows 98
  • Apple

    Apple announces three profitable quarters in a row
  • Apple Power Book G3 and the iMac

    Apple releases the Power Book G3 and the iMac which becomes the fastest selling PC in history
  • Apple MacOS 8.5

    Apple releases MacOS 8.5
  • Apple iBook pre -orders

    Apple receives over 140,000 pre-orders for its recently announced iBook , and announces the Power Macintosh G which, due to its speed, was classified as a weapon by the US government
  • Apple MacOS 9

    Apple releases MacOS 9
  • Microsoft Visio

    microsoft acquires Visio (largest acquisition in MS´s history)
  • Microsoft Windows 2000

    Microsoft releases Windows 2000
  • Microsoft Pocket PC 2000

    microsoft releases pocket PC 2000 , the fisrt Windows Mobile operating system which included some basic pocket pc phones
  • Microsoft Windows ME

    Microsoft releases Windows ME
  • Apple loss

    Apple announces an estimated loss of $259 million for the first quarter of 2001, their first quarterly loss in 3 years
  • Apple MacOS X

    Apple releases MacOS X
  • Apple

    Apple announces a quartely profit of $43 million with OSX generating $19 million in sales. Also Apple announces having sold their 5 millionth iMac, making it the most succesful PC in history
  • Apple new iBook

    Apple releases the new iBook with a white plastic case
  • Microsoft Windows XP

    Microsoft releases Windows XP which ships with the most hated browser of all time. Internet Explorer 6
  • Apple MacOS x 10.1

    Apple relases MacOS X 10.1 (Puma)
  • Microsoft Pocket PC 2002

    Microsoft releases Pocket PC 2002, their first OS to power Smarthphones
  • Apple iPod

    Apple announces te iPod ( its first ships November 10th), aong with iTunes 2
  • Microsoft Xbox

    Microsoft releases the Xbox
  • Apple Final Cut Pro 3

    Apple releases Final Cut Pro 3 (and MacOS 9.2.2)
  • Apple eMac

    Apple released the eMac aimed at the education market
  • Apple

    Apple released the LCD iMac 17° , 20 GB iPod , iTunes 3 and MacOS X 10.2 ( which it charged $129 for)
  • Apple G4

    Apple releases a new revision of the G4, now shipping with two CPUs in all configuratons
  • Apple 20° Cinema Display

    Apple releases the 20° Cinema Display
  • Microsoft Windows Server

    Microsoft launches Windows Server 2003
  • Apple new iPods and iTunes 4

    Apple launches new iPods and iTunes 4 which includes an online music store with 200,000 songs for $0.99 each
  • Microsoft Windows Mobile

    Microsoft announces Windows Mobile; their updated mobile PC and smarthphones OS
  • Apple iTunes

    Apple announces it has sold over 10 million songs on iTunes
  • Apple iTunes 4.1

    Apple releases iTunes 4.1 with compatibility for Windows PCs
  • Apple iMac and MacOSX 10.3

    Apple introduces a 20° flat- panel iMac and releases MacOS X 10.3 updates for its professional software, such as Final Cut Pro
  • Apple Garageband

    Apple released Garageband and celebrates its 20 year anniversary of the Macintosh
  • Apple and iTunes

    Apple announces over 100 million songs downloaded making iTunes the most succesful legal only music ownload sevice on the market
  • Apple OSX Tiger

    Apple releases OSX tiger (MacOS X 10.4)
  • Microsoft Xbox 360

    Microsoft launches Xbox 360
  • Apple MacBook Pro

    Apple releases the MacBook Pro
  • Microsoft Zune

    Microsoft launches Zune, their attempt at a portable music device
  • Apple iPhone

    Apple introduces the world to the iPhone
  • Microsoft windows Vista

    Microsoft launches Windows Vista
  • Apple OSX Leopard

    Apple releases OSX Leopard (MacOS X 10.5)
  • Apple OSX Snow Leopard

    Apple releases OSX Snow Leopard (MacOS X 10.6)
  • Microsoft Windows 7

    Microsoft launches Windows 7
  • Apple iPad

    Apple announces the iPad
  • Apple Windows Phone 7

    Microsoft launches the Windows Phone 7
  • Apple iPhone 4

    Apple announces the iPhone 4
  • Apple iPad 2

    Apple announces the iPad 2
  • Apple OSX Lion and iCloud

    Apple announces OSX Lion, iOS5 and iCloud, Apples first major push into cloud computing.
  • Steve Jobs died