Apollo 1
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Tragedy Occured as the first Apollo launch ended up in flames, taking the life of its crew. -
Apollo 7
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The first successful Apollo Mission. It was a test flight to evaluate functionality of the missions -
Apollo 9
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The main objective of this mission was an Earth orbit as well as a CSM and LM randevous. -
Apollo 10
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This flight emcompassed everything of a lunar expedition other than the actual landing on the Moon. -
Apollo 11
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The first ever space mission in the world to have acheived a manned landing on the surface of the Moon -
Landing on the Moon
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"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." - Neil Armstrong The first ever human beings landed on the Moon on this faithful day. -
Apollo 12
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Continued lunar-surface expeditions occured in this mission as well as the deployment of ALSEP equipment which begin recording seismic activity on the moon after the mission. -
Apollo 13
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What was suppose to be the thrid lunar landing trip ended up just a lunar orbit due to issues with the engines. -
Apollo 17
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The last of the Apollo missions and the final lunar landing. Expedition of the Taurus-Littrow highlands.