• Apex Legends pre-launch

    Apex Legends pre-launch
    days before of the Apex Legends launch, The Devs of the game performed a private event to show content creators a beta of the game
  • Apex Legends Launch

    Apex Legends Launch
    on february, 4, 2019, without prior notice, Respawn Entertainment launched Apex Legends as a spin off of Titanfall saga, reaching 50 million downloads in 24 days
  • Apex Legends Season 1:Wild Frontier

    Apex Legends Season 1:Wild Frontier
    On March 19, 2019 was launched the Season 1 of Apex Legends, wich brought a new legend: Octane
  • Apex Legends Season 2: Battle Charge

    Apex Legends Season 2: Battle Charge
    On july 2, 2019 was launched the Season 2 of Apex Legends, wich brought a new legend: Wattson, With, probably, the best trailer in the apex legends history
  • Apex Legends Season 3. Meltdown

    Apex Legends Season 3. Meltdown
    On October 1, 2019 was launched the Season 3 of Apex Legends, wich brought a new legend: Crypto, New wapon called Charge rifle and a new Map, Called: World´s Edge
  • Apex Legends Win the "Game Awards"

    During the "Game awards" 2019, Apex Legends Wons the Best Multiplayer Game Award presnted by Ninja, a Fortnite Player
  • Apex Legends Season 4: Assimilation

    Apex Legends Season 4: Assimilation
    On february 4, 2020 was launched the Season 4 of Apex Legends, wich brought a new legend: Revenant, and a new weapon, called: Centinel, With one of the best trailers in the game
  • Apex Legends Season 5: Fortune´s Favor

    Apex Legends Season 5: Fortune´s Favor
    on May 12, 2020 was launched the Season 5 of Apex Legends, wich brought a new legend: Loba
  • Apex Legends Season 6: Boosted

    Apex Legends Season 6: Boosted
    On august 18, 2020 was launched the Season 6 of Apex Legends, wich brought a new legend: Rampart and a new weapon, called: Volt
  • Apex Legends Season 7: Ascension

    Apex Legends Season 7: Ascension
    On November 4, 2020 was launched the Season 7 of Apex Legends, wich brought a new, and, personally my favorite legend: Horizon, A new movement option: vehicles and a new map, called: Olympus
  • Apex legends Season 8: Mayhem

    Apex legends Season 8: Mayhem
    On february 2, 2020 was launched the Season 8 of Apex Legends, wich brought a new legend: Fuse and a New weapon: 30-30 repeater
  • Damage World Record

    approximately between february 15 and february 20 , the content creator and professional gamer iiTztimmy get the damage world record in apex legends, which got a certain opinions cause the record was in a limited game mode
  • Apex Legends Season 9. Legacy

    Apex Legends Season 9. Legacy
    On May 4, 2021 was launched the Season 9 of Apex Legends, wich brought a new legend:Valkyrie, A new Game Mode: Arenas; Deathmatch 3v3 where you can buy and upgrade your weapons with a easy buy sistem, and a new weapon: Bocek Bow
  • Apex Legends Season 10: Emergency

    Apex Legends Season 10: Emergency
    On august 3 2021, was launched the Season 10 of Apex Legends, wich brought a new legend: Seer, changes in World´s Edge, And a new weapon, Called: Rampage
    This season is remembered probably like the worst season in apex legends, referring us about the servers and the the crashes in the matches
  • Apex Legends Season 11: Escape

    Apex Legends Season 11: Escape
    Right now, this is the last season they have launched this year
    This last season contain A new legend: Ash, A new map and the biggest map in the game, and a new weapon, called: SMG Car