8000 BCE
Agricultural Revolution
When humans switched to farming instead of hunting and gathering -
Industrial Revolution
Machines were built to do work instead of doing things by hand -
John Muir's Birth
John Muir also known as "John of the Mountains", was a Scottish-American naturalist, author, environmental philosopher and early advocate of preservation of wilderness in the United States. -
"Walden" by Henry David Thoreau
Walden is a book by noted transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau. The text is a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings. -
Homestead Act
Signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln on May 20, 1862, the Homestead Act encouraged Western migration by providing settlers 160 acres of public land. In exchange, homesteaders paid a small filing fee and were required to complete five years of continuous residence before receiving ownership of the land. -
Yellowstone National Park Founded
American Forestry Association Founded
American Forests is a non-profit conservation organization dedicated to protecting and restoring healthy forest ecosystems. -
Yosemite and Sequoia National Park Founded
General Revision Act
It was a Federal legislation initiative signed under the Presidential Administration of Benjamin Harrison. -
Sierra Club Founded
The Sierra Club is an environmental organization in the United States. It was founded on May 28, 1892, in San Francisco, California, by the Scottish-American preservationist John Muir -
Lacey Act
United States law that bans trafficking in illegal wildlife. -
Golden Age of Conservation Begins
Theodore Roosevelt -
First National Wildlife Refuge Established
U.S. Forest Service founded
The United States Forest Service is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture that administers the nation's 154 national forests and 20 national grasslands, which encompass 193 million acres. -
Gifford Pinchot's birth
Pinchot is known for reforming the management and development of forests in the United States and for advocating the conservation of the nation's reserves by planned use and renewal. -
Aldo Leopold's birth
Wrote "A Sand County Almanac" -
The Audubon Society formed
a group whose mission was to protect the environment with a focus on birds -
The Antiques Act
Gives the president power to protect land, particularly in the west. -
Congress stopped Roosevelt from waving anymore forest land
Golden Age of Conservation Ends
U.S. National Park Service founded
Dust Bowl
Soil Conservation Service founded
Focused on agricultural and worked to help farmers, began after Dust Bowl devastation -
Taylor Grazing Act
Made to stop destruction of grazing lands and help livestock -
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
Allowed people to hunt birds -
Fish and Wildlife Service founded
Protected wildlife and seafaring animals -
"Silent Spring" -Rachel Carson
Persuading the public to take action in conservation -
Wilderness Act
Defined what qualified as wilderness -
Garret Harden
Introduced "Tragedy of The Commons" -
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
Suggested that people take care of waterways from urbanization -
Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, OH caught fire
First Earth Day
Environmental Protection Agency founded