Apartheid Timeline

  • Period: to

    Apartheid Laws Implemented between 1913 and 1964

  • Black Land Act No 27

    Black Land Act No 27
    It kept blacks from owning and renting land that didn't consist of their designated reserves. It was started on June 19, 1913. It wasn't repealed until 1991 by the Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act No 108.
  • Black Native Administration Act No 38

    Black Native Administration Act No 38
    It allowed the minister to force any black community from their homes to any reserve in South Africa. It was extended to all racial groups in South Africa. It also outlawed provoking race conflict between whites and other coloured groups but only punished the coloured. It was integral in the many forced removals of coloured populations onto reserves.
  • Immorality Act No. 5

    Immorality Act No. 5
    It outlawed extra-marital intercourse between whites and blacks. It was extended in 1950 to include coloured people and Asians. It was one of the preliminary steps in furthering segregation between the coloured and white populations of South Africa. Petty type of segregation that funneled into more serious forms.
  • Riotous Assemblies Act No 19

    Riotous Assemblies Act No 19
    It allowed the government to destroy and conceal document information that they felt would create conflict in the relations between the European population of South Africa and the other racial groups. It gave the government power to censor the opinions of protesters of apartheid legislature and continue their oppression.
  • Representation of Blacks Act No 12

    Representation of Blacks Act No 12
    Removed black voters in the Cape from the normal legislative roll and put them on a separate roll where they were represented by four white senators in government. It gave the government control to the European South African population and made it basically impossible for blacks to seek change through the government process.
  • Development Trust and Land Act No 18

    Development Trust and Land Act No 18
    Expanded the number of reserves to a new total of 13, which still only comprised of 6 per cent of the land in South Africa. Authorized the Department of Bantu Administration and Development to seize black owned land that existed around white-owned land to get rid of "black spots". The South African Development Trust was also founded and could still acquire land in each of the provinces that were supposed to be reserved for black settlement.
  • Population Registration Act No 30

    Population Registration Act No 30
    It made it necessary by law for people to be registered at birth with a distinction in which racial group they belonged to. There were 4 racial categories in consideration: Coloured, Asians, Blacks, and Whites. It made it easier for systematic racism and oppression to occur in South Africa
  • Black Education Act No 47

    Black Education Act No 47
    It formalized the segregation of black education. It also created structure for Bantu Education. Resources weren't excessively used to promote the intellectual growth of blacks in South Africa; they only needed to know how to serve whites as far as the whites were concerned.
  • Group Areas Act No 77

    Group Areas Act No 77
    It furthered the provisions of laws relating to the establishment of group areas. It was a proponent in furthering segregation between the populations but still giving the power to the government to acquire the properties if they felt it necessary.
  • Unlawful Organisations Act No 34

    Unlawful Organisations Act No 34
    It allowed the government to outlaw any organizations that they felt were detrimental to the safety of the public or the public order in general. It was used to shut down pro-black movements and organizations such as Steve Biko's Black Consciousness BCP organizations. The ANC and the PAC were also declared unlawful immediately.