1913 Black Land Act No 27
This act limited Black South Africans from owning any land except 7%... This was the first drastic law that physically separated blacks and whites. -
1923 Native Urban Areas Act
This act divided South Africa into Urban and non-urban areas, and made "local authorities" in charge of local black areas. This act further promotes segregation, while leaving the power to whites to control the segregation. -
1949 Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act No 55
This act prohibits any romantic or sexual interactions between whites and blacks. Although cases like this were rare, this socially discourages interactions between the two races. -
Population Registration Act 1950
This act classified South Africans into four racial categories- white people, colored, Bantu. This act by law defined the different races in legal terms, and then the following acts then applied to legally separated groups -
1950 Group Areas Act 30
South Africa was divided into areas designated for the specific racial groups. This act resulted in major physical segregating- black South Africans were re-moved from their original homes... -
Native Act of 1952 (Pass Laws Act)
This act required all black South Africans to carry passes with them upon entering white areas and limited them to being able to stay in white areas for only 72 hours. This act further limited interactions between whites and blacks. -
1953 Separate Amenities Act 33
This act segregated amenities, such as forms of entertainment, between whites and other races. The facilities were all of unequal quality, white usually receiving the best amenities. -
1953 Bantu Education Act
This act systematically undermined the education of black South Africans by making them learn skills that only led to inferior jobs. This later led to massive unemployment of blacks. -
1954 Blacks Resettlement Act
This act established a special board that would remove black townships (such as Sophiatown) -
1959 Representation between Republic of South Africa and Self-Governing Territories Act
This act undermined parliamentary representation of blacks by declaring that the reserves of black South Africans could become independent self-governments.