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Apartheid: Control of the South

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    Bantu Arival

    Bantu Arival
    As the Bantu settled in different parts of the territory, people gradually developed distinct languages and cultures. This created new ethnic groups
  • Dutch Arival

    Dutch Arival
    The Dutch were the first Europeans to settle in South Africa. After arriving many ethnic groups began to disappear.
  • British Capture

    British Capture
    The British released troops into Cape town. After 6 weeks of fighting they were captured.
  • Indian Arival

    Indian Arival
    After the abolishin of slavery in South Africa Indians arrived in South Africa due to trying to find cheap labor.
  • Diamond Discovery

    Diamond Discovery
    The discovery of diamonds was a huge turning point in South Africa. Improving world diamond production.
  • Scramble for Africa

    Scramble for Africa
    Africa was split between European colonies. This led to the British pushing farther into South Africa.
  • John Tengo Jabavu

    John Tengo Jabavu
    He was a early law opposer and due to his influence the ANC was formed. He promoted his ideas through his newspaper company.
  • Second Boer War

    Second Boer War
    A bloody conflict gave British complete control of both Transvaal and the Orange Free State.
  • Population sky rocket

    Population sky rocket
    So many Indians flooded into South Africa they out number the white people. Changing everything economically.
  • ANC

    This was the most successful protest association against apartheid.
  • Afrikaner Efforts to Replace Dutch with Afrikaans as an Official Language

    Afrikaner Efforts to Replace Dutch with Afrikaans as an Official Language
    Africans replaced dutch language with Afrikaans to strengthen Afrikaner Nationalism. Making Afrikaans an official language.
  • Segregation Laws

    Segregation Laws
    Segregation was reestablished in the Representation of Natives Act, the Native Trust and Land Act, and the Native Laws Amendment Act, in 1936 and 1937.
  • Reenactment of the Great Trek in 1938

    Reenactment of the Great Trek in 1938
    A reenactment of the Great Trek. This was on the 100th anniversary since the Afrikaner victory over the Zulu in the Battle of Blood River.
  • The Rise of the Herenigd National Party and the Afrikaner Broederbond's

    The Rise of the Herenigd National Party and the Afrikaner Broederbond's
    The Herenigde National Party and the Afrikaner Party strengthened South Africa’s discriminatory laws, starting the apartheid system to segregate the whites from other races. And grant whites all the power.
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    All of these events have played a role in impacting the society we know today in South Africa. Like the discovery of diamonds contributing to their wealth. As well as putting them in the world trade pipeline. Or the construction of the ANC. Without this group South Africa would most likely still be struggling with segregation. All of the events played major roles in establishing South Africa.