Apanet was created in 1969. It was the first form of internet created. It was used mostly in colleges as well -
Bob Metcalife at Xerox park invented the ethernet. Metcalife and two others built the first Ethernet prototype at 2.94 mbps -
Domain system
The Domain name System establishes the system for naming websites like .com .org .net .edu etc that replaced the numbers. It was much simplier to use and replaced the numbers 123.456.789.10. -
World Wide Web
it is a world wide system that establishes documents to be connected with other documents by hipertext links. it was invented by Lee in 1989 it is usefull for establishing documents. -
When Amazon first launced it was used to only sell books. Amazon today sells millions of stuff like electronics clothing books etc. Amazon will soon in the future will deliver goods on drones -
Yahoo was found by David Filo and Jerry Jang. Marrisa Mayer a google ececutive serves as CEO and president of the company of Yahoo. -
Google was founded or created in Menlo Park California. Google was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Ben. Google is a big search engine today that has replaced old search engines from the past. -
Mozilla 1.0 was the first version of firefox to be released in 2002. In 2004 it was a success it was downloaded over more than 100 million times under a year period. -
Mark zuckerberg created facebook in 2004. Six years later this site has become one of the biggest websites in the world. Facebook is regularly visited by approximetely 400 million people a month. -
It was invented by three paypal emloyes in 2005. Youtube was invented in San Mateo California