AP world history timeline

  • early evolution of homo sapiens

    200,000 bce
  • era of australopithecus

    4 million years ago
  • era of homo erectus

    2.5 million years ago
  • appearance of agricultural villages

    8000 bce
  • appearance of cities

    4000 bce
  • reign of sargon of akkad

  • reign of hammurabi

  • era of sumerian dominance in mesopotamia

    3200 bce
  • era of indo european migrations

    3000 bce
  • assyrian empire

    1000 bce
  • assyrian conquest israel

    722 bce
  • reign of nebuchadnezzar

    605-562 bce
  • new babylonian empire

    600-550 bce
  • eguptian new kingdom 1550 bce

  • unification of egypt 3100 bce

  • archaic period 3100 bce

  • eguptian old kingdom 2660 bce

  • hyksos take over egupt 2660 bce

  • reign of pharaoh tuthmdsis III 1479 bce

  • beginnings of bantu migrations 2000 bce

  • invention of iron metalluray in africa 900 bce

  • begining of agriculture in asia 7000 bce

  • harapppan society 2500 bce

  • harappen decline 1900 bce

  • formation of regional kingdoms in northern india 1000 bce

  • beinginning of aryan migration 1500 bce

  • yangshao society 5000 bce

  • xia dynasty 2200 bce

  • shang dunasty 1766 bce

  • zhou dynasty 1122 bce

  • period of warring states 403 bce

  • chavin cult 1000 bce

  • maya society 100 bce

  • human migration to australia 60000 bce

  • teotinuancan society 200 bce

  • human migration to north america from siberia 13000 bce

  • agriculture in mesoamerica 7500bce

  • agriculture in south america 3000 bce

  • olmec socitety 1200 bce

  • austronesianmigrations to new guinea 3000 bce

  • zarathustra

  • achaemid dynasty 558 bce

  • invasion and conquest of th achaemid empire by alex the great 334 bce

  • seleucid dynasty 323 bce

  • parthian dynasty 247 bce

  • sasanid dynasty 224 bce

  • confuius 551 bce

  • han feizi 280-233 bce

  • qin dynasty 221 bce

  • old han dynasty 206 bce

  • later han dynasty 25 ce

  • mauryan dunasty 321 bce

  • ashoka maurya 268-232 bce

  • gupta dynasty 320 ce

  • siddhartha gautma 563-483 bce

  • invasion of alexander the great 327 bce

  • greek polis 800 bce

  • persian wars 500-479 bce

  • darus invasion of greece 490bce

  • pericles leader in athens 443bce

  • reign of alexander th great 336bce

  • foundin of rome 753bce

  • establishment of the roman republic

  • roman expansion 509 bce

  • cival war in rome 100bce

  • rule of julus caesar as dictator

  • jewish war 60 ce

  • introduction of buddhism to china 100 bce

  • yellow turbur rebellion 70ce