Ap world 1900 to present

  • Period: to

    WORLD HISTORY 1900 to present

  • Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
    This as the clamorus event of the murder of the throne of Austro-Hungaria and his wife. This was a political motive for the break-off of Austria-Hungary south-Slav provinces in order to become part of Yugoslavia. The motive was consistent and succeeded
  • U Boat campaign Ended November 11 1918

    U Boat campaign Ended November 11 1918
    This was caused by German U-boats causing tension with trade of the Entente. The British and Germans blockaded each other but the Germans couln't withstand the tactic due to lack of supplies and multiple opponents.
  • Twenty-one demands of Japan on China

    This was a set of dmenads ranging from control of land to acquisition of economical sources. The demands was inssued by Prime minister Okuma Shigendou and the document resulted in the creation of a couple of treaties.
  • Gallipoli Campaign Ended January 9,1916

    Gallipoli Campaign Ended January 9,1916
    This was an operation for British and French forces to capture the Ottoman capital, Istanbul in order to have a naval route to Russia. The operation failed and caused damgages on both sides. However it has been regarded as a victory for the Ottomans
  • Civil War in Russia Ended October 22

    The war imposed as the struggle and fight between the Bolshevik Red Army and the White Army. The Red Army wond and this would predominantly show the future extreme socialist future of Russia.
  • Bolshevik Revolution or October Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution or October Revolution
    This was a political revolution and coexisting event associated with the Bolsheviks. The past goverment of Rusia was overthrown and in short-time the nation was dominated by Bolsheviks. Influenced Petrograd Soviets took over instiutions and anything in their path
  • Treaty of Brest Litovsk

    Peace treaty between Russia and Central powers to signal the end of World War 1. this treaty was mostly in ties with Russia providing more focus for the Russian revolution and defense against Bolsheviks.
  • League of Nations Ended April 20 1946

    First meeting was six days after the Treaty of Versilles. This was to reinforce the treaty. Russia didn't partake in the council because of its radical govermental chagnes.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    The confernece enacted on post-world-war issues revolving around African colonial empires, war guilt, and financial penalites. All these issues would impose on the draft of the Treaty of Versailles
  • Mussolini and Fascist Movement

    Mussolini spurred Fascism as a result of the failure of socialism. Fascism spread quickly and imposed certian tenets; opposition of discrimination of social classes; nationalism; social interventionism; and works of Plato reather than Soccretes(which had a higher influence on democracy)
  • Lenin's Economic Policy

    Lenin's Economic Policy
    This was a new economic system proposed by Lenin called state capitalism. This allowed some international interaction, activity of the middle-class and business owners-and goverments in control of economic public instituions. It's regardes as a controlled capitalist system
  • First Soviet Frive Year Plan

    This was a policy enstated to focus economic activity on military and industry in hopes of increasing the empire. In this plan collective farming was encouraged and the land was damaged until it recovered during the second world war. The plan proved to be a success and resulted in a second five eyar plan
  • U.S. Stock Market Crash

    U.S. Stock Market Crash
    Devastating economic and political disparage. The event siganled and resulted the ten year Great Depression.
  • Civil disobedience movment in India

    The active refusal to obey laws and dmeands from higher powers.In India is was regarded as respectfull disagreement but the message was clearly heard and resulted in imprisoment of figures like Gandhi
  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria

    Japanese invasion of Manchuria
    Japan invaded Manchuria resulting the Mukden Incident. The Japanese somewhat-controlled the state, and the occupation lasted through World War 2.
  • Hitler is ruler in ?Germany

    Hitler is ruler in ?Germany
    Hitler became chacellor of Germany resulting in totalitarian control, administration, and goverment. This caused the centralization, and unity of Germany to enter the motive of war.
  • Sandino is murdered inNicaragua

    Sandino is murdered inNicaragua
    This was the murder by the National Guard and family members. Sandino's regime was regarded as oppostition to American occupation of Cuba deomnstrated by Guerillas.
  • Long March End October 1935

    This was a retreat of the Red Army of the Chinese Communists. This was a long trek to the main city of china in order to spark a revolution led by Mao Zedong.
  • Great Purge

    Great Purge
    The great purge is a period of political repression and persecution enacted by Joseph Stalin. Intense surveillance, security, and consequences like the Gulags were enacted.
  • Invasion of China by Japan

    Military conflict fough between Chinese Republic and the Japanese empire. The war ended after the end of World War two acitivty with Japan
  • Anschluss

    This was the cocupation and annexation of Austria into Germany. This caused the unifcation of the Axis, espeically Austrian Naitnonal Socialism joining German Naitonal Socialism.
  • Mexican oil expropriation

    Mexican oil expropriation
    Presiden Cardenas made oil exporpriation by the state. This cut off imperist relation with the U.S. and was supported by many citizens reangling from females to workers.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Beginning of World war two. Ther German forces were extremely determined in claiming the land that was through to be rightfully there's. The event ended in the divison of Poland.
  • Soviet Victory at Stalingrad Ended February 2 1943

    Soviet Victory at Stalingrad Ended February 2 1943
    This was a major World War 2 battle of Nazi Germany and Russia. The battle was lost by Germans due to lack of resources and harsh conditions.
  • D-Day

    D-day is regarded as the day of the Normandy invasion on the eastern front of France. The invasion was done through airbourne and infantry tactics.
  • Capture of Berlin by Soviet Forces

    The Battle of Berlin started April twenstieth and ended May 2. Before the battle ended Hitler commited suicided and the German defnders surrendered May 9.
  • Establishment of United Nations

    Establishment of United Nations
    This is an internations organization dedicated to preserving international security. It's a sole institution for preventing wars and provide a venue for national commentary. As of now it still stands as a functional and affective organization
  • Atomic Bombing

    Atomic Bombing
    This occrued as one of the final stages of World War two conucting an offensive tactic to cripple the Japanese. The boming was predecessed with an ultimatim from the U.S., but regardless the moral outlook of the move is questionable.
  • Partiton of India August 14 and 15

    Partiton of India August 14 and 15
    This was the divison of India based on religious affilaitations. This caused the creation of multiple states such as the union of India and the Dominion of Pakstan.
  • Apartheid in South Africa; consisted of peridos lasting up to today

    Apartheid in South Africa; consisted of peridos lasting up to today
    This was a form of racial segregation by the South African goverments. Rights of the non-whites were in power and Afrkaner were undermined.
  • Creation of Israel

    Creation of Israel
    The establishment started with the declaration of Davin Ben-Gurion as leader. The notice of the new state began with awcknowledgement ofrom the U.S. and Soviet Union. This event affiliated the U.S. with the sanctity and security of Israel.
  • Arab-Israeli War Ended March10, 1949

    Arab-Israeli War Ended March10, 1949
    This was fought between Arabs and Palestinian forces seeking right over land. This referred to as the political tension and hostilities between Jewish and Muslim community. The war ended March 10, 1949
  • Division of Berlin and Germany; Ended May 12, 1949

    Division of Berlin and Germany; Ended May 12, 1949
    Theis was one of the most imeprative actions of the Soviet Union. The Soviet blockes the Western allies from Berlin. This was an action to allow Berlin to be dependent on the Soviet. This caused the Berline Airlift.
  • Grat Leap Forward

    Grat Leap Forward
    Economic and social campaign of Mao Zedong enstating communism to gover. The plan was to use the population to industrialize and collectivize.
  • NATO

    This was the fromation of an alliance and support system against outside hostiles. It was the subversive capitalists and democracy affliated coutnries alliance. The oraginization still exists today and recenlty established a no-fly zone over Libya. This caused the Warsaw Pact.
  • Korean War Ended July 27, 1953

    Korean War Ended July 27, 1953
    This event is regarded as the struggle between communist and democracy-seeking states of NOrth and South Korea. The South Koreans received aid from the U.N.. and U.S.. This resulted in the signing of the Korean Armistice and the division of Korea.
  • French defeat at Dien Bieh Phu

    French defeat at Dien Bieh Phu
    The end was due to the Geneva Accroders that france agreed to.The French reconized the power of Ho Chi Minh adn they would withdrawal from political decisions. Struggles continued resulting the Vietnam War
  • Algerian war of liberation Ended March 19 1962

    Algerian war of liberation Ended March 19 1962
    Conflict with France and edependence movements. This led to gaining endependenc from France and movement towards decolonization. This was consisted of guerilla and terrorism.
  • Warsaw Pact Ended July 1 1991

    Warsaw Pact Ended July 1 1991
    Mutual defense treat between communist countries during the cold war. this was the panoramic reflective reaction of the establishment of the NATO.
  • Hungarian Revolution Ended November 10 1956

    The revolt revolved around the Hungarian people growing aware of their government's implications. The uprising is caused by the meaning and hypcrisy being a republic yet imposing Russian inspired policies.
  • Suez Crisis (End November7, 1956)

    Suez Crisis (End November7, 1956)
    This was an international mitary altercating regarding tensions between Eypt and three powers. The main idea was the opposition with communism and the use of natural resources such as a canal.
  • Castro comes to power in Cuba

    Castro comes to power in Cuba
    Castro led the Cuban Revolution before cliaming power. His rule showed communist motives due to his Marxis and Leninist influence. The cold-war pertained to him through the Bay of Pigs and missile crisis
  • Sino-soviet split (Range from 1960-1989)

    Sino-soviet split (Range from 1960-1989)
    This was the plitical and ideological tension between the People's repbulic of China and USSR. This defined the major barrier between the Marxism and Maosim thought. This defined the newfound national interests of China
  • Construction of Berlin Wall

    Construction of Berlin Wall
    The structure was a formula for cutting off West Berline from East Germany and Berlin. The barrier included security that would result to brutality fi crossed. The ideas is to preserve the empire with a unadvanced wasy.
  • Creation of PLO

    Creation of PLO
    The organization was created as a representative of the Palestinians. However for quite some time it has been regarded as a terrorist organization against Israel until it was marked as a representation in 1993.
  • Revolution of Iran Ended February 1979

    This is the overthrow of the Iranian monarch and the establishment and replacement of the Islamic republic. The Islam republic led the rvolution. The revolution startes as civil resistance escalating to guerillas until the national referendum.
  • Reunification of Germany (Process through 1990)

    This was the act of German Republics joined together and Berlin bedame a city. The plane is enstated as the German unity and celebrated as a holiday on October 3
  • Perisan Gulf War Ended February 29 1991

    This was a war fought by coalition forces led by the U.S. in order to invade Iraq and annex Kuwait. The war has gained many names but the most up to date is the 2003 Iraq War.
  • Dissolution of the USSR

    Soviet coutnries suffered from decentralization and demcoratic influence and fell out of the hands of communism. The Soviet Union collapsed and from sountries Armenia and etc.
  • Transfer of Hong Kong to China

    This was the handover of Hong Kong from Brtish territory to China. This is caused by the political motive to a capitalist economy from communism, which proved the sovreignty of china to Britain. This was probably influenced by the recent typohoon in Hong Knong raising awareness of reconstruction